Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, January 30, 2006

wierd things to mail

your beard once you've shaved it. Monkeyjack was the "lucky" recipiant. Left with the question ... why?

Truth in advertising

If they want to make another big budget gay movie, they ought to just call it:

Gay movie! We've finally made it!
Don't dupe people into watching some dang cowboy love movie or anything like that. Call it what it is ... gay movie, because you could.
Do you want to know something ... theaters will sell even fewer tickets than they do now.

I guess, although MR would contend that I am very politically correct will write this: If you have to declare what you are, you probably aren't. If you have to yell into people's faces that being gay is great and everyone should try it, you are probably wrong. If you're gay, great! Go thata way! I don't want to see it and would be peeved to be in a theater, paying $7.50 only to be duped into the theme.

Last Temptation of Christ hid nothing in its title. If it offended you ... don't go! There would be an easier way of titling the movie, "B__________k Mountain." That would about say it, eh?

Awards committees have long been idiots. The fact that they are hailing this as a revolutionary, innovative movie because it's so gay, isn't surprising. What's sad is that people still watch the awards hoping that decisions are made based on merit, not vindicating the repressed.

wrong movie

The students (all of 3rd grade) I think, took home a movie, Secret Garden. One student had the wrong movie in the case, Clueless, which is just too ironic.

Fucher Gie

"future guy", that wasn't what I originally read ... boy! That was really funny to think that a third grader wrote about me with that title.

The assignment: write about a person who has a talent. What's the talent and who is it? I mentioned that I can made some good predictions from seeing patterns, like relative time to change to green from red, from no given original time. I don't see the future or predict it, but rather predict outcomes based on patterns. This has not lent itself to poker or gambling.