Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

unnecessary chatting

I tried to report spam to Monster, as is a nice thing to do.
I tried using the "report monster spam abuse" and ... contains html code, blah blah blah
I tried another location... blah blah blah
I chatted with Monster:  "exceeds character limit"
finally I sent an email to a person there, she got it and thanked me
I wasted 15 minutes helping monster limit spam.
It should have taken moments, not minutes.

Well, I'll have to outdo him!

Oh, yeah? Well, I found a hole in the ground with a label marking it as the porthole to Hell. Yeah! Prove me wrong!

So, they "found" Jesus' tomb with family, huh? I find that as likely as me being the golden goose pooping out gold on a daily basis. What they have is a tomb with names Jesus, Judah, Maria. I was thinking of all the billions and trillions of people who have existed, yet there was and is no documentation on them. So, in the world of billions, presently, likely billions to trillions throughout human existence, there is a tomb with people. Gosh ... startling. This is much like seeing a famous person in cottage cheese. You see it because you want to see it.

Beyond the miracle of life hereafter, a concept that apparently is lost on James Cameron, Jesus the person was tried and executed in a typical and horrific manner of crucifiction. This, for many people of the world including Muslims, is regarded as fact. Still more people believe that Jesus, son of God, rose from the dead leaving no body, only the death shroud.

So this Jesus, who was killed, had a tomb for Himself, child (ren) family, and wife? Uh, not if he died. If he really were a father, as suspected, bibically speaking and judicially prudent in those times would have been to eliminate Jesus' son from being a great threat like Him or Barrabus. They would have probably enslaved or killed overtly/covertly, Judah the suspected son of Jesus the heretic rebel rouser.

Dear James Cameron,

Terminator 3 blew chunks. Titanic was a long, boring, stupid chick-flick. Don't package a befuddled mass of illusion and desperation into a "documentary" about where Jesus lies. The "lies" is right, but rather about the perspective shown, for there are no facts as you claim.

So, did the hunted Jesus have a publicist following Him around to give then-tabloid bits of miracles and whereabouts, but elusive enough that the Romans couldn't find Him? This same person then did spin-doctoring to make it possible for Him to be otherwise saved? I think not, buddy. I wouldn't make a movie about Muhammad, because:

I don't follow his thinking, raitonale, edicts,
view the act of making loose-fitting parts into a movie of a critical person/icon insulting to those whom it serves,
realize the backlash of violence and hostility that it would cause -- and for no positive change whatsoever.

Stick to what you do best ... fiction, plainly stated as such ... fiction, like Dr. Seuss or Mannimal or Abyss. Abyss, I liked, though a love story, it was cleverly crafted into a re-watchable near-epic with explicit morals and the larger picture being love conquering all. Keep with that or the eye-catching flash of Terminator. Don't mess with sculpted manure as "ecobio-American-art". Look, it's interestingly shaped, topically safe bovineporcine patties. It's poop. The fact that it's shaped like cupid and will eventually "melt" with rain to make healthier flowers, is in no way a distraction from it being poop.