Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, April 30, 2007

hot 'n' not

There are some cuties at work, but ...
I'm half a generation away ... 10 or so years

Oh, well ... ocean front property or at least near a lovely park, where you can look and see flowers, though they aren't really yours and never will be.

Hope lies in wait

A guy at work is in training but is disappointed. "Patience. Perhaps for Jedi master, it is dinner too." I cannot teach him, he has no patience.

He, another guy at work, and myself were doing slimy work today and he confessed to me that he detested work's lack of training him. The "other guy" noted that he got about 30 mintues total training since he's been there.

So ... why am I special?

I have received training, but, ya know ... manuals are nice. I'm making one more for me, but it would serve others.

Man in Black

I wear black at work and came home, after some cleaning with toxic chemicals without fingerprints. I'll favor being Agent P (Pain-in-the-ass).

I no longer exist as who I was, right?


"You got to change your evil ways ... baby."

I believe that one fellow m persuant will falter and be out, for ... that person is, well, moody (bad attribute according to the DM) and not well appreciated by many. I hope that person stays the course, but there is always the chance it will not pan out.

As for me, I hope to find something else and bow out. It's not bad, but there are enough things with it that I don't like that I can see them chaning or getting better -- even if I had my own store. The people making some decisions aren't in a position to know. Well, we've always done it that way, seems to be a periodic mantra.


Well, it's almost been 3 months now and I'm waxing nostalgicly on the days of hours of job-posting reading. The trials of working there and just dealing with it are taking a bit of a toll.

I will begin again with more dedicated working, with the exception of being bugged with projects not of my own making that will interfere. Anyway ... I've put a dent in debt and now have to find something else ... not favoring to drop this old hat without a new one.

Seventh job of a seventh job ...

"of all ..."

"Of all the new people, you're one of two I like", said the guy with the best outlook and jovial personality there. If there's a happy guy singing or playing or having fun -- he's that guy. I guess it's nice to be someone other than the cynical tyrannical monster.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

fixed itself?

I thought that the situation was bad or not-what-I-wanted, but the other party hasn't called, ergo ... nothing has changed. That is completely great news -- for I didn't want a change.

tandem cheeks

On my way to work, I saw three girls (really, teens) walking and they moved their hips in unison left then right, etc. What's funny about this is that other people with more cheeks, can do this themselves.

The crew, where I am, has the Spring fever of "cat scratch fever" or "Seven Year Itch" or something of that nature. Many are prowling. I'm not in the game. I was, however, complimented on my good appearance, me being an old guy and all.

I have a large gash on my neck that will heal soon, so I'm off kilter.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


of the devil? That's right, that's my schedule.

T: off
W: 11 - 5
R: 5 am - 4 pm
F: 5 - Close
S: 4 - 10
N: 12 - 8
M: 9am - 5

Thursday, April 26, 2007

wrong juice

I picked up some juice today and felt the need to objectify woman and give out some beat-downs and smackin' up sum hoes. I was gettin' my money and saw wat I be drinkin'

Wat dat?! Ah, no, man! Dat ain' me!

Tip -- don't drink this juice, Pimp Juice.

Chewy leaves me signs

She loves you, ya ya ya ...

and you know that can't be bad

not firm, but likely landing site

I spoke with the DM (not Dungeon Master, BTW) yesterday, and he knows of no plan to relocate me anytime soon. So, I can get a place closer there. I looked into my town of employment, but skip that! The prices are way out of line. I found a place where I might be able to bike to work, but it is a highway, busy road, no sidewalks.

I'm going to land in Columbia City, I think. After internet searching, I'll likely be here. I don't plan on moving until June, but like to plan ahead, given the chance.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Afternoon/evening at work

It got busy, we got our noses bloodied. Ouch ... Glad that I left.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If anyone has furniture they don't want ...

I'm not moving yet, but I'm thinking in about a couple of months I will. So, if anyone has furniture ... letme know, eh?

Location, location, location?

This place here is where I might jump to be, it's bike-distance to work, but there are drawbacks.

Decisions to make. Who knows?

lovely, but ...

A woman at work is lovely, attractive, young, but not "innocent". She could be Cinderella, but her smoker's voice comes out like Ursella from Little Mermaid. She's undoubtedly nice, practical, but she could do well to not smoke. Smoking, as I have mentioned about work, is a downturn. I would guess about half the employees smoke. That's just plain gross. In FW, my present hometown, smoking is soon-to-be verboten in public buildings.

"It will be a day long remembered." 'It has seen the end of smoking, and shall soon see the end of the lawsuits.'+

+ quoted and paraphased from "Star Wars: New Hope"

Recoverable error

I made a situation worse, but the "situation" isn't beyond recovery. What was an odd situation, I made more complex, or rather I let it become more complex. A relationship that had bounds had those bounds ... set back a few paces or feet. Anyway -- not terrible, but the bounds where they were, were fine. Now ... the referree is reviewing the play and measuring the location of the ball.

I'll type again when the whistle "tweet"s and I can call where the ball lies.

entertaining nomenclature

talented: stupid
bitch/jerk: smart
stupid: stupid
bold: stupid, endangers others or self
bright: dim-wit, with drug-activated intellidence
new: untainted, yet
innovative: untalented, but required to promote
rising star: minute 11 of 15 minutes of fame
crtiics love: avoid like spoiled fruit
scientologist: at level of branch davidians or Hale-Bop
civicly involved: shops locally
humanitarian: serving community service for E-felon or misdemeanor
beautiful: after sixteen hours of prep-work by un-named make-up artists, person resembles photoshopped person
real: completely fake
troubled: would sell liver for another hit, but still would favor Gucci over starvation

new CD cover (one-sheet wonder)

Crow -- revealed

Thankfully, the CD may be used as as toilet tissue as well, marking the quality of the muscian, or I mean to be environmentally friendly.

I hope this spells nearly the end of idol worship of entertainers. Alec Baldwin, Gibson, Imus, Crow ... how many people have to be stupid for you to see they are stupid? Entertainers, much like mice, interesting to watch, play with maybe, but you have to feed them. Ignore them and they die.

Spears, Hilton ... come on man, divorce isn't suprising nor is their sheer drama-queen-esque performances.

Entertainers ... enjoy what they do, not the people themselves.

Wacked out

My mom is on a, well, truckload of medicines. Her reactions to them are a mixed bag -- Sybil, in other words. She doesn't have personality changes, per se, but rather like "White Rabbit", "this one makes you makes you smaller, another makes you tall and the new one, doctor gave you doesn't do anything at all (that you know)."

Skip that right out!

If I have to live on a plate of medicines when I'm old, I might reconsider the whole thing.

SC pulls a CA

California juries might look about as stupid as South Carolina juries now with the acquittal of a previously-convicted rapist, who was tried with kidnapping and rape of two teens. The counter was that the teens stole marijuanna from a bunker under a tool shed in the man's make-shift garden.

Huh. Is that fertilizer I smell, well, something like it. That is some manure.

B. C.

Cartoonist Johnny Hart, draws attention now, instead of cartoons. His death marks the end of a long life of cartooning with symbolic tributes to Christianity, sports, and novel characters such as Fatso who continually smashed a snake and the wheel riding clan who used semi-advanced devices in pre-history.

Note: a great comic artist has passed away, we are saddened by his leaving
Picture a bottle floating out to sea, later returning with a note:
Good news, he's drawing now in Heaven.

Thanks Johnny!

Man, out-of-the-know

Kucinich wants to impeach the Vice President? He lied about being in good health maybe? Kucinich is running for President, go figure. Okay, my votes doesn't go that way then.

"Then you've decided.
Not in the least!"+

+ Princess Bride

Monday, April 23, 2007

Dumb shi-

Sheryl Crow is in a race to see who can be disgraced more, between many contestants. I think her recent move has place her in a great lead.

Sheryl, Earth Day concept, announced that people should use only one square of toilet tissue when using the can.
Thanks Dumbshi* for leading the race.

"You are, without a doubt the leading ***hole in the state government!"+

"Oh, I ... just wanna soak up the poo; wanna tell everyone to just use one square, too."

+ Blazing Saddles

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Kentucky, as backward as they wannabe

Kentucky -- be sure to drink your moonshine (like drinking your Ovaltine). Be sure you got yer gun loaded, ma! Kentucky, where time doesn't stand still -- rather, it is an odd parallel universe.

I guess that takes the edge off Indiana, where people link Kentucky and Indiana as the central state hicks. Hoosiers might not have produced the best Vice Presidents, but most of the state isn't Kentuckiana.

gap-toothed and slobbery

There was a jail break, courtesy of smart po-leese work. Man has fax sent in to police demanding his release. Read here to find out why it is newsworthy.

Police who aren't literate enough to find the grammatical errors in the fax, lacking letterhead and signature, to mention the least of the situation.

Barney Fife must have made captain there.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

funny enough that I'll post it

Squirrel farts and saves the day!

another schedule

T: 0ff
W: 9am - 8pm
R: 2 - 10
F: 5pm - 1:30
S: 4 - 10
N: 12-8
M: 11-5

casual walk through town at night

I drove through the town where I work -- very late, as I was at work very late. Walking casually through a parking lot was a deer, lookng for nothing in particular. It was an odd sight, like an escaped animal or the like, since the nearest "forest" dwelling was some bit away. I wonder if it ever found home.

Later on the highway, there were less-fortunate critters, including two deer. What oddness, one was lost, two lost their lives. Hmmm.

Friday, April 20, 2007

soap with infusion

Now you can get caffeine or crack in soap. Perhaps when you wash your mouth out with mint soap, you'll be fresher mouthed, not "fresh mouthed". What's next for the absorbable industry ... anabuse soap or alcoholics, methadone soap for addicts, nicotine soap for non-smokers to start and for smokers to quit.

I hate protein, but thanks to protein soap, I can get it without the butchering of animals .. ha ha ha.

I'm movin' up

I got my own --- drumroll ....

shelf for my stuff. I'm really moving up the ladder.


"Are you going to be anal", she asked.

Thankfully she was referring to my management style not 'other' styles or positions.

It was worth a great big belly laugh for me.

Monkeyjack was unwise

"You are unwise to lower your defenses!" +

+ Return of the Jedi

he just won't quit

My car has developed a drinking problem. He won't quit or seek help and claims he's "too old" to go into any intensive therapy, so I think he'll wind up dying with his drinking problem, perhaps because of it.

I bought several quarts weeks ago and periodically enable my car's drinking addiction. I feel only a little bad about it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rumble seats

We were hoppin' for a while tonight -- busy ... groups came in and ordered up a storm... then, slowness, still I was trying to get a messload done, but still one guy spent a good 25 minutes chatting with people -- good for relations, bad for work completion.

Anyway, I tried to pitch in to desperately help a fellow 'ger who didn't do much to help me, but I thought that I could try it anyway ... you know, just because it's the righ thing to do. I don't expect it to be reciprocated.

The groups got me hopping trying to get them finished and organized and I could not keep up with that and my other duties. Time flew by tonight.

D & D, TV, PBS plus DVR

"Your dialogue is at an end, Dungeon Master". Well, MR used his DVR to get Dungeons & Dragons, the cartoon, and we got a chance to watch them.

Wiff, wiff ... what's that smell -- okay, so they weren't so good as leftovers, still ... interesting to see them again. The borrowed themes from that show are show obvious, I was waiting for the VH-1 or MTV bubbles to pop up with trivia points.

After that, we saw two interesting bits (three really).

We saw an interviewer talking with kids from Virginia Tech. Okay ... so "how did this affect you? Were you scared?"
Okay, turn off the camera, this guy's a putz. It wasn't until yesterday that I found out that only four victims' names were released -- hence, "only the sexy people now" appearance of the collection.

We saw then, two PBS shows, one on Iraq, the second on "Why are we there, supporting the position of legitimate democracy". Well, I prefer the what's going on there now, rather than:
"Here's my take", shove, shove, shove.

There was a guy who had an unswerving position of, "we are right being there" and he got the following, generalized responses:
"We shouldn't have gone", "We should go soon", "We tried, but it didn't turn out", "things aren't as you say". In essence, few to none agreed with him.

He mentioned Afghanistan, and how we must stay there to ensure its survival as an infant democracy. Dude, you were talking about Iraq, stay focused please. His segue was that Afghanistan is important and so is Iraq -- helping the democracy, regardless the cost and thanklessness of the job. He mentioned a few instances of the UN sitting on their arses and thumbs, yet the US made strides.

Well, at the end, there was a recap, essentially -- "the positions stated in this documentary may not reflect the views of this stations and/or its affiliates".

So, there you go ... that was a little better than the news as it gave you the plus side ... the why we were there, and the counterpoints. That's the kind of reporting I prefer.

You don't have to agree with anyone, but at least you are getting a better perspective rather than (my side, and a side of fries), you see you get both sides. Uh, no. Show it all or don't show anything.

Following that was an officer training Iraqi police trying to use nationalism to embolden them to work for Iraq, not factions -- sadly, I think with tribal people, there will always be tribal preference and failings. Even the Japanese and Chinese ended dynasties and family wars between factions long ago. Yet, there in the Middle East, tribes ... WTF, mate?

and I'm glad he did it to himself

In a meeting, one guy was put on trial ... no one came to his defense, so it might be that he will be let go. The guy peeved the GM (by lack of professionalism, attention to job) -- unwise thing to do. I, personally, had no liking for the guy. So, if he were to have metaphorically killed himself at the job -- so be it.


"I dazzled him with my (pause) wits." + I am getting computer projects. Hey, that sounds like a job for Superman, or that guy who likes to deal with computers. Now, a couple of the other people there claim sainthood on computer savviness, but I've expressed doubts on that. I suppose that I was given the assignment for these two reasons:

1. I have completed other assignments given to me in the past
2. I have demonstrated my knowledge of computers and their use(s)

I should have learned by now ... don't make waves, they'll expect them thereafter.

+ 10 Things I Hate About You

Thrice a year

I sleep very soundly ... last night I had three wonderful hours of great sleep. I woke at 3:20 am, but returned to bed anyway. It was enough quality sleep that it alone made me refreshed.


let's see here ... "could have left", "could have fled", but "I didn't".

Pre-meditated, dark, and not insane. His roommate, spared. Let us not hang, "crazy mother ..." here on this guy. He bought guns and ammo to use them. He targeted one/two people first, then dropped off a package to NBC, and went off to a spot where he could effectively wage his rampage on people. Rather than go through a court hearing on "I iz just plain twaizy", he killed himself.

Does that make him crazy ... I don't think so. So, he was depressed ... as are many people.

I don't sleep well. If I were to go on a killing spree due to lack of sleep -- that's no excuse or defense.

Cho, bad man, end of story ... next.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2 nights ago

Salvador Dali met up with Tim Burton and Clive Barker to create odd, sickening horrors in my sub-level sleep ... I could see things, terrible, disjointed, Dali-like arrangements, but they moved ... or I knew that they were alive

graphic, scary, I don't know why I thought of any of it
Last night, to my knowledge, I though of nothing like those things.

Spanish doubloons

I still get the air of, "it's a Rolex"+ from some putz's who drop a fifty or a hundred for a bill. Boy! That sure doesn't impress me. What would impress me is if you like, uh ... spoke English and not grunted (not only the Spanish speakers grunt rather than talk), and someone please just jump on the tab. Hey, you group of ten -- did you ask for separate checks? I got food and drink ... next. I got a hundred --- chin rises uncontrollably. Dude ... if you had a credit card and used it and signed with a nice tip on the check -- then, that would be worth something.

A filthy fifty dollar bill, likely a habitat for loads of viruses, bacteria and specimen samples, doesn't impress me. How many drug dealers, users, prostitutes, pimps have "used" this bill?

I still wonder how many places pay in cash rather than, oh ... I don't know ... check or electronic deposit? That's just nuts! I see more Spanish-speakers use large bills. I wonder why that is, but I could only speculate or guess.

+ Die Hard

Fair shake

Apart from my, aforementioned dissatisfactions, I think that the 'gers have given me a fair shake. I think it is due them as well. So, turn the other cheek, new leaf, whatever -- I'll dust myself off and try again and worry about criticizing me instead.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

and this year it grows hot

Predator will likely strike L.A. again this year, for he seeks warm/hot climates to hunt.

Lest anyone forget, Los Angles is not a good city ... not God fearing or God loving. 1992, riots. Of course when things don't turn out the way you want -- riot, stab, shoot, kills, burn, rampage, rape, oh and


Yeah, nothing shows your anger more than robbing and looting. That'll show them! Yeah. We'll teach those people a lesson and we'll rob from our own community. Yeah! So there!

I'm waiting. I'm sure that California is depressed that they have been out of the limelight for too long now. There was Louisiana with resdients too stupid to move. Then, Smith, then East Coast getting snow, again. Now, quiet Virginia will consume more air time. What about us, they'll claim. We want news coverage too. Fine, we'll riot again. The immigration has changed -- riot! The immigration hasn't changed -- riot! The sun rose again today -- riot! A man in the back said, "everyone attack" and it turned into a statewide blitz.

I'm just Mr. Negative

Man! I go to the trouble of droppin' a load of poop on glass, have it bronzed and shown in the Boston Museum of Art and you have the nerve to call it crap? No man, that's art.

"Ney, ney", as said by Jon Pinette, that is (well, rhymes with baseball mitt) and you know it.

I write about the stadium and poo-poo it. I write about media and poo-poo that. I poo-poo a lot, but if it smells like it, looks like it, degrades like it, decomposes like it, draws flies like it ... I'm really confindent that I'm close if not dead on when I call it crap.

Okay, America!

Let's face it ... lawyers should be on trial here.

Stupidty is not a defense here. Competent to stand trial my foot! Look, just because you aren't jovial about entering the courtroom doesn't mean you aren't fit. Okay, so you're five hundred pounds -- you're fit enough for trial.

If you bleedin profusely, then maybe not fit. If you are in a psychological quagmire of insanity, then I'd say we let you swim your way back to Iceland from the Bermuda triangle center.

Woman kills her child. Gee, then psychologists claim she's depressed. No foolin'? Start the trial, you flunkies!

City shows how money will be wasted

In a bold move, the city has finally allowed the local taxpayers to see how their good money will be wasted on an ill-thought project to install a minor league stadium into downtown for no real good reason. As noted there are spaces TBI and rental spaces. So ... let me get this straight.

You bought these two square blocks for a stadium that might fill better than the other one? This new stadium won't be as conveniently located as the other one? The spaces around the stadium will be rentable, but you don't have set businesses yet?

Now, let's think of how long it will take, cost overruns, refixing errors in construction ...

Dude, we got screwed!

All I see on the picture (courtesy of printed newspaper) one stadium, a park, parking lot and lots of what ifs, TBIs and maybes.


Much like wikipedia, the info there is ... well, questionable.

Media covered every clue as to the father of the platinum child, Smith. Now, here's a shooting spree and they can't find squat? Nice goin', eh? So ... the police aren't divulging any info and the media can go on long schpeels about the gunman in the hallway and the other in the grassy noll, but know absolutely nothing at all.

Well, we know he acted alone ... oh, wait ... no, we know he's dead. Yeah. We think he had handguns.
We'll talk about handguns for six hours, yeah ... and that they are weapons that use bullets. Okay, and in case you didn't know how a gun works, we'll talk about that then too, okay. So day sixteen, we've covered how bullets work and that these, bullets can be bought in stores, okay?

It's like Battlestar Galactica the old series where there is old footage used continuously. We've got nothing here, but we'll show it to you one millions times and claim that we see Jesus in the cassarole dish, if it will increase our ratings.

Look, if you don't know, look for other news. There's E-television, if anyone wants to hear about the pampered %@#s known as entertainers, then tune there. I'm not interested in the stupidity of Hollywood. I would like to know world and US events -- thanks. I gave up on watching news a while ago. I read news now. I liked AP, but their search tool is bogus. I stick with Reuters, BBC, MSNBC and go to their sources like AP and others.

I'd like wack-a-media game where you have the newsanchors come out from under their rocks, then you bop them on the heads to get them back down there.

English, please?

I have google and gmail and gcalendar and gee ... sounds like iPod and iMac and iNano and iFlunked
Anyway, iIncluded US holidays. There was Cinco de Mayo. Really! So, in America we celebrate the expulsion of the French from Mexico so that they could be their own nation and then come over to the US? Cinco de Mayo is NOT a US holiday, schmucks!

I guess they got their info from Wikipedia -- written by people who like to write, whether or not it is researched.

I suppose that I could go there and write about Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, who owns a mansion and a yacht. If it were deleted, I could write it again, of course I might be worried about a relapse.+

+ as paraphrased and quoted from a Warner Brothers cartoon where Bugs Bunny switches places in hospital and convinced and psychologically battered into thinking that he is Elmer J. Fudd

How to tell if you might be at the wrong church

Did you say you believe in a loving God? This guy ... scary, very scary. Worse still, the people in the audience chanting, yes, like sheep. A very dangerous man.

Germ (manic)

not Deutschland

in food prepping, you don't want to have illness. Sneezing, bar none, is the worst.

work, work, work ... ah, choo.

Okay, pitch this one, give me a new one, please.

carpel lepsy

A friend from work mentioned taking a call from a guy who was "excercising" his speech or something while talking and listening to her. I think the heavy panting and difficulty in speaking might have given a clue, as well as, "wait ... almost there."

Wow! I'm glad that I have never gotten a call like that! EEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

plucking marvelous

I was listening to myTunes (not i or apple anything) and got a chance to listen to some quality brass expression -- unlike some redundant synthesized pop. I got to hear on the same song, the plucking of guitar -- electric, and horns, some with mutes (reduces volume and quality). Timing was great.

I later heard the thunderous roar and monotonous thumping of bass and deep drums, still all-in-all not a bad tune. It was a good deal better than the same 40 songs that have plagued my travel back and forth to work. My word people! I could understand if they were all hits within the last 6 months. A few are 70s songs, other 80s, other 90s. The same blinkin' songs man! It's maddening!

Hey man, is that redundant @#$! ? Well, turn it up, man.

I think I'd trade, "Freedom Rock" for this paltry sample of stuff I heard when it was new and don't want to hear it twice daily. If they're going to play older stuff -- how about Beatles or something. I'd buy a new stereo for the car, but:
I don't plan on keeping the car,
the stereo is factory in-dash and expensive to yank,
I'd be better off getting the next car and a new mp3 player (I already have two separate adaptors -- tape deck and station block (4 channel signal to send to stereo, tune to the channel and viola! you have your mp3 tunes)).

Bow out boys

There's a group called Fall Out Boys, but I'm not referring to them.

When a psycho comes along, you must bow out.
Dependancy comes along, unless you bow out.
Selfish drama comes along, better bow out.
Your soul stolen away, trust me bow out.

I think a number of people out there will agree with me on this one -- leechy, clingy, dependant (especially overly) people will bring you down into a hole. They either hope you're big enough to fill it, one of the many people who will fill it, or don't accept the fact that they are the hole -- empty by volition.

I think that there are more "Emo"s than those that 'adopt' that lifestyle as it were. Most of them are merely disenfranchised fairly normal kids who like to bitch about not being allowed to smoke at age 14. Some have more complex family issues and still others have real trauma and drama, but aren't seeking professional help. Social cuddles their mental instability, lablels it as a fad and icky-ackity-oop -- their pain (real or imagined) is hip and trendy. Why stop whining when it's cool and cliquish?

Later, trying to have adult relationships, therein is the fundamental error -- never grew up. Still whining and writhing in phantom pain from not getting a pony for Christmas.

To men and women of the world -- if it looks like a nut, smells like a nut, acts like a nut ... chances are that it's a nut and you'd be wise to bow out before the play (tragedy drama theater).

Should I take crazy again

Nope ... I had that, don't want it again.
She wants you. She needs you. But there ain't no way in the world she can love you, for ...
she is a vaccuum of emotion -- sucking life and existence from all corners, doesn't love herself so she's not going to have what we humans call 'love' for you, so it's absorption, addiction-like haunting ... I wouldn't call it love.

Two out of three aint' good enough, thanks though.

what's this ... on pulse?

Old phones ... who can understand them?

Oh, anyway ... the desperate phone call was not so desperate. I found myself being career counselor

Yes, uh huh, yep ... gotcha, alright. I'll tell you what. Take the job that pays and if something better comes along, take it.

I should have been thinking like, Better Off Dead, "Go down there, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn." Don't make things terribly complex when they aren't. Take out all the drama, the headache, the ambiguity, the campaign costs, the tri-color printing and you are left with something mostly black and white. If what you see makes sense .. great! If not, great! Take anyway anything distracting and you have the core.

She agreed that my advice made sense.

Apple core, Baltimore, who's your friend, me!

One telling thing ... "Oh, I know about computers" (mid March statement)
"I haven't had internet for over a year" (last night's statement)

"I've been here for seven years; I know high school. I'm no dummy."+ I hear the tinkling of glass and somewhere, Pinocchio's nose is growing. Dose one of unreality or "little white lie". Despite the beautiful red color of the apple presented to me, I'll opt out of the poison apple. ++ I ain't bitin'.

+ Better Off Dead
++ Snow White, Adam & Eve

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bitte, baby

Mickey, come over for a party.

So, I made a phone call, I thought there was bad news.
Man, I don't have the money, but I think I ought to get my cellphone back to "operational"++.

+ blog title borrowed from Blazing Saddles
++ "... armed and operational battle station. Commander, you may fire when ready." from Return of the Jedi

H B to me again

not, I'm not having another birthday, but rather I was again wished one.



Too bad Danno took my entry title, "grr".

I had a disagreement today with a fellow co-worker. It ended quickly. Sill more, I felt that I might be better with a dunce cap and in the corner. Dumb-kid here.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

More cut marks

I have a few more, new, cut marks to add to the line of sores and "what's that there" when people see my arms, legs, and other parts. I rarely got marks while teaching, but usually came home smelling of sweat -- all schools were off in temp and my hands would be rainbowed with markers and highlighters and pens. The graphite and chalk came off fairly well.

Now, I come home with a sweaty tinge, that work smell, cigarettes (from smokers at work) and regional smells -- RR by place, chemicals at work, and (if you have a good sense of smell) the lake water.

I'd kinda like to smell, through due course of closeness, like a stunning woman at work. She's sweet, mouthwatering, but ... I don't stand a chance. I'm wildcat and she MLB.

She spoke a bit about what she did before coming to the company. It seems to me that she could make more money doing the office stuff she was doing before.

MR will hate my reference to her, but Sheryl Crow's "First Cut is the Deepest" rolls in my head about her. It's a "Crush" and sadly not a "Sex Type Thing".

gettin' 'ger on you

I tend to 'ger, in a modest fashion, almost like I had while teaching ... "Excuse me, but do you have any grey poupon?" "But of course", the enlisted person returns. I have been able to lightly ask and get reasonable results. I also think my pitching in and doing -- matters. I'll do, instead of waiting for a "free body" to do a simple task. Other 'gers just don't seem to want to do that. When teaching ... it was all me, solo, flying on ideas, plans, and an encyclopedia mind that could shift with needed and unpredicted turns.

This here job -- mostly, make it, do it, repeat. There is a comaraderie with the lowers and "grunts" that the 'gers might have. I still fall back on the "good ol' boys club" with the sexist and racist remarks win the wind, aka their voices. I find it disturbing at times. Most often, it's light banter, to keep up chatter and specifically generated to people who can take it and dish it out.

I wonder what the younger people there, teens too, think of the rather appauling, course, and sometimes graphic statements and inuendos. Probably ... "cripes ... those people are sickos", maybe.

Legit or not, a complaint

Too often do I see 'gers of "distinction" idly watching while others work. I understand that they are making observations, but good golly! I think they are, too often, idle or stopped. I think stopped and engine off, not idling at all.

Hey there 'ger ... you plan on doing something or just making the best wall you can between where I am and where I need to be? It lends itself to a perspective of, "those who can't/won't, command". I think therein is an oversight some 'gers are not understanding and not seeing. Folly in command.

It was an androgenous day ... oh, wait, I mean ambiguous

Overall -- okay day, but shifting turning business made for weirdness. I think that some people were "Jonesin'" to get the blank out of there today. Sometimes people are, well, course in their statements.

Thankfully I was teased a bit, so I know that I wasn't too brash with anyone.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Workin' it!

W: 8 am - 4:30
R: 2 - 10
F: 5- 1:30 am
S: 3-10
N: 12-8
M: 11-5

stick to their own

Two guys -- mid-"m"'s ... m&m s if you will, + were helping each other tonight. I tried to do what I could to help the closing "m", but that same guy doubtfully did much for me, save "missed a spot". They make an odd pair -- different in so many ways, yet -- comaradaree. I'm not all into the "innner fold" sanctum, and will bow out of the op if given it. Still, they apparently see that I'm a struggling candidate for little "m".

'There is ... another' as Yoda said. I got word ... gossip -- fun stuff, that the one woman who was to pursue the "m" status in another place is to do it here too. It will be a bevee of "m"s. Payroll will not look good.

Dude! You got more "m"s than Indians or peons. Your payroll looks downright bad, dude. I am constantly asked if I am the replacement "M", but no. The steadfast GM there is going to be the GM there. I will be sent out to Indy and the other Skywalker will be sent out to a burg, ville or hamlet in mid-nowhere, but she can find it.

+thanks M R for your reference to Mars candy

Monkeyjack sends me a clue

What started out as a scratch, turned into something else. If we were in Italy ... oi! I'd be peeved!
Charlie has his own lightsaber ... his skills are complete.

Who dat?

Sissy -- she visited and then I had to find out where she lived. She was adorable, playful, and wiley. Sadly, she left in hours and my playmate was gone.


If only I were writing about Lius' cousin, or "Gilligan's Island", but no. I'm referring to the white and not China White either. It is the stuff that slides trucks, cars, and people around -- blighting your vision and not a welcome visitor after nice sunny and fairly warm weather.

Snow, snow ... go away, come again some December day!

Anyway, there was snow on my way home -- didn't like it, had to drive into some of the wind and the cast off from some cars was annoying.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


ZZ Top named a CD this title, but I'm not typing about that. My radio expereinces back and forth to work/residence is recycled. Hey ... it's 60s - 70s again. To boot, you hear the top (not 40), but top 10 continually. It is a bitter ride there and back. Curse my lack of mp3 player!

I am making some inroads to the folks there at work ... integrating in ways.
I have disclosed starkly little of me, still ... I enjoy finding out about others. I'm no gossip, so anything like that ends at me, but I prefer to talk with people personally rather than through proxy.

done without nets

For particular positions where I work, you dress differently. I had to strip off some part for one area, then re-don it for another, then do a keystone changing room act because of a few feet between messy and not messy. Huh ... who knew it would be so funky?

I had to travel, dangerously, through an area without my "hat" ... no nets here. I don't like wearing a hat all day, but that's my job.

I got calls about -- got wrong order ...
I'm peeved, now listen!
"I'm waiting!" +

It is, what we call, the service arena, sometimes battle, sometimes mere banter. Some people are caught in the spectacle and the glamor. Their spot in the sun.

+ Princess Bride

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Featured below, there is a president sandbagging. Were it Clinton, that would have been bags of money he was loading into his car/van/SUV. Clinton -- he just loves money, not only his.

Worse flood

I don't think we'll quite get to this stage, but we might.
FW News picture archive

Below you can see a famous sandbagger ... not how you think I mean.

Driving through Mississippi River

Well, something like that is what I did tonight. "and the rain, rain, came down, down, down, and the rain, rain, came down, down, down"+ "Drip, drip, drop, little April showers ..."++ One of the rivers was overflowing its banks. It's that seasonal thing to do ... call to anyone not doing anything and get them to sandbag for a while. It's an annual thing to do. The concept of the "hundred-year" flood is noble, but the fact that it floods twice a year ought to be a clue that the "hundred year flood" is likely quite a bit larger than what we get.

We're getting more rain this week -- it'll be fun, fun, fun, 'til my daddy takes the sailboat away

+ Winnie the Pooh
++ Bambi

I haven't the heart

I am the roughest-toughest pushover. I could probably walk out any given night wearing gobs of stuff or be tormented in any number of ways. I just don't say no, very often.

overview of CSI

crap ... complete crap

While not at work, I spent some time with my mom ... she watched CSI

It was, without a doubt, a graphic comic/cartoon.
Here's someone looking through a microscope -- action music ... intrigue, she shows someone else.

"I'm a criminalist", that's why I'm walking around in casual clothes at a crime scene visited fifteen times by thirty people and then go to a poorly lit interior room to examine evidence. I also have the power to arrest people, conduct interviews, mess around with evidence, and be the "head brain" around the place.

Apart from the complete melodrama soap opera feel of it all, all stupid story, mindnumbing acting, and far-fetched "so-called science", you're left with cut-scenes and complete logic flaws and something close to transporters. I guess woman can't watch Star Trek, but they will watch CSI -- same sci-fi, same acting, just different backdrop.

In hindsight, I suggest that Star Trek is a greater show, in that it didn't pretend to be real.

Weather or not, I go

The weather is not being kind today, still, I must go to work. The shifting wind will rock my car like a kayak in the Bermuda Triangle. I think that I shall never see a day of weather just right for me. Yesterday was close -- cool, not yet cold, bright and sunny.

I got a chance to take out the folks for lunch, which turned out nice for us. The place was "hoppin'" busy, so there was a long walk to and from the car.

I reflect now, that for a short time, I got a chance to be with family, later with friends with two wild dogs and a hyper boy.

In my mind, doubt and wonder circle the tank ... if offered, would I go postal?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

puppy & broom

puppy & broom
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
clean sweep with food and fun ... puppy chases bristles

the puppy found a great playmate ... my neice

lower case m

"ever since I was a lowercase g"

I'm an "m", however low ... an "m" in training, but an "m" anyway.

I think my interest in making things better -- efficient, might be my niche, my novelty, my why-he's-an-m.

wars we no longer have

Now, consummers win when there are price wars. I won't discuss here the many wars costing human lives, but rather the lack of prices wars on items, like ...
GAS, milk, soda, food items,
there are "price wars" with fast food, but really -- 90 cent burger is ... really a 90 cent burger, mostly bun and not so tasty

I'd like to see price wars on clothing and kids' shoes, VEHICLES, housing

of all the wars there are, globally, I'd like to see these wars tearing through the nation -- helping the average Jane and Joe with everyday life.


At work, the grunt and monotonous work has the delightful moniker of "bitch work", usually with the specific task following the word "bitch". I was given bitch-work before, but submitted that I prefer the term slut, as opposed to anything else.

I got help last night from a woman assigned "bitch work", which was otherwise rarely-done-hard-to-reach-cleaning-of-internally-cosmetic-concern-only. She came to save my butt, as I stink at a particular realm of world -- in a prep area of specific items, usually labeled "right away". I was quickly overwhelmed. Another woman ran to do anything other than, "bitch work" as she hastily calls it "...fix me a chicken pot pie, bitch!"+ As she defines it, bitch work, more in line with you-is-da-working-ho ... you do dis!

I have had the patsy work before ... do this, mundane but required task. I don't mind the task, but the "Hey, [task] bitch", irks me. You love that work so much, slut. Some things I do like. I hope to find ways to improve the paperwork. Boy, oh, boy is it a mess. I did the company thing of "bending over backwards" for a couple of guys who had a bad situation with their order, but wanted to pay just about nothing for it. You know ... I guess I was never really that crappy of a person about it. If a place did me wrong, I generally didn't go there twice, end of story. I typically didn't raise a stink about it. I guess in the service industry, it is more common that people raise a stink.

In relation to a stink, I related the smell of cooking meat to how it smells to me. Also, there is a guy at work who smokes ragweed or gypsum or something foul smelling ... maybe it's dogwood with banana peels, anyway -- foul and bad. I made some food, but people raised a fuss about it, for to them, it "stank", coming from smokers and people who eat equally foul-smelling meals -- not much of an insult.

+ Breakfast Club

girl, gold watch, and everything

Well, there was a girl, but no gold watch -- she was late, and everything else.

I had an interview today -- fastest yet to date. I was applying for assistant director, but those positions were/are filled. There are teaching positions, but they pay less well. The woman interviewing me was late. She got pulled over and was given a ticket.

I met her at Starbucks and I had a very weak coffee. Hey, folks! What gives with the weak coffee? I paid, $2.75 and tipped $ .25, but they may have been too much.

I saw that the buinesses in the "well" plaza across from the mall all had bars on their windows. Nice, really looks good. I might offer my services for part-time work there, but I don't always get off the same day for my other job. Hmmm.

I mentioned also that I passed my postal service exam. I don't know if they will call me or what.

Monday, April 09, 2007


He has risen, He lives so that you can too.

We had a partial family gettogether, nice, ending early. Although lacking bunny ears, my sister got a new puppy. She was the star of the day.

My day, in short

I was working and got behind at work and then was overdone. I, well, got spanked!
I got a letter regarding a test. I understand that I passed. Now, if someone would call and ask about a job, then ...

I also contacted another person regarding a job. I have an interview tomorrow.

In all, it was up, down, and all around. I saw of the two women at work who really fascinate me.

r2d2 mailbox

r2d2 mailbox
Originally uploaded by firepile.
I'm a geek -- I like it

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Watcha want for din din?

We could either have soup or cheese sandwiches.
Well, I don't want to cut the cheese, so I think soup.
Yeah, well, you've done your share of cheese cutting. (The retort was not relevant to the pic above, mind you)

religion, attacks, profiling

My brother-in-law and I were talking and he mentioned profiling. I concured that, as far I know, I don't think there were Episcapalian Jihadists or Later-Day-Saints Matyrs or even Menonite Revolutionaries that ravaged areas in the name of God. No ... no, indeed I think the larger number of so-named terrorist attacks have been faction or non-declared faction groups of the Islamic religion, Muslims by category. So, when Muslims are targeted, they spout off about proiling. Yes, gee ... I wonder why. How many, to date, Iraqi and Iranian jetliners has the US hijacked? How many has the US shot down with a stinger missiles? How many times has the US launched attacks while standing in groups of citizens or on tops of hospitals?

Hmm ... profiling. Yep, works for me.

In the US, you find some lone white guy in a Black area ... up to no good, well, what one of these things is not like the other? Thanks Sesame Street, I think I got it. The one standing out might be the one I want.

Black neighborhood, liquor store robbed by ... yep, you guessed it, someone who is Black. Is that profiling or is that a reasonable deduction? Man evades police, exceeding speed limit and drives recklessly. He claims racial profiling, but why did he evade police at the start?

Men In Black, wades through line of illegal immigrants and Tommy Lee Jones spits out typical Spanish phrases, but stops at one, large, overly dressed man. He asks questions, but the supsect is unresponsible (Donda es? Si.) Is that racial profiling or good police work?

This isn't denying the sad case of "Driving While Black", but rather that the loudmouths generally overstate their case ... "they got him 'cause he Black". The poor grammar notwithstanding, the suspect might very well have been chosen because he was a reasonable guess given little data. Black male driving common car in area, of average build and no distinguishing marks.

So ... he looks like everyone else, generally. He'll be easy to find (sarcastically expressed). When we find a young Black man meeting "average", don't go ape *@$# on us, okay? If you know more info ... God willing, give more detail. Don't believe strongly that he's XYZ's second cousin and note only ... "some young guy looking average build, height, weight, no marks". If this XYZ's second cousin was out of town -- he's off the reasonable suspect list and the list can therefore be narrowed.

Notably stripped



No thinking involved!

That was me, once, not as happy of an ending for me of course.

+ Jeff gets naked, BBC Coupling

Cute, expensive, sadly ... poorly timed

My sister has inducted another recruit.

Unpopular as my opinion might be, no one is around for this new puppy who will need lots of attention and training. I don't have a pet, because I'm not around. MR has a job where he can take a longer lunch and be home with the pooch -- much to her delight, and then pop back to work. My sister isn't home long enough and her other commitments will not jibe well with the needs of a puppy.

Poor little girl ... bad timing sis!

Giggle loop

It happened at work during a training session. What's the worst that could happen ... [pop] ha ha ... oops, better hide it, lest the giggle loop consume me. I was being trained when it happened. I tried not to have to explain myself. Crud ... it happened again!

Thanks to BBC and Coupling for the wonderful illustration


"and I want anal, Lois" +
Wipe down, then wipe down, then sterilize ... lots of work, but not wicked.
example two:
"Whoa, dude! I'm not telling you not to do that, but you are responsible for this region here", in other words, you won't have time to do all that that

+ Family Guy, referring to how he wants the house, should they ever get rescued
Paperwork, paper trail:

Okay, at the end of the night you have to walk back and forth between units, printing reports. That's fine. I understand that I'll get/make my own routine. What is odd that no one seems to want to present me a LIST of the reports that I need to print. That would be helpful. If I had a list, then I could write down notes for myself as to where they are and the order needed.

I've also been shown how to review numbers and find errors. The sad bit is, that they don't use the computer to generate reports specific for them, like what they personally want to track. They use the win 95/00 and win 3.1 generated reports and scroll through them to get numbers.

Gentlemen, welcome to Win 95 where you can get reports extracted from data.

Gentlemen, welcome to Win XP/Vista ... where the reports are self-generating and you can enter in data like "Excel" into parallel columns for comparison and contrast.
Gee, Vern ... do ya tink dat's gonna work alright?
I shu-er donda know

Make the computer work for you ... it is a tool, that's why we have computers ... electronics, sophisticated, adaptable, programmable tools with application that are programmable and adaptable

I'm left with the feeling of: "dummies". You're right, I'm lazy ... I'd rather have "MY DATA" that I want/need one one or two pages, but the neat thing with them thar computers is that you can do that!

I will have to contact some IT guys and find out what the process is for generating specific reports. I'm sure they'd be happy that I'm interested, even if they submit, "you can't do that right now".

Booked Nights & Weekends

W: 11 - 8
R: 2 -10
F: 5pm - 1:30 am
S: 3 - 10
N: 12 - 8
M: 11 - 5

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Work hurts

I got spanked again at work last night, this time by a different woman.

It's all in good fun and humor and there is no illicit or sexual foreplay to it. The woman who have done it are, well ... committed in some way to a man, so there isn't a "come chase me" innuendo to this game.


So this man fled the Feds and then called, "Just shoot me!"

In a follow up story, 300 officers had target practice today ...

Dude! These real work quotes are odd!

"Dude, I just woke up. Can I have ..." (11:45 pm)

Man approaches me, "I'm hungry"

"Uh, yeah. One of your drivers just cut me off in traffic."

"Help! I'm trapped (stall was locked) in the girl's bathroom and ... I need toilet paper."

"This happens all the time!" (angrily stated, but yet ... they return)

I won't type the various and many dirty comments people there have made to one another. Thankfully, no one is serious.

"That guy's an %$@#hole!" (remarked about a county officer)

"So, who invited the monster", asked the GM when he saw the mess and remnants of a 'paper war' strewn all over the floor. What a complete and utter mess.

becoming one with the shaft

There was a guy at work, kid really, who wanted out at his "scheduled" time, but work swing higher so someone had to stay. He was chosen and so, grimly he stayed. He's usually in a good mood, silly like a class clown, but it soured. I'm glad that he finally got to leave. I felt sad for him, vulture-like, trying to hastily get thingsg done to get out ... anything to get out faster.

Perhaps he'll get his wish next time.
different work moment

A guy at work related, "I know your a techie like all of us" ...

Uh, dude, you're no techie. I'd label him closer to trekkie than to techie. Most of the people who've worked there for a while are "too comfortable" to ever really leave. I think of them as really good euchre players, but they couldn't play poker to save their lives. They are stuck in a microcosm of that place and dare not venture out. They know the critical programs, but I doubt they know much beyond that and typical surfing. The techie-of-sorts knew "router", but the intra workings are hardwired. There's a satelite dish for commnunication and system linking. That, sadly is the slowness of the system.

They are running on a win 2000 computer, including using win 3.1 software for a couple of minor things. My suggestion to the company itself ...
invest now in good material that lasts and it will save you more, but most people don't see the value in buying big-modern. The big-modern are things that are more than you need, but will fit your need down the road in 2-3 years. That's smarter thinking ... working smarter, not harder.

Anyway, I got a chance to look at the money and nightly paperwork. Hmmm, redundancy aside, there is a larger volume of clicks, tweeks, and entering that I could have imagined. As an outsider, I actually have some real suggestions for streamlining the process to make "less" work at the end of the night.

One: kill the zon machine in favor of presently available, but not activated card swipes on the POSs
Two: modify interface to show application numbers or account numbers for separate entries either - or +

I have others, but I'll post 'em later.

slip slidin' away

On my way home last night: 2:38 according to my car clock, in another county, the roads were very slick from the ice-snow mix. The wind was high, and so my car was a little plastic toy on an ice rink. I had to slow down, as I felt perpetually fishtailing. It was odd, since the roads weren't that bad in "Winter".

I was again reminded of the many things plaguing me:
place closer to work,
outstanding other bills,
get different car,
study for work test,
and more ...

Rest, not sleep but quality rest, is elusive. I did sleep, but had stressful dreams. I will settle down sometime and really rest.

Ahem. Now my justified bitching comes

When you can't find a wooden soap box use a box of powder ..

Anyway, according to a stat report, for all the effort and money (including taxpayer money) spent on lobbying and fighting and finally bringing into being daylight savings time for our area -- there was no measurable energy change.

So, let me get this right. Taxpayers had their money spent on decades of lobbying and counter filing and after all of that, we don't see any measurable difference? I adjust fairly quickly to the one-hour difference change, but others do not. If I account for the crap, I'd say the people here in Indiana and the general taxpayer lsot, and lost big time here.

May congress stopping pushing manure and start, I don't know ... doing something productive.
It's like going to a doctor for a cut hand. You cut the hand at work with a clean sharp boxknife. Rather than stitch it shut or bandage it, the doctor runs tests for weeks, to conclude, after your infected wound is bad, that it is now infected. The doctor claims no responsiblity for not more quickly attending to the real problem of just patching it together first.

This is what I think legislators did here with daylight savings time. They pushed it through and showed no value to the taxpayer and citizen. Way to go morons! Get out of law if you don't know how to do it! If you like to spend other people's money, become a professional poker player, don't use taxpayer money, jerk!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter sign

located in Michigan, at a large cost to build and maintain ... Cross of the Woods. Christ remembered.

I don't wear crosses or a crucifix, for if it fails in my mind, in my heart ... no trinket will make it reappear.

thinking ...

I think that I might be the tech-saviest of the lot at work. Now, since I'm older than some of the 'gers, I'd think that I'd be the slower poke, but no. They are as wit' it, on 'puters as Buddy Epson was on Park Avenue. I'd suspect, hidden deep in the small town mind is "Green Acres". Ed-Earl, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Bill, Ed and Ed (Newhart), and the like. "That's the way it's always been", has been uttered more than once.

So ... I guess the time of the pen and pencil will remain in this untouched world. I think (again of Trek) the prime directive of not altering the course of a planet's development. It's just sad to see it limp around like it does. That's not like Nemo's "special fin"! That's intentional self-binding and blinding!

"Oh, bother." - Pooh Bear, c/o Milne

You die, and we all move up a rank

"I need a", chiefy, "to sign off on this". Okay, so now I have "signing" powers, to some limited extent. Now, I'm really pumped about flying powers and maybe X-Ray vision.

Speaking of powers of observation, the term at work for a hottie is "bubble", so people will call out to someone helping or just having helped a "bubble". A couple of guys mentioned that I appeared to have been salivating over a woman last night. She was nice, but they're perspective and mine aren't quite the same. I get only a moment with customers ("guests"). I get more time spent with people at work -- one of whom I find, well, enchanting. I will sometime find out whether she is married. She likely is, so ... moot point, as well as the no-dating thing.

I was asked yesterday about my marital status, as a time-filler, I suppose. I mentioned divorce and she probed, how long was I married, and was stunned that someone could put off the divorce with stubbornness and stupidity, as did my ex. She was dating a guy and was hoping that she'd get, ya know ... a proposal by now, not to be (year three). I mentioned that at some point, commit to a direction and stick with it. Stay or go.

There is still, yet, another hottie at work who is dating a guy. for the term "boyfriend" came up. Wow! She's, well, I thought she had a man. She's fau-ine! She's the kind of woman whose elegance is evident. Wow! She walks -- moves, twists, turns, smiles ... ah, botanical gardens -- filled with sights and wonderful scents.

I don't know her at all, so maybe that's where it ends.

- title quote from "Star Trek", the orignial series

a way to associate me with where I work

Congratualtions Ophelia Luu for winning the coloring contest hosted by my workplace! Sad to say, I didn't get a photo of her to hang up at work, as I would if it were "my" place.

She's here too

over nothing

Well, there was an unhappy person yesterday, thankfully she did not go overboard on me. She spoke with the GM and she left unhappy and the GM was visually unhappy as well.

Well, tit for tat, she left and I just got to hear the "didn't like", "didn't do", and so on. So the GM later tells me that it started off minor and he thought it ended, but she stewed and steamed and was greatly unhappy.

I'm getting a feel for more paperwork and came home last night, unbespeckled by work, as I normally am. I was, virtually clean or free of much debris anyway.

The funny line I heard yesterday, was from a guy on the phone, "Well, what in the hell is on that thing", he questioned on an item I mentioned. I had a hard time not laughing.

not a sexual term

Okay, so you're "Christian". How about spreading the word, doing charitable things that you don't normally do. Why not re-read the bible. These people are nuts, complete nuts. I think they got caught in the spectacle and forgot the miracle.

I think the basis of Jesus being born in a manger or cave (as other stories would indicate), shows that this king of kings was born humbly with the meager comforts of the peasantry and was born at an "inopportune" time for the parents. He was tried hastily and was traded for Barabas when given a chance. He was brutalized and bore His own cross to be crucified then -- here's, the miracle, risen again.

I don't hear too many people trying to demonstrate His life in the desert alone, battling temptations of Satan and outright not eating.

I don't hear too many people walk among others, showing them the way to salvation, declining money or food.

If you want spectacle, show people the way and let them take that direction. The million-seat evangelical televised fluff is full of want. I guess I'm trying to write, "Be the miracle, not the spectacle".

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Work has sent me shopping, not just once. The requests today were, well, mundane -- something that anybody could get, but didn't.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

dang it

With the series of random blah, I hope that I do not, indeed have diabetes. I will die, as ... well, I have a protein-poor diet and that is something that you need to do well with diabetes -- protein. I don't like meat, so I guess peanut butter will be my friend for a long, long time.

Systemic spin

I remember I had an allergic reaction to a medicine in hospital, oh ... around 1980 or so. I remember feeling of tumbling head over foot while lying flat, as I was on the bed.

Now, still a bit queasy and still digesting dinner ... rather like have spun in circles on a merry-go-round
the brain fluid flushed into other parts needing to pool regularly into order, but still not there yet, much like vertigo while sitting or just being. If I can clear my nose and eustasian tubes, I'll get clearer, faster.

Why would anyone take drugs? I certainly don't like this. I understand that people coming down from drugs feel so bad, they race to get drugs again.

Hangovers are worse, but this feels like crap.
Seasonal, I hope.

Stab it with their stealy knives

but they could not kill the beast (sleeplessness). I get notices that I owe and notices that I paid. I'm still under but getting closer to treading the water.

Little phrases are swirling in my head -- it is uncomfortable.

For a sidetrack, I think I bottomed out on my sugar level today while driving ... dizzy ... whoa!
I got dizzy for 60-130 seconds, then slowly got right. The old liver still works, thank you God! That happens when you skip out on eating for a while ... DOH! "[my name] needs food, badly!" +
"Please, don't shoot food."

The cigarettes at work didn't help any either. He-ad ache, slow, nose closed off, thirst, nausea. To think of the number of jobs where I was constantly exposed to that crap -- now, I can't deal with it hardly.

+ video/arcade game Gauntlet

The interview request

a Nutter Butter place emailed about "interview" for the night shift, wtih Kevin Ferguson ... or, uh, I mean, the evening/night shift. Hmmm nights, all nights ... how many nights?

What's the friggin' cost?

I mean, what's the friggin' pay? Oh, dear, dear, dear ... that didn't come out right, but that's what I want to know. How much, how often, do you prefer a hard or soft soled shoe? No, it isn't a pet shop, nor would I be a Pet Shop Boy, not for a day. I wouldn't be James Cameron, but an assistant

and it wouldn't be movies,

and it wouldn't be famous,

and it wouldn't be ... I don't know. How could I? I'll have a meeting with the Bobs and get back to you.

"You've been doing your homework"

How often do you hear that at your job? I got that today. I guess it's nice that someone noticed that I was, indeed, remembering and doing my homework. Sadly ... it never really ends.

fines keeper

My nephew didn't pay a ticket, got a second -- lost his license.

The lesson here: pay your ticket. If you spend you money on cigarettes and alcohol and don't pay your fine, no one can help you with your stupidity.

Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken?

No, I'm not going to into a Tina Tuner song, complete with the hair, but rather introduce the concept of pain.

What hurts, rejection (I've been there often) or rejecting? I'd have to say being shot down sucks cadaver navel lint, but having to reject or dump another person who hasn't "done" anything to you, is like procology on King Kong. There's no easy way to do it, but just climb in and wade through, or perhaps self-urethra flushing and inspection.

I truly fear saying, "Uh ... I, er ... there's no good way to say this, 'don't want to date you".

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

last quip of the day

"I didn't have the balls (to join the military)", a woman said today.

Well, duh. No balls!

bleary-eyed and sleepy

Rampelter -- one who thows rocks and Spring March-April born persons +

I am a Ram, born also under the Chinese Zodiac of the rooster "cock"

Ramcock -- stupid fool, a tool, serving only, never thinking.

And to think that I dispelled the zodiac as hogwash.

Ramcockpelter -- one who justly stones to death people unwilling to speak his mind and do the right thing

+ submission for game of Balderdash

I would like eleven lumps of sugar, please.

"I'm a monster; I'm not sweet enough."

Thanks Little Bear for putting into words, that which I could not.


I sinned, she wept, and it got crappy from there ...
"Don't do it ... don't do it", my mind beckoned. "Please, don't ... it will turn sour", my mind shouted.

It wasn't ever wine, not really roses, but it spoiled just like them. It got sour, dried up, curled, blackened, smelled of simple death. A spark, what was thought as life, wasn't never even a heartbeat. Yet, there it smelled of death, just as bloated and foul and as recognizable as matted piles on the roadside.

Damn! Why, oh why did I do it. Damn! One fleeting breath of, "ah", then the smell of morning breath. I roll over in disgust ... I can't stand the whole thing. I can't stand me most of all.

@#$@!#$@!$@!$@#$!@$@*&%$(*%&$#@! Where was my !@#!#!@$! stop sign?!

"I didn't mean to turn you on", thanks Robert Palmer, though poorly timed. The radio mocks me as I exit, no flee. I'm not running from her, but me, but no matter where I go, there I am. Oh, like drinking drano, you hope to puke and reverse it, but no ... you're dead. I want to reverse it ... go back, say no ... have the balls to walk, have the balls to talk, like trying to lie

"The broken lamp? I don't know anything about it" Oh, any lie sounds good, but they all sound bad. I let my *^!#@! do the thinking.

Remorse ....


I'm stupid,
a moron,
a sinful sot,
ruining everything,
I ...
I ...

I didn't do it. I had all of this in my head ... that is why I walked. I walked and had balls this time. I had the nerve to say no, to me.

I can almost smile, for I didn't make things worse by nodding blithly where I needed to command a "no"! I am today happier, for I said no. Let's hope that I remember this skit next time, so I don't regret, have remose and go sullen with fears and angst.

More crafty Southern Fried pickin'

Daggum homolexuals innfearin' wit our ways and all. I tell ya, it just ain't righ to have one mannnn readin to anudder ... it jus ain' natral

Dey gone in dere li-bary and starded readin'. I tell you it was disss-gustin'! Ruminds me of doze him-hawin', high faluting lawyaz ina state gov'ment! Day alwayz tryin' ta take my gunz! I sa---yy we runz dem homolexuals righ' out uh hee ... all dat book lurnin' dun nottin' fo' no body. I gots me a who' 8 yeas of schoolin' and walkd out in turd gade cuz dey wazn't teachin' me nuttin'. All dat numbers dun make me crazy -- ain't none of it true. 'Cept Cooter, who by-the-way iz da best damned road-side cooka eva, no body need ta count more'n twenty nohow.

Cooter, see, he gots kids ... more'n he can count, and he count lots bett'rn me.

Cooter one time fixed a mean ol' steak o' deer, no more'n four day ol'. Shit -- done nottin' wrong wit it ... weren't no huntin', just found dead on road. And we claim it first -- you got dat Elmer! We claim it first!

mullets for bullets

"getting the South into the war -- they want to take your liquor and keep you from having alcohol, especially beer"

They would like abolish NASCAR

And so, this propoganda poster worked ... the South entered the fighting and wanted to put a stop to those agin the shine

They weren't too happy to hear that these danged for'ners also married kin and had many wives -- much like themselves. They were happy to find Allah-Damnit to be a fun phrase to say, or "itterate" for those "lexuals"

I share a birthday with him, to who I hold no candle

Jefferson, not George and Weezie, but this man. Writer, who had an abolition of slavery in his first draft of the Constitution, author of much more, only later mired in the hypocracy of slavery and abolition. A "founding father" of our nation, once President, and with him, I share only a birthday. Greatness is achieved, not granted or inherited.

foul mouthed, dirty minded, I fit right in

I made a comment, "flash some leg", which was disregarded as a quip, an attempted, "ha ha", thakfully not festering into a sexual harrassment suit. My other visual remark was when a couple of guys spent their attention, not on me while helping them, but rather on the butt of a nice-looking woman/girl+ at work. She didn't seem to "enjoy" the knowledge that her butt got so much attention.

Other antics at work are from the septic mouths of persons spouting jokes -- demeaning to ethnic groups, sex, and general belittlement--unrestricted. Yet, some other comments are leading double-edged swords and inuendos cubed. "That's not what she said", and "That's what she said", "You said you want to [rude]?"

Sometimes it is, in most respects, a "good old boys'" club. Where the moon shines, your cousin is your wife and sister, and non-white know dey place. It is this "good old boy" retardity (not mentality) that I find disturbing. Sure ... dirty jokes, stuff I find insulting, that's just about anywhere you work, but the "Dat's da way it always bin ... ain' gonna be" is, well ... 16th century. "Them thar 'puters iz takin' over" I can hear tumble-drying in their minds.

+ I include "girl" as she is younger than myself

a lot like bitching

So ... I find error, point out error, then another and another. Be it nagging or bitching, be it "consulting" or "critiquing", it is bitching. I try to work through it ... saying nothing, rotating it in my mind, shift pieces like a Chinese Box, then I'll call it ... art, intriguing, useful, or just plain crap. Often, the "box" as it were is just plain crap ... much like I knew it when I first saw it.

So ... I'm not bitching as much, but I find that crap is crap is crap is crap. I just don't bother labeling it crap anymore, because I know it's crap. I can avoid some of it, for if you can step around crap, you don't get it on your shoe. That's what I'm trying to do now. I'm just trying to step in less of it, and know that remarking that it smells, for frantically worrying about my shoes -- unimportant. It's crap; avoid it; don't bother mentioning it to those around you.

"You don't have to tell me that my coffe is good. [She] buys crap!" +

+ Pulp Fiction

the man she marries

the second time, isn't the fun, exciting, bad boy -- the notorious A.S.S. (hole), but rather the stable, nice guy she poo-pooed so often. The man she marries is the man who was right, was right there, but now isn't all that interested in the 9 days old stew.

So, there she is -- "in tatters" + vying for the attention of that stable, nice guy, who now needs a lot of coaxing. Worse still, he isn't clay to be molded. Uh-uhn. Nope. He is what he is. She may or may not have kids, still ... life unhappy, perhaps her heart shattered a few times.

So, lowered expectations, you accept, tolerate, then find dis-satisfaction again. Now marriage three ... "Look! I'm comfortable with who I am now. Damn it if he doesn't appreciate me." So, then there is are the years of separation --- denial, of where things went wrong.

I am the stable guy, the nice guy, the ninth draft, far from the motorcyclist arrogant, abusive (on some level), pig, who is the favorite pick of women. "Gosh! He's such a bastard ... I want him!" Now, after being with Bastard, she finds a nice guy, but ... he is much more passive and so ... failure again. Somewhere down the road, she finds, "this guy", seems attentive, courteous. She tries to interest him, but her years of baggage, she's never unpacked or disgarded win her "no points" with the stable guy who now can opt out.

I'm the marrying guy, the one who is the ninth draft ... the dead center pick ... not the end and not the first. The middle-of-the-roader, when she can't find love, she'll accept patient affection, but be bitter that it isn't love. She's bitter, not really with him, though he gets the brunt of it. She's bitter with picking ass, after bastard, after selfish jerk. So, guy four has no real competition other than he looks a little like the ghosts of her past.

So ... is love worth it, you wonder. When you find that you lump together because you can, not because you fall in love -- therein is life and "love" at forty.

+ Rolling Stones

You say it's your birthday?!

It's late, but I bid a very happy and fond
to ISJ (J Q), born on the first of April
and to my sister Debbie "Doodie" born on the second of April

soon is the birthday of my neice, on the eighth

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dear Tehran

Those are April Fool's fireworks heading your way, not nukes.

April Fool's! They are nukes. Much of the world has had it's fill of you.
Let's see ... '70s, US hostages.
Now ... UK hostages.

Wow ... tigers don't change their stripes!

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye!


Like life, fleeting, though beautiful in the time it is there. Spring, dew, droplets, magic in the moment.

How I am at work

Or perhaps, more generally, in life

[oops, playing the Superfriends game, I now have to drink]
Have a fun April Fool's Day!