Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

funny act

My mom came back from shopping and with her she had, earplugs. It seemed like an odd purchase until she told me they were for my sister. My sister's husband snores ... how shall I put it, as loud as thermonuclear devices. He was up one Christmas and with the door closed it was loud. Within the room itself -- painful. He was assigned a room with me. I left in favor of sleeping on some other furniture. I was not going get sleep with the loud snoring.

For this reason my mom bought the earplugs. I merely laughed loud, but it was about the first real laugh of my day.

Family here will be clowning around

My sister purchased tickets and so, they shall see, hear, listen ... perhaps enjoy! I expect they are still selling tickets.

Fig get about it

Thanks to PBS viewers like you, Nature presents Fig African Queen Tree. Sadly, Nature shows on PBS are durned hard to find, except for buy now on DVD through PBS at a price you probably aren't willing to spend.

nuclear daisy chain

I stopped writing a short novellete about the US cunningly destroying the Arab region starting with Iran, then Iraq. How abou this simplier way. Let Iran build nuclear power plants. Get drones or predators to slam into them ... poof, bam, boom, badda bing -- Iran becomes humans verboten land.

Addressing the address

My comment was, and I stand by this, that the address was bad. I don't really want to be the President, but woulnd't mind a short-lived coup (6-9 months) in which I could put things and people into place, where smart, ethical people are in power, making decisions for the nation. Too many smart (and some not-so smart) people are in power, and some of those are unethical. There is corruption in the government and there is corruption in the UN.

Essentially, I would prefer a bloodless housecleaning, and only a few changes in the law. Placing smart, ethical people in power alone would propell this fine nation of ours into a successful millenium. I would only want to make changes and would not be intersted in fame. I'd step down and leave as peacefully as I would like to enter. Change. Change is what is needed, but my post today on the address was:

the address wasn't good. It had errors, logical and others. paragraph 3: will not have the next generations shoulder the costs ... without raising taxes ... through free enterprise ... flush out the earmarked monies (interesting that it was mentioned after the change of congress and senate). There are others, but I'll stop there. I will ammend my comment on Webb's address retort.

Webb's designation as the spokesperson for the democrats was interesting, perhaps wise, but I didn't like his address either. I rank it 50-50 or 40-60 regarding applicability, reasoability and credibility. Highlights were middle class economy, job loss and disparity between highest official (CEO) and lower workers. The simplistic analogy, however oversimplified is good. A typical worker would have to work a year to earn what a (growing to be typical) CEO earns in a day.

So far Bush's surge plan, coming years later than many close people suggested, has had little chance to show efficacy. Statistics lean toward "ineffective". Webb's statement mentions a "way" but give as much detail as a government-released classified paper (large blacked out areas).

I thought today on the amount we are spending daily in Iraq. How about we just put up bounties on enemies. $1 billion for Osama, with required body to verify DNA, etc. That is one day's cost of the war. I think that is the right price for people to turn in neighbors and enemies, high profile persons. It would save America lives, time, and ultimately money.

in the news

AP wins bad catch phrase for January 24, 2006: "Mother never even exposed to males; breakthrough raises scientists’ hopes" The Komodo dragons were fertilized in a different manner, rather than through typical mating. The catchprase isn't helpful.

Chickens' deaths ruled mob trampling from boy's scared screaming, as reported by Reuters. Chickens are stupid. Who knew they were this easily frightened and stupid. Of course, if a giant stepped over NYC and started screaming, I'd expect a whole lot of trampling deaths. I might also expected, "panicked looting", for looting and pillaging

political shooing

Kerry bows out, for his fragile but luna-size ego couldn't take the loss that he certainly would gain.

Also in the news: teachers wanted in "ailing" New Orleans. They won't find housing or food or supplies or high pay or benefits, but they'll get the satisfaction of being paid half of any other area, those students who were failing in schools that were an issue before Katrina. Let's see. Worse conditions, worse pay and benefits, and the kids were essentially off a year. umm.... thinking ... heck, no!

Grey's Anatomy star uses slur that the news won't report. Apparently this terrible homosexual reference was worse than the many other slurs they put in print, those against race, color, religion, sex and others. Why, might I ask, is the homosexual slur so unworthy of printing? Stranger still is the counseling about it. So ... Isaiah, what would you call two guys holding hands? [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep]. Well, I guess we have a bit to do, right?

degrees of certaintity

7 degrees of Kevin Bacon or the easier game, 5 degrees of William Shatner.

Missed last year

Older, wiser, ready for Geekfest II, 07

missed a season

I watched pro football this year, at the tail end of the season (playoff games) Colts, Bears, oh my!

I saw the playlist on the wrist of the defense co-ordinator. I was reminded of Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear. In the back of my mind, I remember that they weren't introduced this year, but I had forgotten them. Quite funny!

Buzz Lightyear to coach Lovie. I am in hostile territory with linemen and runners. Am preparing to overcome odds and dismantle their formation.

hit & miss

server erro
It could happen to you.
Server error.

Another plug for new blogger

I used a new template. True, it has a gayer color and does not use a widescreen base. Setting up the template was so much more of a breeze than before. It wasn't too bad grabbing and moving code, but now it found the code and moved it, making it faster. I now have to put back a couple of things, but changing templates is so much easier, however limited.

Thanks blogspot/blogger!

State of the Union address

I overheard some of it last night, but I like to read it. As I am reading it, I am disheartened. I cannot and will not spend a long-winded blog about what I find wrong here and there. Suffice to say, I found many errors early on in the speech. I also heard Webb's post address commentary speaking on behalf of the democratic party.

I would rank the Webb response about 50-50 or 40-60 regarding success and reliability. I cannot give Bush as high of marks on his speech.

It was just bad to read it and remember when the listeners applauded or stood and applauded points of interest that with no thought, don't bear out reality.

It wasn't good, but it was grief.

exec asst

shortened, like my chance of getting it.

"Must type 65 wpm accurately"
What kind of words? I have done that while the words are in my head and generally with my eyes closed. I type better that way. If I'm reading from a source ... not possible.

reminded of

I found postings for jobs that I already applied. I guess they didn't choose me and they're still looking. The funny thing is that the one place sent me a notice that jobs "matched" my profile. I went there, answered the 90 questions, filled out the supplementary app, but nothing. They had me go there again and I had to answer the same type of questions and app again. The questions are generated from a database, much like fortune cookies. It is possible that you will find the same question as the same number in your questionaire, but it is very unlikely. I didn't help myself by sending comment to the third-party host that does the questions. My comment mentioned that the questions needed a minor review for English grammar and syntax. The questions also were poorly phrased so the optional answers may not encompass would-be candidates real perspectives.

New Blogger

It runs fluidly, so a big "yes" for that, but I can't edit a post when it's a draft. That's just odd.