Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Work hurts

I got spanked again at work last night, this time by a different woman.

It's all in good fun and humor and there is no illicit or sexual foreplay to it. The woman who have done it are, well ... committed in some way to a man, so there isn't a "come chase me" innuendo to this game.


So this man fled the Feds and then called, "Just shoot me!"

In a follow up story, 300 officers had target practice today ...

Dude! These real work quotes are odd!

"Dude, I just woke up. Can I have ..." (11:45 pm)

Man approaches me, "I'm hungry"

"Uh, yeah. One of your drivers just cut me off in traffic."

"Help! I'm trapped (stall was locked) in the girl's bathroom and ... I need toilet paper."

"This happens all the time!" (angrily stated, but yet ... they return)

I won't type the various and many dirty comments people there have made to one another. Thankfully, no one is serious.

"That guy's an %$@#hole!" (remarked about a county officer)

"So, who invited the monster", asked the GM when he saw the mess and remnants of a 'paper war' strewn all over the floor. What a complete and utter mess.

becoming one with the shaft

There was a guy at work, kid really, who wanted out at his "scheduled" time, but work swing higher so someone had to stay. He was chosen and so, grimly he stayed. He's usually in a good mood, silly like a class clown, but it soured. I'm glad that he finally got to leave. I felt sad for him, vulture-like, trying to hastily get thingsg done to get out ... anything to get out faster.

Perhaps he'll get his wish next time.
different work moment

A guy at work related, "I know your a techie like all of us" ...

Uh, dude, you're no techie. I'd label him closer to trekkie than to techie. Most of the people who've worked there for a while are "too comfortable" to ever really leave. I think of them as really good euchre players, but they couldn't play poker to save their lives. They are stuck in a microcosm of that place and dare not venture out. They know the critical programs, but I doubt they know much beyond that and typical surfing. The techie-of-sorts knew "router", but the intra workings are hardwired. There's a satelite dish for commnunication and system linking. That, sadly is the slowness of the system.

They are running on a win 2000 computer, including using win 3.1 software for a couple of minor things. My suggestion to the company itself ...
invest now in good material that lasts and it will save you more, but most people don't see the value in buying big-modern. The big-modern are things that are more than you need, but will fit your need down the road in 2-3 years. That's smarter thinking ... working smarter, not harder.

Anyway, I got a chance to look at the money and nightly paperwork. Hmmm, redundancy aside, there is a larger volume of clicks, tweeks, and entering that I could have imagined. As an outsider, I actually have some real suggestions for streamlining the process to make "less" work at the end of the night.

One: kill the zon machine in favor of presently available, but not activated card swipes on the POSs
Two: modify interface to show application numbers or account numbers for separate entries either - or +

I have others, but I'll post 'em later.

slip slidin' away

On my way home last night: 2:38 according to my car clock, in another county, the roads were very slick from the ice-snow mix. The wind was high, and so my car was a little plastic toy on an ice rink. I had to slow down, as I felt perpetually fishtailing. It was odd, since the roads weren't that bad in "Winter".

I was again reminded of the many things plaguing me:
place closer to work,
outstanding other bills,
get different car,
study for work test,
and more ...

Rest, not sleep but quality rest, is elusive. I did sleep, but had stressful dreams. I will settle down sometime and really rest.

Ahem. Now my justified bitching comes

When you can't find a wooden soap box use a box of powder ..

Anyway, according to a stat report, for all the effort and money (including taxpayer money) spent on lobbying and fighting and finally bringing into being daylight savings time for our area -- there was no measurable energy change.

So, let me get this right. Taxpayers had their money spent on decades of lobbying and counter filing and after all of that, we don't see any measurable difference? I adjust fairly quickly to the one-hour difference change, but others do not. If I account for the crap, I'd say the people here in Indiana and the general taxpayer lsot, and lost big time here.

May congress stopping pushing manure and start, I don't know ... doing something productive.
It's like going to a doctor for a cut hand. You cut the hand at work with a clean sharp boxknife. Rather than stitch it shut or bandage it, the doctor runs tests for weeks, to conclude, after your infected wound is bad, that it is now infected. The doctor claims no responsiblity for not more quickly attending to the real problem of just patching it together first.

This is what I think legislators did here with daylight savings time. They pushed it through and showed no value to the taxpayer and citizen. Way to go morons! Get out of law if you don't know how to do it! If you like to spend other people's money, become a professional poker player, don't use taxpayer money, jerk!