Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

making myself perfectly muddy

Down in the mud, I found it ... unclear.

Well, if I have to clear it up, I have to add water and dillute the mess to get to something through which you can see. Words, Roxanne, Words!

First, "Eyes" made no excuse for choosing flunky ass in place of "better man". Rather, she's seemingly sweet and now with whom I consider the "better man".

That being cleared ... I think, I attempt, for what worth it is to clarify my muddy words. I find the small towns more replete with racism, not that they'd know what a Black person is. Mayberry ... how many non-whites did they have? Some thing here. I used the oversimplified extension of crime to validate stereotypical racism.

In assessing racism, I mean to clarify that more often people choose it on the basis of ignorance. The criminal documentation -- well, two-fold ... glorifying criminal behavior tends not to diminish it, so if you make "gangstas" cool, you'll ensure crimes related to "races" as it were.

Yeah, more crimes by minorities --- socialogists will better discuss that with differing opinions. I will note that examining crime reports can be interesting, especially since you aren't looking at court documents like prior criminal activity -- it makes you wonder. It leaves me in awe and wonder, for at face value, it appears unfair. Other side of the mirror, perhaps it is fair.

Still, basing argument on skin color -- wrong. How does one choose to be Black ... or short?

better man

There is a girl at work, I wrote about "eyes", who went out with an ass, but is now going out with a younger guy (by 1 year) who is the better man. This guy I see being the 2nd run ... you know, the rationale man who is the "nice guy" who generally finishes last. I hope for each, they find happiness. The other guy, well ... he can finish last or not finish at all. He is the kind of guy who would, "betcha five bucks I nail her" kind of jerk.

The new guy is a nice guy ... has ideals and as far as what he shows -- some nobility, with marked humility. "Eyes" as I shall call her is adored for her cuteness. I think she is more than that, but for now that what she shows most people -- cute (though I see a bit of reality in her, and she has medicine in mind as a career).

God rest his soul.

So, who is this masked man?

Lieberfraumilch! What is this masterful diatribe of misspellings? Well, I wouldn't call it a blog ... no posts. I'm thinking, "No ticket" from Indiana Jones' Last Crusade.

Lookee here ... MR is in good company (someone else can't read my crap either)

My baffling non-English way of writing has confused yet another.

Okay. Since I wasn't clear, basically I wrote that in the community where I work, The Hispanic, generally illegals from Mexico with 8 percent English understanding still rank higher than Blacks. This is intersting considering the Blacks have been here for longer.

In my hometown, Blacks are still longer rung, but perhaps at level with Hispanics. I wrote the disportionate arrests and charges aginst Blacks and Hispanics. Generally speaking, there are a greater number of arrests of Blacks, proportionally as well as numerically than of Hispanics or Whites. I believe the Hispanics, locally, are arrested less often than Whites, but stand a better chance at longer or worse sentences than Whites.

It's just sad that at work I hear racial slurs daily, yet they don't seem to understand it is bitter to hear. Gee, I wonder why there aren't typical minorities working there ... huh, there are racial slurs spoken as commonly as cigarette smoke. Some of these dolts don't even see the irony of using racial slurs while their own heritage smacks of genocide, disenfranchisement, and oppression, such as American Indians (as one man claims he has heritage), Iranian, and yes ... Hispanic and mixed (like people producing offspring of mixed races, in two cases non-married couple with Black-White children).

My indirect post also noted that California is a state that will soon go Spanish, while the Midwest here is less likely to embrace it for general slower immigration of "the Spanish", Klan history and continuity, and generalized xenophobia. Indiana, the state about which I write is "land of the Indians" and was virtually Indian-free for fifty or more years.

Racism was on my mind for, at work I grow tired of hearing it. Work is bothering me and I'm hunting for a new job. I hope that I can get one in this town which is a little less trailer-ridden. The trailer-heavy town where I work is sterotypical of trailer "trash" and concepts of we-all-related and "we don't want the Irish".+ It also smacks of the stark reality that none of those folks there could figure out a computer application if they had the instructor standing beside them. I guess it holds true that the more racist you are, the stupider you are (as you favor your ignorance rather than accept accountability). Each person makes a mark, no one race is more evil or good than another. It is a person that chooses to be good or evil.

One could make the case for me, since I am of Irish and German ancenstry that I am prone to alcoholism and violence, so that I am deistined to be a bastard to my impulses. I believe that I have done about 55:45 good vs evil. So, I am a bit better than bad. I have made choices, some destructive and other helpful. I am judged by my skin, where I should not be. I am regarded as potentially good for I am white.

A person at work was given an attaboy with, "That's mighty white of you." Case in point, work bothers me and today I am focussed the pervasive language of racists, especially of the neaderthals with whom I work.

+ from Blazing Saddles, where the quote is, "Okay. We'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don't want the Irish."

Juan state or another

I find it funny that the unwelcome quasi-Spanish Mexicans are "wetbacks", "beaners", but people still try to speak Spanglish to them to work with them. Meanwhile, the Blacks are still the dirt on which the ladder is set. They aren't a rung on the ladder. They are dead, stinking last where I work and are darn-near that here in FW.

Granted: urban crime is on the rise and if you track the arrests and crime logs you'll note the proportion of reported crimes and criminals is unfavorably respresnted by Blacks. The Hispanic+ populace is gaining in the polls on urban crime, but is still outdone by Whites as their population is presently greater.

I still am wrapping my anger around some Indiana cities and towns importing, in some ways, non-Enlgish speaking immigrants (knowingly illegal) and using them in factories doing labor others don't want. These non-Nationales have money and spend them in place, yet have as much knowledge of English and I do of ancient Aramaic.

California, like Mark of Zorro would have you think, will be Mexico II, but I think Indian-free Indiana will be slow to take in the Mexican population. It's sad to see that some other groups don't get a "fest" like Greeks and Germans, but I dare write I'm not sure FW is ready for Mexifest.

+ based on Hispanola, refering to Northern South American and the Gulf nations of the Carribean. If you ask the Spanish from Spain, I don't think they lay claim to the Mexican language called Spanish.

taxed dollars

I drove to work one day and saw a firetruck blocking part of a lane. It was out in front of a business. "My word", I thought ... there was a fire! No. My tax dollars were paying for a small team of firefighters using a pump truck to water flowers and bushes at a restaurant. Let me understand this.

I'm paying taxes and you send a pump truck to water flowers and bushes.

I want a larger refund in 2008.


At work, woman (like girls)+ do lots of flirting. One woman, as mentioned has grabbed my butt, darn-near fondled me frontally and others talk candidly about lesbian things, though they aren't lesbian. Rather, they want to elicit a response from me, generally peaked interest and a blush sometimes.

"I cannot help but feel touched."++

+ thought of Prince song, "Kiss"
++ Star Trek, Wrath of Khan

racism is rampant

"Could you please help me with this", or "could you please get me ...", is what I said. I got back, "Does my skin look black to you?"

Nice. That's just peachy-keen wonderful. Yep... Klan left a mark up there.

spot of light

How in the world ... there's a hole in the sky, the clouds moving around us.

old story

Where I once worked, come five minutes til, I'd lock the doors. I grew tired of flakes coming in ... "hey, are you still open?" Uh, you walked in the door, lights are on, what do you think? Hey, how many can I check out? Here is where I would think, crud! This dummy doesn't have an account and it'll be ten minutes with that and then more time with putz-a-palooza picking movies mixed with, "Hey! Doyougot ..."

I remember screening calls about my behavior, "Yeah, this guy wouldn't let us in at 12:10, even though there were other people in the store." Dude, I was getting out of there at 1:00 or later each night. Screw off! Perhaps, because I have had the low-end and stupid jobs I tend not to do what I hated and come in at the last minute or run in at the opening of a store expecting prompt and friendly service. I also tend not to start fights with the business, for it they don't do what's right, I'll not return ... simple.

I remember one day, at the old job, that some person was pulling on a "push" door, but with such force (rocking) that it would have easily opened with her movements. You know, if you saw no lights, no cars in the lot and the times of operation on the door and windows, you might have been given some tiny clue that the place, "WAS NOT OPEN". I would think that I couldn't be surprised by generalized stupidity, but I still get shocked by the depth of stupidty and lack of reason of some people.

I'm ranting here for, what people don't understand is that each minute after we close that I'm still doing typical operational work, means at least two minutes more work. At that rate, five minutes late = ten minutes more work. I don't like leaving later than I have to leave, especially with my long stinking drive.

Antiquated systems, like abacuss aren't nearly as useful as using tools in a faster, meaningful manner. Work has yet to pull its head out of its backside to see that.

typical asses

A car careens into the lot, swerving and dramatically changing vector to counter 60 mph inertia to stop (barely) into a parking space. The person comes in, "how late are you open?"

I look at the clock and think, "until two minutes ago", but I couldn't turn her away because some bum came in six minutes before we closed, placed an order that was in the oven. So she pulled out a menu, placed an order for something we haven't carried in a year. She then went through the menu ... huh, huh, I'll take this.

The "this" required use a machine that a woman at work cleaned early so she could get out, ya know, sometime close to normal. Well, normally that's a no-no, but I let it slide because I'm a pragmatist. Becuase of her haste, I'm sure the morning crew will wonder, why is this, a little dirty? It was used several times after cleaning, though normally sees less action to no action late at night.

Anyway ... the woman (who works there) took parts to clean and I, having more than just paperwork to do, had to improvize for lack of the items. On top of that ... do other stuff relevant to my job.

The crap wasn't done there. After sloppily putting together the last two things ... phone call to complain. They got stuff ... ate it all up (much like fairy tale quote) but decided that it wasn't right, although it was a day or more ago. Huh ... smells and sounds like bullcrap.

Later, glitch and the numbers didn't match with the computer, so I had to fix the entries to match the receipts. Ah, yes ... again, not out of ther on time. How typical!

-- personally assessment of one doofus who works there ... butt! I was doing work stuff -- you know, like being with customers and I get a child's call from the back, [my name; repeated]. What the? I hope that his child acts much the same way to dissuade him from his stupidity and wonder ... why is my child calling me from two states away wanting me to walk up to him? Hey, I know you just walked a quarter mile ... could you get me the phone and some milk, I'm busy playing a game. What a blinking putz!