Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I think I finally got it ... I think that I have put it in a usable form. -- things I think about not really sleeping, but dead tired.
It's a matter of perspective.
A 9 -24 month old knows (object permanency) that if you or she puts a toy under a pillow, it will be there when you lift the pillow. When it isn't there, it defies your logic and total understanding of life in your very fragile stage, hence you cry. Now at 38 months, the child knows that the object can shift, not through its own works, but by gravity or movement and fall behind the crib.

At 18 months, you don't find the toy, you know it should be there, but it isn't -- it's all wrong, until you learn more.
So, prejudice is infantile thinking, however taught in some cases, that generally will phase out with higher levels of thinking. Therefore, it is a matter of perspective and intelligence, in that you find new information to further your previously limited understanding.

That doesn't mean, unlike a child who likes to learn (actually learning new things activates the pleasure centers of your mind -- habituation and predictability depress the levels after a while; therefore boredom), that all persons (adolescents - adults) want to learn much of anything, much less an understanding to which they have pleasure (learning, emotional attachment) which spurs feelings of loss and therefore pain.

Like any grief, it passes, however slowly, until such time that you adjust to the new perspective (circumstance)

new study shows

waiting for tests results worsens your health.
My folks are falling apart and today I thought, due to my Mum's mix up with what the nurse told her, that she might have had paddles used on her to jolt her heart back into shape. It was a fairly poor night for sleeping, followed by early start:
test here,
wait there,
45 minutes intervals, then ... do blood test -- pop ... done

your results will be posted in 2 days.
What's that ... an SAT you just took?! 6 hours and no mention of when or what?
My Mum has heart arrhythmia, has had at least one heart attack and is in poor health. She is having this done BEFORE she can have work done on her knees. Ultimately she will likely have to have knee replacements.

I think that they'll make a decision this weekend, then maybe use the shock difibulator paddles on her Monday.
waiting, wondering, not knowing stinks! I guess today, I'm grumpy dwarf or grouchy smurf or someone

My blood probably looks like underfeed tissue or starch water -- unclear, but usable