Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Seemingly long walk ....

I think I need new shoes. I walked about 7 miles today, which is slightly less than my 8-9 yesterday, but ... it was all in one shot. My next trip I'll plan with walk paths and sidewalks in mind. My feet were actually sore today. I also spent hours and hours in the sun -- now I am read like a tomato (e).

I will post pictures later.

Thankfully I have been able to walk, rain and shine, at least 5 miles daily. It isn't as tough as jogging, but it does my body good.

Terrible week

May we never have another week with so much death. Stop the killing, please!
Fort Wayne has seen too much!


I normally tear movies, TV, and books into shreds, but I will simply remark on this movie. I think it inspired me to read the book, as the movie was stylized for the non-reading movie goer. I like the end where the dots are connected explaining who the author/screenwriter thought was the killer. Without giving away any parts of the movie, should you choose to watch it, I was surprised that Robert Downy, Jr did an alright job. I think they cast the movie well. The scenes held some mystery in spots and the theme of one man's obsession to find the killer and the toll it took on him was fairly notable. Overall, the movie was B- work.

The text in the movie showed the slow passage of time, 1969 to 2000, so many years and never a conviction on the crimes.

The movie does give you safety advice if you read it carefully. If you are held up by a masked man wielding a pistol and silencer, don't tie each other. If he plans on killing you, then he's going to do it. Don't let him torture you because you helped him or complied with his demands.