Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Watching the prints of Foxtrot

I have been reading Foxtrot for so many years -- decades. Recently Bill Amend decided to end his dailies work, but will continue to do Sunday comics. If you look at the years of comics, talent, charcters -- it's worthy of pride. I sent him an email, not expecting a reply, that I appreciated his decades of comics, finding laughter in his work.

Jason now has even more time to do years and years of homework in just one night -- to be better than his arch nemesis Katie. His partner Marcus and he will go on manly-man adventures to pester and torment Paige.

Paige and her friend Nicole, in return, will shop at every store possible, eventually to get the wedding dress for his marriage to Paige's dreamy Pierre.