Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If anyone has furniture they don't want ...

I'm not moving yet, but I'm thinking in about a couple of months I will. So, if anyone has furniture ... letme know, eh?

Location, location, location?

This place here is where I might jump to be, it's bike-distance to work, but there are drawbacks.

Decisions to make. Who knows?

lovely, but ...

A woman at work is lovely, attractive, young, but not "innocent". She could be Cinderella, but her smoker's voice comes out like Ursella from Little Mermaid. She's undoubtedly nice, practical, but she could do well to not smoke. Smoking, as I have mentioned about work, is a downturn. I would guess about half the employees smoke. That's just plain gross. In FW, my present hometown, smoking is soon-to-be verboten in public buildings.

"It will be a day long remembered." 'It has seen the end of smoking, and shall soon see the end of the lawsuits.'+

+ quoted and paraphased from "Star Wars: New Hope"

Recoverable error

I made a situation worse, but the "situation" isn't beyond recovery. What was an odd situation, I made more complex, or rather I let it become more complex. A relationship that had bounds had those bounds ... set back a few paces or feet. Anyway -- not terrible, but the bounds where they were, were fine. Now ... the referree is reviewing the play and measuring the location of the ball.

I'll type again when the whistle "tweet"s and I can call where the ball lies.

entertaining nomenclature

talented: stupid
bitch/jerk: smart
stupid: stupid
bold: stupid, endangers others or self
bright: dim-wit, with drug-activated intellidence
new: untainted, yet
innovative: untalented, but required to promote
rising star: minute 11 of 15 minutes of fame
crtiics love: avoid like spoiled fruit
scientologist: at level of branch davidians or Hale-Bop
civicly involved: shops locally
humanitarian: serving community service for E-felon or misdemeanor
beautiful: after sixteen hours of prep-work by un-named make-up artists, person resembles photoshopped person
real: completely fake
troubled: would sell liver for another hit, but still would favor Gucci over starvation

new CD cover (one-sheet wonder)

Crow -- revealed

Thankfully, the CD may be used as as toilet tissue as well, marking the quality of the muscian, or I mean to be environmentally friendly.

I hope this spells nearly the end of idol worship of entertainers. Alec Baldwin, Gibson, Imus, Crow ... how many people have to be stupid for you to see they are stupid? Entertainers, much like mice, interesting to watch, play with maybe, but you have to feed them. Ignore them and they die.

Spears, Hilton ... come on man, divorce isn't suprising nor is their sheer drama-queen-esque performances.

Entertainers ... enjoy what they do, not the people themselves.

Wacked out

My mom is on a, well, truckload of medicines. Her reactions to them are a mixed bag -- Sybil, in other words. She doesn't have personality changes, per se, but rather like "White Rabbit", "this one makes you makes you smaller, another makes you tall and the new one, doctor gave you doesn't do anything at all (that you know)."

Skip that right out!

If I have to live on a plate of medicines when I'm old, I might reconsider the whole thing.

SC pulls a CA

California juries might look about as stupid as South Carolina juries now with the acquittal of a previously-convicted rapist, who was tried with kidnapping and rape of two teens. The counter was that the teens stole marijuanna from a bunker under a tool shed in the man's make-shift garden.

Huh. Is that fertilizer I smell, well, something like it. That is some manure.

B. C.

Cartoonist Johnny Hart, draws attention now, instead of cartoons. His death marks the end of a long life of cartooning with symbolic tributes to Christianity, sports, and novel characters such as Fatso who continually smashed a snake and the wheel riding clan who used semi-advanced devices in pre-history.

Note: a great comic artist has passed away, we are saddened by his leaving
Picture a bottle floating out to sea, later returning with a note:
Good news, he's drawing now in Heaven.

Thanks Johnny!

Man, out-of-the-know

Kucinich wants to impeach the Vice President? He lied about being in good health maybe? Kucinich is running for President, go figure. Okay, my votes doesn't go that way then.

"Then you've decided.
Not in the least!"+

+ Princess Bride