Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

apple, not leaf

apple, not leaf
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
What a surprise that would be, both it being winter and that it would be sold for consuption. If it were fried and dipped in chocolate, it could be a lego and some people would eat it. This creation was sguary, with soft, chewy interior, but was expensive.

Happy New Year, pigs

February 18th this year is the New Year for many people. I was not born under this sign, so no joy, no worries. I believe that Carrie, ISJ, Cerpicio, Monkeyjack were born during one of these years. Huh! Whatcha know 'bout dat?

I am a rooster, but what I read on one site lacked my boostfulness that I have--regretably and my creativity.

The character above is, "peace"

Here come the judge now

This year, you can volunteer to be a Science Fair Judge. These three sheets are for the regional science fair 2007 in Fort Wayne, IN, IPFW. It will be held March17th (St. Patrick's Day) from 8 a.m. to around 12 noon

What's in a name

I saw on job postings a name of a company with "profits" in it's name. Well then. I saw what is typical of high volume, high pressure jobs, "generate sales" with the hidden (lots of them hourly), through your Hollywood index of millions of willing investors. Make lots of money, money, money for the company, company, company. In the scheme of things, generally these high volume, high pressure jobs truly work for only two personalities:

energetic, aggressive, slighly pressuring, sales person who sees everyone as a buyer with the right prompting.

energetic, sociopathic, aggressive, tromping salesperson who sees money to be had, regardless the cost; losing friends and family in the process is immaterial.

The less successful sales people either falter, skim by, or find that they aren't the first so temporarily act like the second. Me? I couldn't sell stuff to people who don't need it. I would Airplane+ process aggressive salespeople. I am not a pressuring type of guy, so I despise when others charge at me like starving people to a buffet.

+ Airplane, going through the airport Peter Graves is confronted by Moonies, solicitors of all types, wanting money and patronage to groups. He uses karate and judo to floor them all.

Winter isn't gone

Today, 30-40 mph shifting winds, fluries, single digits. The Groundhog seeing or not seeing its shadow doesn't mean squat. Today it is cold, wintery and snowy. Winter is clinging on to life here and isn't going to pass without a strong fight.