Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, May 19, 2008

In life

thank you for this picture (free image)

There are many times of normalcy. Often, when you least expect it, there is change. I could go through a several step process: anger, sorrow, etc. over it or I could simple accept the change and know that it's a challenge presented to me. I will take the change and move on, being stronger, bolder, hopefully wiser.

Nothing has killed me, I tempted fate quite often. Some things have made me weary, shy in some respects. Other things have merely made me stronger in character, personality or physically. I only wish I were brainier.

good thing I had change

I parked at a meter today and within 2 minutes of walking from my car -- dun, dun, dun --- a meter reader. She walked through, undoubtedly disappointed that she couldn't decorate my car with, "pay this" ticket. I didn't buck the system or get away with anything, but happy that I didn't get hosed for a minor offense.

3 down + 1

I was walking the mall, reasons unimportant, and I was heading to the escalators to the patio. A young mother with three, I would guess triplets, trying to get them onto the steps. It was, perhaps, their first foray into moving stairs. Well, I saw, much to the young woman's challenge, while two were on the steps, one little girl was on the top, scared to walk on the moving steps. I walked up to see the mother walking up to be between the girls going down and the little one on top.

I tried to help, I took the little girl's hand and we moved onto the steps toward Mommy. She was unafraid when she saw we were making progress. I only wanted her to take a couple of steps, to make sure she didn't fall. At the end of the "ride", one girl crawled off the bottom ... oops.

The other girl at the bottom had fallen on her butt and her skirt was splayed out (dragged partially by the waves of steps. None were crying, but they seemed, at first, unsure. The mother thanked me and laughed at the situation. As I walked away the girls called out, "let's do it again".


Apart from the many drivers today, while I was downtown, there was scarcely a person. Did Armageddon begin and I sadly am one of the fray that either has to battle the Earthly evil to be redeemed -- taken to heaven or be dragged into hell for all of my sins and never see God? For those drawn to heaven instantly, have fun!

starts with T

So, Bush pointed out that terrorists can't be reasoned with, can't be bargained with ... like terminators.

Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human - sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.


a picture of my mind
While I may not always run around like a hungry shrew, my mind rarely settles. While I wouldn't want my mind to settle like dust, to slow, to function less or worse, but I would like, much like these proto-stars ideas to develop into parts of a whole, or whole beings. I would like my ideas to be of some benefits to others rather than masses of gases slowly and gradually pulled into a mass until it is a star, a sun for someone.

old toy part

This circular thing has very small pictures on the ends of the wheel. You were supposed to look through a boxy binoculars aiming at a light source which gave you simulated stereo vision of a picture -- generally a scene from a movie or short film. Who knows how old this one is.

street art

On todays trip I ventured into other areas, this wasn't so scary, but other areas were unkind. The wind was strong so I couldn't smell very well and I was wondering if there were people lurking in the shadows. There was a small spot of trees that might have held some interesting artifacts, but there was too much danger. I might have been mugged for the first time or worse. I opted out.

Later, in a shorter trip, I ventured through a small bit of woods and was called to then called out by a small home-range falcon. (S)he couldn't have been still protecting the young. I don't know why I was such a "threat".

in desperation there is still hope

angel in the window above the bonds office