Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, March 26, 2007

crashing waves

crashing waves
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
As seen from a walk around the lake.

An unexpected walk and talk ... by the lake.

Bike shop where, if I had money, I could have bought a nice bike.


Last night there were two cycles ahead of me in traffic. There was also a punked and roughly assembled car in the far lane. At the color verde, the car peeled off, far ahead of the cylces. Interestingly enough, no cops were around. The cycles could have easily passed the fool, but were wise enough not to risk tickets. The car driver, in a last, ballsy and triumphant brainless macho move, squealed his tires before pulling off to another street. God willing, there weren't any children in the street.

Man, that driver was so ... me, years ago.