Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, September 29, 2006

This should be the new requirement

Smoke? Well then, use this, and only this.

Who supports terrorism?

America does is the simplest way: oil-wasting vehicles haulling only one person or few persons. Waste, waste, waste and the terrorist organizations love it! When you don't care, you support terrorism. Buy drugs, support terrorism. If you think I'm wrong, research what Afghanistan exports -- drugs and weapons. How would Iraq ever be able to support terrorism ... ah, yes ... oil. Which country consumes the most oil of any nation ... hmm... the US. Slow terrorism, stop buying fuel-inefficient vehicles. If they aren't bought, new ones won't be built and America will have models that actually get better gas mileage.

Govenor of California -- Arnold, why own Humvees? A state with energy and pollution problems and the govenor demonstrates great waste. To all of America, set an example ... don't feed, cloth and house terrorists -- stop being wasteful. Dump the SUVs. Dubai has built an artificial island found the wonders of oil sales.

Last sampling of news today

One could dwell on any part of this, but more telling is the none-too secret depth to which extemists will carry out revenge against enemies. I would like to believe that their enemies are only the standing armies in the Arab regions, but that isn't so. If non-Iraqis were to pull out of Iraq+ now, then they would find "old" enemies to smite -- likely Israel. I don't ever see an end to their seeking Isreal's removal from the planet. The underscored theme here, "revenge" will really is questionable when they would be satisfied. How about saying a number, eh? Give a death toll for a ballpark. I think if more likely that the number would be "all non-Muslims"

+ I was not a supporter of the war, but pragmatically, there is no good, safe way to mass pull out of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Finding them was easy

Foley, as chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, contacted a 16 year old male. There are questions as to the content and focus of the conversation, but the "page" reported his choice to end the emailing as he was upset with them. I'm sure we're going to hear more about this little thing pretty soon. Sad that he didn't keep up with his (first link) agenda to keep Children safe, even from their parents.

Especially sad was that nobody came

Depression Day Oct. 5

Indiana University-Purdue University will mark Depression Awareness Day on Oct. 5 with a free community event 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Walb Student Union. Display booths, educational handouts and individualized screenings with a mental-health professional will be available. Presentations at noon and 6:30 p.m. are scheduled, and from noon to 1 p.m. a video and discussion in Room 222 Walb Student Unionwill address depression on college campuses.

♦From noon to 1 p.m. Oct. 3, IUPU will host “What Happy Faces are Hiding: Talking About Depression” in the Student Union Ballroom. The free event, open to the community, will offer a personal story that frames mental-health issues in real-life language and examples.

Jerk fails suicide test

Try as he might, this rude, caustic athlete couldn't even kill himself correctly. I guess being knocked around on the field impaired his vision, or maybe it was the drugs, either way -- he's alive. I'm sure the number of people he has agrieved are not relieved with his resilience in the face of this "attempt". His publicist found him. How uncanny that a person vying to get a better reputation for this punk now has a pity card to play out, making him vulnerable regardless of his history of being a snotty jerk or any other deragatory comment that might be reasonably made.

Munchies, Munchies are the best

especially when you're caught trying to fix something, in a place you don't own (Dominoes), at a time that it isn't open, and when you are supposed to have access (ex-employee). In the end, the wonder plant didn't do wonders for this high and mighty couple working their way up the judicial system in great form. I think this is the time to step in and either -- take a lung from each or make sure they don't produce; and I'm not referring to marijuanna.