Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It should be illegal

I know what he's thinking.

I know that there could be a cleaner, lazier thing that has entered his mind, but my mind is murkier, filthier -- kept so with my vile thoughts that I grow like weeds and a cherished garden.

I missed meeting up with friends ...

I wonder what I missed. Hopefully someone will post something!

New addition

reader beta spell and link check! Thanks MR! The McLaughlin links should now be fixed.

blown apart

blown apart
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
Some people have some serious fears based on reality. Here a target is destroyed by pressure from a remote bomb. This is not, however, a person, but a human-shaped target.

Upon closer examination of the target, if not instantly killed, massive bleeding wout ensure death.

While I have my own little "perspectvie" on this small sampling, it is from Discovery Channel's "Future Weapons", which covered different types of explosions.

This prefaced a demonstration of a new explosive used in Afghanistan against cave-protected Taliban and Al Quada.

Death comes in many different flavors and colors.

dog duty -- this isn't me

It's just something you have to do.

Something stinks about this particular job!

More diabolical changes

You people from Dinette Set comic strip, all look like Drew Carey!

problem in the woods

I was in the woods trying to get some really good photographs. I heard a distrubance around me and saw this! I almost instantly, inadvertantly marked my territory (in a manner of speaking). Yep; I claimed my pants and then I bravely ran away -- yes, I bravely ran away!

Potentially hot

Lewd, crude, rude, and potentially offensive, but also potentially hot!
names removed/delelted to protect identities.

It's not what it looks like?

okay, maybe not, but a straight man would not do this! +
Yes, I know them. The names have been removed/deleted to protect their identities.

+ Do you know how I know you're gay?