Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, May 15, 2006

interview with "molester"

why not say rapist. ....
oh, that's right, rapist has no stong conotation ... painful alteration of a person via a sexual event

forceful vs eligible rape .... coercive, disabled rape where the placebo dead merger in vitimhood ... find victim and confince him/her that it's right

he was unremarkable ... noting that TV shows topless bathing youths which exaggerate impulses. Have yout ever seen the trekkie-collector ... fitting they profile, denouncing shirless bath commercials. I agree. Shirtless youths in a dangerous society ... not real ... fine witj a sociey with real value.

I elect not to perserve his life. Die [inset long line of profanities here] die!

Feel free to disavowoe me!

radio city music room

blankity blank blank blank [music continues]

What I can't play, radio unsafe music, following the passing of a day where I chose to play a cluster of music.

Interesteingly, naive loud urbanites chose "African music", as it was instrumental Native American unknown music to the whole of the world, met with North and Central American 8th century ethnic, long-since passed identity pieces. Worse, dialects notwithstanding, cordinal directional persons having little knowledge of their ethnic specificality uncertain, I'm black ... right.

Most are more American than am I. I am 4th to 5th generation American mixed with unresearched American "sneaky dog next door", perhaps AmeriAsia. I'm in favor of what I heard when I was three and older. I'm amazed that I memorized when I was a child. Local channnels, I find that blues, rock, pop, and otherwise are my "fav" with 40s- 60's being more afulent with my being than the ska of 90s. Jazz ... ska, as related as 50 cent to Led Zepplin.

Persoanally, I like older jazz ... I like the older jazz
The ska, stuff .... as it were, can be skippped over

it's by time they bring horn to guitar .... little to some, music to others

commercial sisters

woman 1: KY jelly
sister: pediacare
sister: bouquet

Similar, but not identifcal sisters. I find it funny that they showed commcerials in the order of KY jelly (heated version) with pedicare ... worked, eh?

They ought to run Linda Hamilton and her twin in commercials ... after 20 years of quite, dis-similar lifestyles, they are distinctly different.

Then again, they have the puffy-checked 17er's who do the double mint. I taught twins who could pair up for a literary masterpiece, unmatched by previous authors. [names exempted] are fantastic. They are methodical, whimsical, lyrical, inventive. I only hope their difficult middle school years don't shut down their fragile, yet precious persons. What a tragic loss, were they to never to show their wonder! In my city, proper, the local city schools have little to offer with safe and reasonable schools. My "ala matter" of middle school is now a virtual waste of humanity with little regard for humanity.

Sadism the common, parochial schools should see a burst of enrollment ... God rest their precious souls.

Last year, intentially burdoned with 25 pounds of water and a pack of 5 #s, biking at full bore for 5 miles, I met them, they recognize me, greeted with kindness; a smile; their father concerned, but forgiving. Yeah for him. Guard well ... listen.

commercial sisters

woman 1: KY jelly
sister: pediacare
sister: bouquet

Similar, but not identifcal sisters. I find it funny that they showed commcerials in the order of KY jelly (heated version) with pedicare ... worked, eh?

They ought to run Linda Hamilton and her twin in commercials ... after 20 years of quite, dis-similar lifestyles, they are distinctly different.

Then again, they have the puffy-checked 17er's who do the double mint. I taught twins who could pair up for a literary masterpiece, unmatched by previous authors. [names exempted] are fantastic. They are methodical, whimsical, lyrical, inventive. I only hope their difficult middle school years don't shut down their fragile, yet precious persons. What a tragic loss, were they to never m

Sign of the cervix

Deep Space 9 -- too funny, the sexual inuedo

the Cardasians have a symbol, much better than the funky A or anything else, they worship ... the one pure axiom ... poon tang. Sadly, they are a "race" no to be trusted. I'd trust that people. They are betting on the right horse.

I saw parts of an episode today on Spike (phallic term) TV, testosterone based television. Summation -- non-battle is not honor according some.
reminds me of an art display: special gift -- diarama's with cervical pics inserted where clay figurines examine with wonder. A pink protagonist, in this case, expounds on the wonder of the special thing, a magical thing, described by her mother.
not so related, virgin monlogues.

Wonderful idea, moreover, miraculous that Notre Dame hosted it this year. A "men's club" hosting a women's monlogue session, generally venting on development and pre-teen coitis; forced or manipulated, or declared rape. Sadly, I missed the chance locally to hear the participants speak candidly, poetically or otherwise on their life ... post victimhood. I would venture not into a bevee of victims who are not yet ready to leave victimhood, but favor bitching over salvation (escape).

kick, scratch, bite

fight about nothing, acting much like Dune, "my name is a killing word" he thrashes about, pitting himself against me about showing face, doing work ... acting human, student-esque. I don't fold, but rather check, finding that the bid comes back to me. I'm in.

He checks, not folds with, "I'm sorry", saving a raise or fold for another round.
It's penny-ante poker and the fool drops in twenties ... it goes on from there. He'll be a fun adult, right?

plug for the creative

Check out her work! I like it, but after a short look at it, you should realize why.

Personally, I really like the grumpy dance!

Now Entering Madness 53 (homework gods)

Daryl still had to do his homework.

Now Entering Madness 52 (Satified Grin)

inspired by 's mouse problem
It's a mouse lying on a trap as it is snapping

Now Entering Madness 51 (courtroom artist)

Now Entering Madness 50 (Mind narrowly shut)

more madness, less text