Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Jacket with new smell

Charlie and I went to the park Saturday and he picked most of the dandelions along the way for Mommy! I carried them in my coat, so my leather jacket now smells of dandelions. It adds to my tough guy image.

When we got to the park, we fed ducks and the insistent geese. Since Charlie doesn't often go to this park, it was a treat, but a trek ... long for a person with short legs -- 4 years old. "Here ducks!"

Saw II -- Saw it

This introduces a new, weaker plot with the same type of gore, moving from new-gothic blue and watery-green (Matrix, Saw, Ring) to now in new 30's artistic slant print yellowish neo-gothic (more concentrated than Sky Captain). It said to me, "soon to be a PS2 /3 XBOX, GC, PC game".

Though not totally predictible, it was, inevitably, somewhat predictable.

Two victims (supposedly bad or evil in their own right) weren't really investigated, and you never knew much about them. They were, I guess, slasher movie fodder. The shared theme they had were vices, so a character in the movie was a vice officer, which seemed strange considering his "role" in the main investigation

Vice: narcotics, prostituion, I guess larceny falls under that category, but certainly not homicide.

Anyway ... watch it if you saw the first one, but this is hacked together --- I won't give any numbers on it

Signs that you're sleeping

you snap your neck quickly recovering from a near forehead to keyboard crash -- thanks, Lori!
Mumbling unintelligibly or responding with non-sensical phrases to questions such as, "Where is the remote?" "The German books are over there." (my stupid, sleepy response)

Either you came in drunk last night or we need to get a new clock. It
clanged 7 times, farted, rang twice more, burped and laughed, then clanged 5
more times.

You wake yourself snoring
You see that you traveled forward in time by several minutes, yet you didn't move laterally.