Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Good book, not too bad of video

Where the Wild Things Are; animated.

Wild Thing anyone?

Why for you so stupid?

4Real? What the ...

New Zealand apparently has quacks just like the US with bad parents wishing to name their children bad names. If the government had the right, it should charge them, 4Real, a lot of money for harming their newborn.

If you know what "Dragon's Lair" was, then you might like this

It's 2-D and sketchy, but the same principle. Escape.

it seems to me these were missed by many followers

The Purpose of the Ascension
The Quran explaines the reason for taking Muhammad  on this miraculous journey as “to show him our signs.”
Some of the other purposes of the journey are as follows:
Declaration of the universality of Islam
o By leading the prophets
o By praying in Masjid al-Aqsa
Warning the Kuffar of the imminent punishment
The twelve commandments:
o Not to commit shirk
o Kindness to parents
o Respect others rights
o Avoid spend thriftiness
o Do not kill your children
o Do not commit adultery
o Do not kill
o Be kind to orphans
o Fulfill your promise
o Be fair in your dealings
o Do not be suspicious of others
o Do not be arrogant
Prelude to Hijrah
The obligatory five prayers

Huh. It seems to me that killing is what they do and killing their children is what they do and respecting others' rights isn't what they do. I guess they had a book with missing pages, right?

sad. I'm not keen on the breed, but the message is sound and clear

Required viewing for Vicks.


No speaky the Rappish. Are you wondering why impressionable people are gang-ho? I'm not. I believe Dante would have had an interesting section in hell for these people.