Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Further evidence of my own personal Tyler Durden

I felt a scratch and dried blood on my head. I don't remember injuring myself. I guess Tyler had an interesting time last night. He doesn't keep a journal, darn him!

K-Pax reference

Okay ... I thought about it and realized that few readers, as if I had many, would understand the K-Pax reference. Here is the story:

MR asked me one time for A movie that I liked ... just any, just name one. The exclusions were bigger known older movies like Star Wars and the like. "Now I heard the old man say the word at least 40 times a day. By in a flash I blurted out, 'Schwartz'"+. In my case, I blurted out K-Pax. While it was okay, it wasn't a good movie. Upon a preliminary review -- difficult as it was bad enough that no channel plays it, it was choppy, sloppy and unworthy of fanfare.

So, now if you see the reference to K-Pax, you may laugh along with us, as it was a bad word association. Name the first thing that comes to your mind ... K-Pax. okay ... [jots down note: either crazy, likes every movie he watches, or doesn't descriminate. check mark next to crazy]

+ dialogue from Christmas Story, while Ralphie sat on the toilet with Lifeboy soap in his mouth for the use of F - - - word.

I wound up not getting superpowers

I wasn't actually bitten. Spiders tend not to bite me. Venom tends to have little effect on me, so that in that case I am fortunate. This is a very common spider here, whitish or yellowish abdomen with red body. I don't think that this is very dangerous.

Huskies' return?

I remember in the 70s ... yes, I'm THAT old, the term "huskies". In The Ref, they refreshed my memeory of this ancient term for fatkid. "Husky", yeah. That makes the boy think, Alaska, Iditarod and his wide -- blubber eating butt trailing behind him like a somewhat manned sled.

Why don't they just say, odd circumstantially, "junk in the trunk boy" or "bubble butt", "wide end receiver"? "Husky" is well known, but "Maximal Gluteous Maximus (MGM)" pants have a certain Hollywood flair. Now, adults don't have to worry about husky this or that. It's 65" waist size and are you really worried about how fat your butt is?

Tougher than a toy

Dodge Ram ... when you want a truck that is tougher than a toy. Bam, bam, bam ... robot loses. Not the most convincing ad. Also ... what if people don't know what a rock 'em sock 'em robot is? They returned to production after Toy Story 2, of course.

Fight Club

I rewatched it. It is interesting, clever, and odd. In watching it, I always wonder if somehow, somewhere there isn't a Tyler who visited other places wearing my face. It would account for the number of people who supposedly recognize me, whom barely register a blip, let alone a flash or sold memory. I remember lots of faces, lots of names ... put generally can't put them together, with only one meeting and years/decades between the visits.

Worse still ... I think my Tyler would be starting Fart Clubs rather than fight clubs.

going Berserk

Berserk was an odd combination of graphic violence and timidity. It had your typical ridiculous violence. The protagonist Guts weilds his 200 pound sword as ably as others would a dagger. He goes berserk during his campaign to bring justice. In episdoe one, four vile men kick in the door to a bar. The occupants don't stir, not even to save the poor girl -- their captive.

I thought that they'd imply or worse have a rape scene, but thankfully no. No one in the bar came to her rescue as her face is planted into the table. The men want her to clean the table with her tongue. Then the killing begins.

I liken it a bit between two lesser scenes from American movies: Heavy Metal, the last story the barely clothed woman walks into the bar and slays three would-be gang-rapists. She wiped the blade on their newly decapitated bodies. Blood went much of everywhere making quite a mess.

The big evil guy in Berserk changed into his "real" appearance as a monster. He was twenty feet tall, but very similar to the lizard-like creature in Dreamscape. Berserk fell into one of the blunders so well discussed in Incredibles, monologuing.

At the end of this show, it did entice me to wonder ... what now? There was a scene from earlier in his life, before branding, where he was a more typical swordsman.