Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, April 06, 2007

You die, and we all move up a rank

"I need a", chiefy, "to sign off on this". Okay, so now I have "signing" powers, to some limited extent. Now, I'm really pumped about flying powers and maybe X-Ray vision.

Speaking of powers of observation, the term at work for a hottie is "bubble", so people will call out to someone helping or just having helped a "bubble". A couple of guys mentioned that I appeared to have been salivating over a woman last night. She was nice, but they're perspective and mine aren't quite the same. I get only a moment with customers ("guests"). I get more time spent with people at work -- one of whom I find, well, enchanting. I will sometime find out whether she is married. She likely is, so ... moot point, as well as the no-dating thing.

I was asked yesterday about my marital status, as a time-filler, I suppose. I mentioned divorce and she probed, how long was I married, and was stunned that someone could put off the divorce with stubbornness and stupidity, as did my ex. She was dating a guy and was hoping that she'd get, ya know ... a proposal by now, not to be (year three). I mentioned that at some point, commit to a direction and stick with it. Stay or go.

There is still, yet, another hottie at work who is dating a guy. for the term "boyfriend" came up. Wow! She's, well, I thought she had a man. She's fau-ine! She's the kind of woman whose elegance is evident. Wow! She walks -- moves, twists, turns, smiles ... ah, botanical gardens -- filled with sights and wonderful scents.

I don't know her at all, so maybe that's where it ends.

- title quote from "Star Trek", the orignial series

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