Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, March 31, 2006

combative and argumentative

I was at Monkeyjack's and watched Lost. He pointed out something quite accurate. I don't, as a general rule, like pop culture. That's right! I never thought of it, but he's right. It is therefore perposterous to even discuss it much, as I generally don't like it. I found Lost to introduce ideas, but go nowhere.

I likened it to an interview for a loan. Let's talk about getting a loan. Let's talk about getting paperwork for the loan [which leads to the grail?] Then talk about talking about getting the paperwork. Do we do the paperwork yet? No, not yet. Then let's talk about doing paperwork and then do the paperwork. So then I get the loan? No. Then in goes in for review and more paperwork. [I'm just a bill, just a lonely old bill. And I'm sittin' here on Captial Hill ...]

Are you actually going to talk about the island on this show about the island. No. Why on an island at all? Why not a mall ... no one ever goes anywhere. You don't see (Gilligan's Island's, 'the rest') except maybe as a background.

If it was a book ... I wouldn't have made it this far. It says, hey! I've got ten little indians here, finally, maybe, we'll bump them off one by one, finding out the victim number four didn't die and is the murderer.

I'd like a conclusion. I mentioned that if they run it for 5 years or 7 years, that would be a week of viewing. Would you ever REALLY re-watch it?

Spring fever hits ...millions out of school

Oh, well it is spring break for some. That must be it!
My day was the best out of 3. There were no real problems and there was a program with frisbees, though they didn't have any frisbee golf discs, substantially heavier, they did some impressive tricks with the many discs. They showed some (sale pitches) for sale and some that were neat ... fabric, others were specific use. All in all -- entertaining and captivating. I nearly got hit in the face with a stray shot from one of the kids who threw it.

It was the last day for one student. It is the beginning of project time for me --- long past due projects that I should have done.

I'm off a week, but off my rocker all the time. Have fun and enjoy the sun!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Health good and bad news

The good news is, while my aunt went to the hospital with a collapsed lung, they were able to get her back, and she might be discharged today. Mum went to the docs and they have a surgery scheduled for her on the 10th for her knee. Those are bits of good news.

Minorly, a small issue, I think I may be getting an ulcer.
That means, less coffee, less acid-producing stuff -- no alcohol either.

Mum got a bad EKG reading, but was waived on, some daily meds prevented her from getting surgery when she wanted, now she must go off the meds for 5 days prior to surgery, then hopefully things will be better.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

for goofs only

Jedi programmer?

pervasive Satan

a kindergartener told me ... there's a mosnter down below (unspecific) that when you do bad, he gets stronger, but he dies when you do good. I responded that I would do good.
Today, "I think maybe the devil is making me do it", referring to his bad behaviors for me. This was not his only response, but certainly noteworthy. I think it highly likely an infomerical testimonial ... 100% paid, fake and otherwise useless. His delusions would have manifested itself prior to this, and he was certainly no angel for others and hasn't been.
Satan, twice in one week -- I'm just lucky, I guess!

scenes from a park

Charlie is on top of a slide looking about, seeing his skates, someone's lost/discarded jacket, not-yet operational fountain, a lost mini purse, squirrels, holes in trees ... clouds, many things I take for granted, I guess.
It's a nice shot despite having poor natural lighting.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spring means

flowers and, what I saw this morning:

rabbits mating
Rather, ready males and disinterested females
It was funny to see a male chase away another male, while chasing the female. She saw him chase off the other and got the _____ out of Dodge. He came back ... hey, baby, like I was say ---- baby?! She trekked 2 houses away. He followed the scent trail, munching some birdseed on the way ... little bunny?! Honey bunny ... I luv you! Come back.
I think that she would have rather skipped this season and just had the chance to eat. Last month or 2 weeks ago was squirrel month ... here there were 10 males chasing one female. I guess the males are heartier survivors? While she made a valiant effort, being on the bit end of a branch (likely starving from all the running and no time to eat) relented to one male's "advances" or rather motions. It's got to be better not having these males chasing you, but perhaps better than them trying to chase you away because they're urban piggies.
Their own equals are the local birds who pork out on seed, mindlessly pitching pounds onto the ground. I used to think they didn't eat millet, but they do. They are just nasty, messy critters. Some eat corn bits, others, millet, others bit seeds, others sunflowers. Local predator birds aren't generally large enough to take adult robins or jays so just watch them greedily. About three times a year I find a spray of feathers on the ground from a successful pergrin or cooper's hawk. The juveniles are talkative, loud, naive, no attempt at stealth. Some large squirrels just keep their eyes on then, but rabbits scurry away, as though they would less capable of defense -- ha!
The weather channel hasn't broadcast much as far as, "severe wind" -- like that's important, "flood warning", oh? What am I to do? Would I see it coming -- I think so. Tornado watch ... that's right -- venture outside and look for one, two, or as many as you can see and hear.
We interrupt this broadcast to give you no information ... loud, lengthy ... return to missed stupid program. If you are recording, you get a 20 county block where the weather center marks in red counties experiencing "interesting" weather. Whoopie! Move on to the next idea.

Inspector Gadget

or so I was called with my trenchcoat and hat today. Sadly, I've been called that since Matthew Brodrick did his role in the live action version of a 24 minute cartoon series. I have more freckles than skin and sinister look with a perpetually unshaven face, short brown hair which had been red and a decades-old strained deep voice, nearly as hairy as Robin Williams. I don't see it. Also, Matthew Brodrick ... have you ever seen him fat? No, you haven't. I am.

Speaking of hair, I haven't had a child rub my arm hair lately in true wonder as to how guys have hair -- on their arms. They've never seen a man close up, sometimes better. I have, however had a fourth grader very happy with herself that she is taller than I am. She gets a kick out of it, but unlike her regular teacher, she couldn't lift me. Even at a fitter weight, she wouldn't be able to lift me.

My closing prior to a break was met with, "I'm gonna give you a mean look for a week" as I wasn't able to work for her, and a complimentary candy bag for a nice woman whose class I might have accidently gipped while subbing -- in that I usually drop off token candy to nice students in classes. She retires this year -- while young and will see many a wonderous rising and setting Atlantic sun. My note ... written is haste might have been as scattered and illegible as a nervous bank robber or doctor's too-busy quick note. Ba ba ba, ba ba Barino?!

Retiring ... something I have eliminated as a possiblity. What to do ... what to do? Continue with this ... maybe some permanency or something else, fresh, consistent. I just don't know. If only I were a gadget packed Inspector, though my aggressive tendencies would lend itself more toward Punisher than Mo-meets-Harpo Inspector Gadget.

I still would like to work as a threat analyist. That's not likely to happen.

things not to do when living in Midwest

making plans consistent with the weather is folly
leaving windows open during spring -- I did that last night and found a very wet car, nice
expecting grand, sweeping political changes ... not likely
hoping for grand adventure or wonderous skiing (if you live in MI, IL, most of OH, KY, TN, IN, IA) and you'll be disappointed
also, expecting neat new fashions (not that I'd ever care) unless you live in Chicago, is well ... wishful thinking
taking a job in manufacturing is vocational suicide -- work for 12 years anywhere and then be laid off then fired
speak well -- too many locals ask you, "Where are (or 'is') you from?"


Bobby Knight, whom I greatly dislike, was quoted (I'll paraphrase) as saying, 'they're out there being raped, if they'd lie there and take it, it would be over soon.'
I think that people who don't view rape as that terrible, being a crime where the victim lives, should have a nice visit from Bluto* and friends to discuss the issue. You know, a beefy big character with equally beefy brutal blokes hell-bent on sexual sadism where, consentualism is a turn off and force is necessary. I think after a short run of this, those who did use the term rape without understanding it would, use it with caution. Rape doesn't carry that long of a sentence either, a curious law-makers history, as typically children and women are more often victims and more law writers are men. "I'll put it on the back burner. It isn't as important as this agricultural mediation and tobacco renumeration bill for the fiscal year of 2021." so say those turning a blind eye and deaf ear.
Sentencing of 3 years and out in .9 for rape, plead down to assault, then around fellow asssailants is hardly just or punishment.

* pardon me Max Fleishman for the use of your n'er do well character

worst new term

or at least it was new to me, "foodgasm". That is so gross! If a person truly gets off on food or eating, that is ... a psychological problem. The term is courtesy of a guest food taster on Iron Chef America. Eating causing arrousal or climaxing is not normal, To imply it is, rude, gross and says something about you.

hurtful words

Finding out the background of fictional characters often bores me -- greatly! Find out the backgrounds on some of the students sometimes fills me with some rage. Many come in with neglect issues, some with emotional, physical and sexual abuse and others are neurotic because of their home life. It is not to say that there a level of exception to poor behavior, no. There is, however a reason for some of it. Personally, I think a ED209 or T1000 visitation should take care of many issues. There are areas of the city were even an ED209 would look for re-arming or ammunition reloading. I dislike the fact that there is "nothing that can be done" as it must be investigated, then a trial, separation then prompt return to the household to continue.
* causative features are drugs & alcohol, poverty, criminal activity, stagnant development (retarded socially &/or intellectually of so-called adults), apathy
-- "it was just one time ..."

*ED209 set for Urban pacification
*T1000 given an ample arsenal, with limited specific targets, more like system 101 in its short list directives

oh, and I faked every blog


Passions rule me. I’ve no love or passion for coffee, but it rules me to. Charlie rules me – “No, not that! You da good guy! Come on; let’s fight bad guys!” “Here Mr. ________, I made this for you.” Dreams are nice, reality rules me. What I want and what should be collide instead of coincide. There is the anger, the frustration, the impotence, the infantile feeling of insignificance … what do I need to do, to make want I what to happen?
Yep, that sums it up. I'm a human in a human world with fewer problems than many, worried about what I want and not what I need. Still, I hope that my wants are recognized as altruistic to some small degree. I want a better world, more hope, less despair, less waste, more love. I want all of that and I'm still a hateful person, generally compassionless for the evil, the wrongdoers, the selfish and sometimes the stupid and intentionally stupid. Yes, people can be intentionally stupid.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Racked with blame

for all I've done, seen and heard but did nothing about it, inaction that lead to pain and suffering. It's all here, pulsing like a very restful heartbeat ... thump (guilt), feelings of completion, thump (guilt), why can't I concentrate, thump (guilt -- fear), I'm angry about what, thump (guilt -- answer my call, I'm not going away), I'm breathing heavier now ... no rest for the wicked

What can I do to solve it ... accept that I'm wrong, that I should strive to avoid doing it again (thump, thump) and [explitives here] stop it!!! Hate -- anger ... guilt is a mighty hunter, always winning with a conscious-bearing prey. I know I've always had one, but this little nymph grew, no longer the size of a child, but now my size and still growing. A conscious that is stronger sometimes than want and wont, it will consume the ills and the passions, but the change will be good.

My ill-will exposes itself now, as Blogger indicated failure to connect! [insert foul language here]

Male pattern boredom

I think it would be safe to say that most of the guys I know would say, "No ... that's okay. I had that yesterday. I'm interested in something else." That's true not only of a dinner, but say, a movie, a TV show, music, entertainment, whatever. Tap, tap, tap ... driving her mad ... scratch, scratch, scratch ... "nervous" habits making her twitch. So what do you want to do? I don't know, but ... not the same as yesterday. I guess we could watch a movie, but I'll probably get up a few times in the middle of it to answer the phone, call on the phone, check my email ... eat something ... I'm not likely to sit there this cold day and sit, sit, sit, sit.
Be it bold adventures or simply a change, the hunter still lurks, still hunting, poised for the strike -- the big thrill; the moment; culmination of all his skills; lovin' or the remote.

Gee thanks dear for the remote. I was hunting for the other.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

3 simple policies (sounds preachy)

live, love, have a good time

Live: meaning exist and respect the life that God has granted you
Love: not just yourself, but others and that which exists
Have a good time: laugh, play, you can do things physically that exceed the spiritual realm; like smelling, tasting, feeling (tachticly)

If a spirit lives on, bodiless ... food and thereby taste is immaterial. Your own body gives you senses when you hug ... follow them. Don't destroy others' lives in your pursuits, either in death or in physical or psychological destruction. God loves you; Christ redeems you ... enjoy what you have!

My family believes I'm a heathen ... they're probably right.

queens we use would not excite you

like interesting pictures ... go here!
They aren't all funny. They aren't all you want to see, but ... a good portion are worth viewing.

God bless America and the world ... free, wonderful, wonder, delight ... see, film, show! It's what makes life. If you can't tell it ... show it!

comparing literary and fictional characters

Which would you fit, or rather, which would fit you?
Would you examine Revenge of the Nerds ... Jocks vs Nerds? Star Wars ... choas and order vs evil and good -- neither pure? Muder on the Orient Express, each with his own agenda and reason but never brought to justice? Hall of Justice vs Hall of Doom ... rule the world, protect it? Catcher in the Rye, seeking an understanding that you can't comprehend? Chronicles of Narnia, justice, servitude, love prevailing? Lord of the Rings platonic love, ordained servitude and martyrdom, supreme intelligence and sinful negligence to simplify a terrible task?

I guess I'm Wile E. Coyote pursuing Brain's conquest of the world. You can never have enough explosives and I'm too egotistical to see the direct and indirect folly in my plots and plans that will eventually blow up in my face.
Summary: grand plans, incomplete thinking, eventual destruction of my plans and myself -- never rich, never famous, never much but an interesting annecdote

dweeb reality

Okay adventurers ... you are going on an Ameriquest
by the way ... how do you invest?
Er, uh ... I mean in your gold pieces ... uh ... do you use a bank? Perhaps if you read the scroll in your bag
it reads in both dwarfish and elvish ... pleaz vesit www ameriquest com vor best performanss

Are you taking sponsorship ... selling out? No, no ... maybe ... yes! Okay?! It's not like a have a career here! If you're playing AD&D, you can't have a job starting at 8 am nor family nor life, right?
Okay ... point made.

Monkeyjack and I mentioned a dive of a bar, locally, thinking that the bulk of those there were, well ... seeking inebriation and short-lived-only companionship. Okay ... people ... how many of you are married (Monkeyjack interjecteed this section) maybe 5%. Of those, who of you have kids? 1% of those people are found ... irresponsible "father-like" person. Thank you.

Growing up and growing old are different, in so many ways. I'm not really grown up, but the bar thing --- no way. I am a codger ... a perv prowling if I go there or the old folks who don't know better. Why do I feel this way, because I can remember my wonders of people when I was 20s and at the bars. That guy's 34 ... what's he doing here? I, of course, am older than that ... making me fossil in that context.

It's not that I'm bored, but it holds no intrigue. I wouldn't go there. Hey, the groups I like(d) are has-beens ... on the spiralling route on their out. Hey ... we're here in smaller venue megabar with the cover charge of outlandish coupled with blastphemous drink prices.

Tangent: a delightful woman I met at the bars ... so many decades ago when I went, ordered orange juice. I must have really liked her, paying $5 a glass ... you'd think it was gold, no ... not alcoholic and bought by the gallon. Imagine if that was the choice for a designated driver ... that's what I'd choose over water ... not soda -- yuck!

Anyway, back to bar robbery. The band plays old songs the younger people don't know and hate and the older ones -- drunk off their gourd try to outvoice the lead singers. A wonder of exploitation. That's not my thing. A sound system, fine for mp3 or the like, repetitious beats are ill-suited to metal rock or quieted accapella. A good example of this is a widely visited, but let's-face it county fair in the fall ... ZZ TOP. 70s to early 90s ... then nadda. I was a nice run guys ... playing out in 99 or 2000 in county fair ... ouch! It's the music, but pride might conflict with that, right? Of course, that is love for music, unlike the "samplers" who "sample" music and make it "their own" with [profain lyrics here] and then the "essence" or nuance of the original.

archival shirts

Monkeyjack, Lori and I were looking through old pictures. Funny enough was that I noticed an old shirt there, one that they (now really Lori) still wears ... 8 years old or 12. I laughed and made mention of this. Monkeyjack retorted quickly, "You should talk, Mr. Rushville Whig!" I have an old band shirt from, oh ... 1994 from an Indiana band. It is, well ... worn.


Fancy frightening fears

As of late, not that I ever feel refreshed from sleeping, but I remember dreams now … usually in an odd context that come true … arguments, bills, complications. If I could see into the future and make it better, I would. This is just maddening. Oh, wait … I already am mad (not angry).

Roller Dumb

Ah, yes. I was delighted to see Kayla for her birthday, who wished to have a celebration at the Roller Dome. Interestingly enough, it was the south one, with few parking lot lights, terrible decades worn gravel lot. The place would have been empty save the twelve people of our group and the children of a few of the workers there. It wasn’t the same old place, entirely, but a somewhat modified version … wall to ceiling carpet removed in favor of real paint. Deb’s objection was the absence of a safety rail for those less competent to skate, like myself, but I would refuse to use it even if it was there. The prices blew chunks … $6 a head, $2 more for skates – good old 1970s, no padding … ouch! Anyway, after the raking over the coals for the price, the music was … well, I think unreasonable for children, as the money taker at the door said that Saturdays were family-busy nights. Oh, so that’s why you were playing, “____ me baby!” “… take off your clothes” “---ggas; mutha-------“ Yeah, I can just hear the family atmosphere here. Apart from that, it was the roller dome. Too much money for anything food, games, etc. They had a ticket redemption area with small prizes not worth the money. It was a half-state between improved and old. Perhaps in a few months, it will be a fresher, cleaner place. Kayla seemed to enjoy it, so that’s what matters, really. Lori got hosed because she didn’t want to be there and they still charged her $6 to walk in and sit as her knee prevented her from skating.

Feral government and the slippery slope of control and spending

“feral”, yes. A republican federal government is directed by laws and regulations and held tight by the persons of that nation. This new, growing more feral government (one that shouldn’t be there) looks like a republican government, but isn’t fully democratic. Its growing outreaching powers far exceed its us, or in another vernacular – too powerful for its own good – depleting its only food source. The local fauna is destroyed due to the interloper’s hunger … pushing out other species to the point of extinction. Now is the time to recognize that this feral government is a problem and needs to be contained before more life/species and opportunities are lost.
As well meaning as the government might report itself to be and might “somewhat” believe itself to be, it crushes out valuable ideas, people, species that may never be again or in any other way duplicated to some degree. The primary problem is that the government recognizes only one idea, rather than pool ideas, sources, and resources. This is true about media. How many media sources actually report news without ‘dim relationships’ and courtships of agenda … I can think of few.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

metropolis shopping

I went to Meijer today. Today it was efficient. All other times there, fast checkout were either a technology they weren't willing to pursue, or a practical impossibility. I still don't like the shopping expereince. Granted, it saves a little time rather than having to go to a store, then leave, lock doors, shop, leave, and so on, but too many people wandering around looking for ... what?

I'm sure the next stage of this trned will be to make it larger ... a whole day's worth of spending and entertainment. Wal-mart movie theater attached to Wal-Mart bowling alley, attached to Wal-E-Cheese pizzeria.

Meijer might have a gun range ... "try before you buy" shotgun rifle specialists, mini-library bookstore with Starbucks, etc.

How about a place for a shopper like me, on which sales pitches and advertisments really are ineffective. Food on left goes fresh, frozen, boxed, canned. No special boxes, no check out our bizrate tie-in webstie for a chance for money, but guaranteed spam.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I violated my own rule of never watching it, but it was on. I saw what should have been half of it, but I dare say that this last section was probably only a third ... or less. I don't think I'm spoiling any surprises because most of the people who raved and loved this show watched it several times over and most people who haven't seen it, probably won't.
At the end is a survivor who I expected to say, "So,to make a long story short .."
"You're a bit late for that!"
Bad writing, bad acting ... this won awards for ... that year's longest epic maybe ... certainly not grand movie. Stunt work? Most of the scenes were computer graphics so, I think Possedion Adventure (early 80s) was a better flick, especially with the man who falls from a floor-bolted table to the ceiling candelier -- actually fell and the glass flying and lightwork underneath ... excellent!
Anyway ... last section of this movie Tantric

"Say the course, Rose."
"Stay the course Jack? The ship's going down!"
"That's right Rose ... the ship is going down. Stay the course."

So, Jack's handcuffed in a lower deck and the man holding the key left the room and is now on deck waiting for a lifeboat. Rose escapes from her husband and treks below to miraculously find Jack in a room. "I'm in here", shouting from a room -- like any of them appear different. She leaves him to wander in the halls and to talk with people, finally nearly falling asleep, then gets an axe. She goes through chin-deep water to his "cell" where the water is waist high.

I imagined her hacking him apart rather than having to suffer the trauma of drowning. She frees him and it should be done, but no.
They can't get back the way them came ... more gates are locked. They escape that (video game thinking?) and load Rose onto a boat. She then leaves the boat and enters the ship again. Jack and Rose now have a series of unfortunate events -- chased by gun-firing husband, then going through deep water in "lightning" then stopped at gate, finding keys under water ... here I was expecting an Aliens scene or deep monster scene. How can this situation become worse ... oh, yes ... worse writing, that's how.
They find a crying child. Jack grabs him, but the boy's father grabs him back, then dies in the hallway. I expected here for Jack and Rose to tote thirty some people to freedom and delivering a baby or two from desperately pregnant women on the way to the top deck.
Back to the top deck, fighting, pushing, screaming ... tipping (Titanic trying to dog shake the people off its back).

A Dante's Inferno scene of the frozen dead ... tragically stupid dropping of super valuable jewel for "love's" sake then finally joining the frozen dead spirits at the bottom of the Atlantic to find that she has always been the cartaker (allusion to Shining).
I cried because the movie wouldn't end. Wait, there's an epilogue. Fooled you that's one of seventy epilogues at the end of this movie. What happened to the three children that you saw in scene 16? They went on to petty crime in depression era USA. What happened to un-named upper class person in lifeboat 6, well in the back covered in shadow. They went on to be Mayor of Podunk, KY 1954 - 1958. What happened to ...

I know why it won awards. Those to make those decisions are flakes.

It was a day the sharks, fish, and orca would never forget! The day of the bounty ... mana! Not a fish left hungry. Later birds would record it too.

Still later ... authors, never having their name recorded before or after, wrote of the ship that sank ... ship, sinks? Wow!
Cage goes in the water?
You go in the cage?
Shark comes near the cage?

Farwell and ado to you fair Spanish ladies.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

green dragon

I'm a dweeb, so I know that the green dragon breathes methane gas ... as do I. When I belch ... stomach acid is always present, so everyone gets to smell stomach acid ... yuck! I'd prefer not to have that!

parts, pieces, things

everywhere ... what is this mess? It's my mind. I disassemble things in my mind, putting parts here and there, sometimes forgetting the whole things that I disassemlbed. I start tinkering and I put together either the same things, later, or a whole new thing. My ideas are wacky and impractical, but others are useful. I'm now on the track to putting everything into every possible creation I can -- ah, a lifetime's work. I hope I remember to write it all down.

What kinds of things ... electron channels, barely larger than e- (pictured thankfully from Nature magazine, circa 1998), language development of persons, peoples, cultures, handwriting anaylsis, speech impediments, solar eclipses, layered art, mixed media, logic programming, finding weaknesses ... it's everywhere ... must put it to use now.

Quietly, she passed away

I understand after coughing up blood for a year for an unchecked problem, Beth Lake died on Tuesday. She was always a friendly woman to me, down to Earth, but I got little chance to talk with her. I never made time to greive for Sid's passing and now ... her passing is tougher than it should be.

I was told today that she had ovarian cancer, but never knew.

Beth A. Lake

LAKE, BETH A.: Funeral service is 11 a.m. Friday at Calvary United Methodist Church, 6301 Winchester Road, with calling one hour prior to service. Calling also from 3 to 7 p.m. today at Klaehn, Fahl & Melton Funeral Home, Winchester Road Chapel, 6424 Winchester Road.

Deepest thoughts to her family!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Really, really, really bad movie

Magic Christian
[description from Netflix]
In this adaptation of Terry Southern's offbeat novel, an eccentric millionaire stumbles upon a down-and-out vagrant in the park and decides to adopt him as his son. The pair embark on a series of practical jokes and elaborate stunts designed to attack the hypocrisy and snobbery of modern society and expose the wanton greed that exists in all of us and prove that everyone has his price. Ringo Starr and Peter Sellers co-star.

I would liken it to a foil-headed homeless person ... stay away ... stay far away. That person needs help and doesn't know it. It's safer to be at a distance.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bold new pains

I got My Life to sample his "highness'" voice, as he read his own stinking biography ... what an ego. I'm not interested in hearing the whole thing, but rather looking for neat sound bites to put into a new Clinton does ... [insert title here]

What a pig, jerk, or any other fowl term or animal
May his wife not be President.

Metal Years

My collection returns ... with friends.
Thanks God! I found a great number of songs from my missing CDs and also some tagalongs.
circa 1990 ... I bought 5 or more CDs a week ... not bad, which boosted my collection. When I was with X ... I lost them all. Now I have them returned.
At that time I generally chose Metal, though I got sucker punched a few times with like ... Helloween and others, but I had Nuclear Assault and Laaz Rocket. Now, again ... my metal collection is increasing.
I'm still eclectic. In 1991 I had those metal CDs and Tracy Chapman packed in there.
Now I have lots of children's music, Christmas music, Halloween sounds and sounds, techno, electronica, 1940s, comedy new and classics, vocalists like Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee, and also speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King and FDR. Now throw in Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Gaelic Storm and Beach Boys and I think you get the picture. I'm not too keen on country, so there I'm limited. I have lots of classical, Rap, Pop, and ethnic dance tunes, cartoons, lullabys and Jazz.
It's so nice now to have music to hear ... lots of it.
I no longer own any CDs. I bought some and donated them. They are a worthless lot -- $15 for 2 songs, give me a break! I'd even pay for that if I didn't have to deal with the other crap tracks!
MP3 or similar is the way to go ... choose, play, play again.

Bang my head the soothe my mind -- Exodus (metal)to the theme from Exodus (classical).

perenial pigs

vote [this name here] ... working for you for ten years, though you'd never know it. Did that person ever ask for your opinion? Do you know the activities of that elected person? I'll waste paper and print on getting you to know my name, but will deny any favoritism toward anything ... I don't hate, don't dislike, don't strongly like ... I'm a politician.
Some don't get the job. Where are they, where were they? What were they doing? Who are they? To what groups do they belong? Would you really vote party ever? Why? Who is this person?

From one perspective, "We take the time to wipe out every last democrat off the face of the Earth, and they put in a sycophant that's more liberal than any democrat! Well, don't that beat all!"

I hate the fact that I have to declare a party in the primaries. In Indiana you must declare either Dumbacrat or Repukagain. Then in Fall you have lots of names, most of the names you recognize, but you don't know squat about who they are, moreover, few people understand the elected jobs.

After the election ... a wasteland of paper, stakes and ads. There supposedly is a fine for materials left and not cleaned, but I know of no person ever fined for the litter left by the marathon of "vote for me".

Soap box

The time has come, to say fair's fair ... to pay the rent ... to pay our share ... a fact's a fact ... it belongs to them ... we're gonna give it back!

That's right. Election year and time to return power to the people ... time to leave office and stop spending. No one person is responsible ... government should work for the people, be of the people, by the people ... not keeping the corruption, pork bellying, and quid pro quo going. I suggest an end to tyrany. Soon, enough Americans will find civil war closer to home -- hopefully without violence, but rather by a global refusal to pay any taxes. I view it simply as ... the government isn't meeting job performance minimums ... they are subject to firing. This is a simple way to do that. It is allowable for each person to not have taxes deducted and therefore be responsible for their own. Companies already have tax breaks, cuts ... only salaries are taxed. Most jobs are outsourced.

That sounds extreme, but there is no easy way to fire congress and senate. I guess I'm just really angry that my money is spent in ways that are well beyond my control. So I petition ... so I vote ... they matter not, in the whole scheme of things.

I believe the time is coming that America will disband the persons in congress, senate and others who no longer represent Americans, but rather lobbyists.

1. Point of order ... terminate lobbyists.
2. Require all legislation to be available in PDF upon completion ... free of charge, complete, including an abstract clearly deliniating where monies go. This is will not put America at risk for security.
3. Prisoners will be forced labor for already more money is spent per prisoner than per student, per medical aid person or any other. This is ludicrous! Trash sorting -- not paper, is a worthwhile and laborsome project available for them to do.
3a. will aid in environmental control, landfill usage, and make recycling affordable.

--more later

Monday, March 20, 2006

Waves of destruction

A tab was flung in the air without care ... unfortunately it landed in my tassle of hair. The main story is here. MR's pool table suffered greatly! It does give you a feel for the ferocity of my attack, when hit.

War, Schmore ... as long as I'm rich

War of the Worlds analysis: the presentation of the ships rising would lead people to believe that construction workers didn't see things buried 30-50 feet down in the ground. That would be a neat trick in NY, NY with subways, etc. also true with Boston. Secondly ... things went fairly unexplained as they took people up in anal ports on the tripods. Were they being eaten or something else? It wasn't explained and you'd think that with access & mass they would stop at domestic animal farms and eat those first, then eating humans. They also left red vines ... leaving Earth Mars red, ignoring the basis of Mars' ferric oxide based soil/rock surface. It wasn't a good version of the original movie, but clearly closer to the radio broadcast in some parts. The soldiers were tripods, which is why the ships looked like large Marsians. It wasn't explained why they waited a million years to arrive. If they had to busy themselves blowing up buildings, why wait until humans had "achieved" that tech level. Certainly domestication of the human for consumption would be okay, but small yield considering the number of years for maturation. I think that Spielberg missing the boat on this one -- flash, pop, fizz, fizz, oh wait a relief the ending is.

Did he make money on this ... yes.


aka gas, is at a high and will get only higher.
Oil companies claim that supplies are down and access is short and that's why natural gas prices are high. To overcome this, they demand access to Alaska. Okay, Alaska it is. I submit the following conditions, on the basis that energy companies have been recording record profits -- clearly over one hundred years of business (like tobacco companies) they are all profitable.
1. Drilling and rigging shall not be done by an oil compnay, nor by any appointed company and all paperwork on the the final decision shall be made public. Media will be encouraged to scrutinize all persons involved in the decision -- noting kickbacks, elevated money due to the contract, etc.
1a. If the oil compnaies fail to accept that requiring them to do the drilling and rigging, I submit the following requirements:
A1. ALL gas prices will be reduced for a term of no shorter than five to ten years.
A1a. all commercial and general consumer vehicle gas shall be no higher than 25 American cents per gallon for 5-10 years (fixed).
A1.b all natural gas prices shall be fixed at 1/500th of present cost per volume (or lower -- fixed) for a term of 8-12 years.
A1c. No taxpayer monies shall be spent on the construction of this project's construction and all interested parties have full access to financial data and observation of the project, especially environmental groups with a proven track record (sorry PETA you have too many wack militant persons).
A1d. any violation of environmental laws shall warrant
____A2a. immediate halt of construction
____A2b. suspension until situation conpletely corrected
____A2c. fines equalling damage processed immediately, not subject to trial reduction -- no duration payments (money over a period of years)
____A2d. any repeated violation and situation doubles the fine and compensation (so that the fourth same situation would be 8 times the original fine).

---more later ---

quick idea to purge smoking

1. Federal government fold its program on money to tobacco farmers -- forever.
2. Mandate federally that no pack cigarettes may be sold for more than 10 cents.
____this would eliminate any profit from it and tobacco in this country would not exist.
3. any singular tobacco product may not be sold for more than 1/900 cent per ounce (further eliminating any free tobacco and cigars).
4. smokers always use more money than they generate. It is my idea that smoking should be purged through these two simple policies.

cupcakes for each person

Lori made a cupcake tree for Monkeyjack's birthday party. Lori asked Charlie what I liked. "He likes vegetables." I got veggies on a patch of green grass ... including tomatoes, carrots, etc. It was neat. I'm sure they are there now, or will be on Cakes!

Thanks! I'm a rabbit.

Will the real rebel rouser please stand up

please stand up, please stand up, please stand up. Thanks to Scott, I had more wild predators beating me on Saturday. Thanks buddy, old pal! He went into the closed bedroom (for the sake of hearing yourself think, mind you) and lead them on charge after charge of unmittigated play; bouncing, chasing, yelling kid stuff. As Lori called it ... the kid's room, Scott was not exempted from this title.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

zoning rules

When a person zones out ... check first for circumstances like
potential drool,
mouth agape,
eyes glazed,
knowing their name,
reaction to stimuli,
with little sleep, death and zoning out can be the same, for a person can obtain a plain of rest with their eyes open -- not processing much of the environment

My last wonderous experience like this was on Thursday when I had not eaten for around 22 hours ... my mind got weary, waiting for my liver to start converting fat to sugars again ... and the lights were bri--- where was I ... thinking of people -- relationship
huh, what ... zoning ...awakening ...boy! I should eat sometime. I'm not yet hungry, but I'm just zonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
This person, or me in this case, should be revived slowly, like an animal coming from a tranquilizer dart
Less interesting to see, but more interesting to experience is forced awake periods where sleep has eluded you and you are half-state between dreaming and reality ... the state I am experiencing more and more ...
poor diet, much stress ... thinking, never resting my mind ...therefore, in madness I dwell

Unlce again

I was awarded, "Uncle" by Luke. Ah, good! I'll take Uncle.

Reaching for the door

"Come on ... play with me", was the call. I got pulled into a game of wrestling and fighting and keeping the "creature me" in his cage, not letting me escape. It was at this time that I realized that I would never really obtain the identity of 'person', but still 'living toy'. I should be stored in the toy room -- being reduced to the limitations consistent with a non-person ... you are to play what we want ... you will not get tired, sleepy or weary of the game. Unlike battery-toys, you keep going.

It's better this, than absence of playing. I rarely get to play with the kids at school -- as it would reduce my capacity as an authority figure (sadly a necessity).

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Here comes the judge!

Watch it! Here he comes now!

I was judged unsound ... no, really I judged 3rd grade .... we finished by awarding 1 1st place, 2 2nds, 2 3rds, 2 4ths, and 1 5th. It was interesting.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Local H said it

Bound for the floor ... for some tonight ...
Stay away from so-called Irish pubs as it will be nightmarish tonight.

puttin' a hurt on a pizza

some time ago ... MR and I were watching crap on TV (goes without saying). I was peckish ... as was MR. They screwed up and gave us a large (which was to be 50% meat 50% no meat) but gave us a large meat, medium no meat, no extra charge.

I was very hungry and MR mentioned me putting a hurt on my pizza ... I had rarely heard the term and thought of wrastling (phony razzamatazz choreographed mock-flghting with banter) and elbowing the strewn wreckage of the iceberg lettuce head on bread with wet stuff.

I, (chewing, munching noises) am the (munch, chew, gulp, gulp) greatest .... (swallow) BURP!

Smack down, drag out ... die pizza, die ... I didn't quite finish it ... though I'm polished off a large thin crust solo before.

Some other time I put a "hurt" on free chips and salsa ... clearing eating a good 1.3 liters of salsa with free chips before the meal

Live out true meaning of its creed

Graft ... betrayl meeting justice ... where the inequities brought to balance ... supporters of the people ... put into power ... lobbyists expunged ...

I have a dream where the control of the nation belongs to the people of the nation

Thursday, March 16, 2006

quickly vanishing phone

MR calls and the phone, precariously set on a slope, moves with it's vibration setting, as well as the constant ringing. I reach for it and it falls behind a speaker. Behind the speaker, stacks of other things ... phone is visible, but I have to fight for it ...
[ring ... nearly done now]
... F I G H T ...

got it

Lesson learned: keep the phone near you ... keep it on a level surface.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stan Laurell steps in to substitute

What are some things that people need to live?

Clean air!

God ... Jesus!
... uh ... [twirling of hair in uncomfortable stance] uh ... yes, but I'd like to stay away from theology and philosophy for now --- religion.
quite right ... without some understanding of existence and in some cases, post-existence, life is faulty and death ensues.

Health questions that brought me stress
How to not address important issues. Children have often come to me with religious, philosophical questions and I have to really think about my answer. It legally tender here -- ha, ha ... in that my 5th amendment invocation doesn't help the person -- perhaps hurts them in the long run.

I'm a great movie critic, or so I say

I hated it!

I learned it playing games

Vigilante 8, on XBOX, was a great game where you get to race and destroy -- hopefully survive. From this and other games I was handed a "bad guys" car by Charlie. I was supposed to come chase "him" his hotwheels car. I chose a differnt method ... firing sidewinder missiles at his car, which always seemed to miss. On Monday, I played this same game, incorporating the "nuke", but Charlie was none-the-wiser, as like much fiction -- the good guys walk away unscratched and the bad guys fall.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Annecdote about Sid

Sid ... greeted me with smiles ... yips, spins, and gallops ... a plaything, I be.
The inside of the front door ... clawed, marred, scored by the claws and paws of her majesty peering out over her domain.

Sid ... while often scurrying away from Charlie for he was often a bit rough ... stood between he and I when she felt I was in danger from him.

I miss you Sid!

Frollic, play, chase, beg, borrow, chew my dear ... soft fur, joy for running -- pulling me like a sled, and chasing smaller critters.

Terrorist, tyrant, hero

I'm packaged as all. Some cringe, others salute the awesome dictator, others seek me out to right wrongs ... I am the boneheadified teacher. Today's story comes to you from the letter R for referral and the letter N for now. [name omitted] was walking, crying. When asked why, she "hated [name omitted]". Why? He made a rotten statement about her.

When interrogated, he claimed that he told a stupid statement to another student, not naming the subject. That person then told it to the girl, who took offense. To her, I am a little hero -- righter of wrongs -- at times.

For others ... the green orb of Heavy Metal. I recognize evil, absorb it and become more evil. Really, I'm good at finding problem kids and trying to get them under control or out of the room -- therefore, under control. I am a tyrant, who recognizes only one law, supposedly mine. Not so, but if I convey that ... I have fewer problems.

At the end of the day, a girl -- 1st grader, came to me and said ... "Hi silly!" She hugged me and tried to spin me around and around ... fun for her. She's nice ... sadly too often smelling of smoke from a cigarette laden house and car.

I think of all the roles ... I'd like teacher, rather than staff seargent, M.P. or warden, or dictator-for-life. Teacher ... bringing others to their own enlightenment ... learning -- a gift not easily lost.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Cars and their many deaths

This is a developing map c/o wayfaring showing the number of times my cars have been hit, struck, damaged and killed.

Map -- points of interest in FW

[picture not ready]

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Grizzly events on a roof

namely ... leaving a pile of materials so adventurous high schoolers could climb their old school and pitch dap containers off the roof, trying to hit the cement. What's that you say ... you don't understand?
MR, TS, and I walked to our old middle school. They were remodeling the roof and they left a pile of materials by the back. They were perfect for climbing, and so we did. On the roof they left, they thought "safely" caulking and dap tubes. They were mighty fun to pitch!

What says, "MAN" more than territory marking ... especially off a roof.
We found a closer school, climbed a more precarious way and were looking about.
TS decided to mark West. MR noticed this and was walking over to me to discuss his disgust, when he noticed that he was 'interrupting' me. EWWW thought MR, naturally.

On this second-mentioned roof there were no real playthings ... save a 2-year sun-bleached flattened ball, long-since forgotten.

Speaking with my mouth full

of shoe.
There were two kids walking into the girl's room, while I was waiting for a class to exit the "fitness" center. I remarked to them, what are you doing, staring at one.
"I'm a girl!"
I was so embarassed. What a _____ I made of myself. I hope that someday she'll forget about that. Chances are, she won't.
I remember being in a classroom and two middle school girls came in. They asked my name then asked if I remembered them ... faces (while changed over time) looked dimly familiar, but I didn't know them. The one remarked that I gave her a referral. Wow! Of all the memories!

Ways of finding cheer

in the stupid memories of anything ...
I'm very sad, yet images to cheer me enter my mind ...
There is a child's book I remember liking ... hidden somewhere here about Owl. He ran out of water for a special tea so he thought of sad thoughts to fill a kettle for his special brew. He thought of childish sorrows -- empty plate of cookies, kite with broken tail ... slowly the kettle filled. From his sorrow came goodness.

I express myself but never share. People around me know that I just don't open. I listen well and try to help others, but I don't open. Dealing with loss by yourself is difficult, but I manage ... it is not a smart course. I think some day I shall open, but I'm afraid the needles and pins inside me will fly out piercing and killing all. I'm a dangerous sort and loss is difficult. Pain isn't a problem. Of all emotions ... sadness is the hardest -- I do it alone.

Baby gets her wings

perhaps not yet, but soon

Love you Yensid ... aka Sid, Siddy Soo Soo, "Baby"!

Bounce Punch Pass

More history was made yesterday as Charlie and I battled robots who would punch and kick us so hard that we'd be knocked cold. Sometimes we'd be dragged away by hands and tentacles saved by our partner. On the trampoline Charlie was Batman, a ninja turtle, himself and Diego.

When not battling, we were walking and riding around the addition seeing, much to Charlie's delight, motorcycles out as the weather was just fine yesterday. Sid walked with us. On this point I am sad. Saturday, she was never comfortable and forelornly looked at me to ease her ... take away the discomfort. She isn't yet to pain, but she's unhappy. When I see her tail rise for the last time, I'll know she can smile no more. This decision I can thankfully pass.

Doing what I do best ... complain

I examined Pirate Bay. It's an interesting site, but I'll offer a few submissions:

bit torrent -- Do they have links to get a bit torrent extractor? No. You have to go elsewhere for that (not smart)
files -- nice selection, good search tool. Are there single songs that you can find? No. We all know that you'd want every song on a CD. That's why you don't feel burnt or ripped off when you buy a $17 CD and like one song. I'll think I'll offer it all as one huge file, knowing outright, there's no reason to post it that way.

My experience was that after 15 minutes, I wasn't sure if the torrent extractor wasn't working, the site wasn't working, the file was unavailable or if it was my computer. How in the _________________________________________________________ (long series of profain statements) am I supposed to know?!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Meows & me ows

Maia … cute little dog, in a flurry of happy singing and dog talk spit out a meow-like sound. MR now has a cat? Very funny. On Thursday, I went over to MR’s and watch Van Helsing. At the end of the evening, Maia ran around near me and was feverishly barking. I didn’t understand, but MR figured out that she needed to attack Kirby (the vacuum). After biting him several times, pulling on his soft tissue bag, she was satisfied.
+ + +
My Mum tore up her knees a bit. The doctor said that she would likely now need orthoscopic surgery and later knee replacement. She is moving along now on crutches. She is in some pain, but now has faster-acting pain meds.
I relented and ate lunch with three students who continually asked to eat with me. After being with them, I think that they wanted to be “important” and also have greater opportunities to talk, unlike in the lunchroom. Their conversations were generally complaining about parents – eventually focusing on snoring. One of them had more “drunk adult” stories than the rest. I made no note of it save mental notes. It is a strange business … keeping some secrets, divulging more critical ones – where the person would be better discussing it with a case manager or if another student might suffer. Here, there was nothing to discuss or share with anyone.

[note: no names provided here?]

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Van Hellsing

Abandon all seriousness, ye who enter here. I thought it would stink, but it's remarkably funny -- to pick on. It hardly takes itself serious with a section like James Bond meeting up with Q:
Now pay attention Van Hellsing. One push on the end of this quill and nothing. Two clicks and a timer goes off, to ten seconds. Your carriage will be equipped with SCUD missles loaded with holy water. We know that Dracula has been seen in this castle. You must use this ... holy dagger of Antioch to kill him at exactly 1:17 am. Is that clear? Oh, and try to return your materials this time!

I watched it thinking about the Superfriends of the early 70s ... it was funny then. I guess it was a persepctive thing.
MR and I ripped it apart, while still enjoying some of its intentional comedy.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Jack Black

from Shallow Hal, had a scene when he was first in bed with Rosemary when he finds her undies or thong which are huge. He only sees petit Gweneth Paltrow, so the panties are an oddity to him.

If you are 400 pounds, your thong (which isn't in your size -- trust me) is King or California King size. Don't be King (or) Queen Thong. They aren't attractive on many. I personally don't find the cheek spreader nice, or attractive. They are, however easy to wash and easy require no real folding. They make great instant weapons (sling shots).

It's imagry and imagination and tangents ... I don't pretend to understand it.

King Kong

I finally saw the ... epic ... the journey ... the much too long movie.
I could make a list of things that were silly, but I'll stick with some simple ... problems:

the ship was trapped between rocks. There is Kong, not to ruin the movie, but "suspended". How did they get him to the boat, much less in the boat. The island part was much too much overdone. I understand it's a mysterious island and it's fantasy, but really! Peter? Did you ever capture a spider in a jar? Was it instantly hungry, no. It wanted out. Hey ... here's a part where something should be scared or busy escaping, but that isn't where the focus was ... too often, too silly. Also: I got a flat tire, I ran out gas, I didn't have any cab fare, an friend came in town, there was a hurricane, there was a tornado ... I swear to God it wasn't my fault. Okay, they're on fire ... now they must walk on a trapeze that's a fuse on both ends are TNT, and there are meteors crashing overhead ... but miraculously, they make it out. Huh?

I will say that Naomi Watts has big, deep eyes that you see often. Also, there wasn't any stupid wet T-shirt scene either, which was a plus.

Scott send a text message: The monkey dies.

Silly, but I believe he means ape and if you don't know the story of King Kong, well ... you live in a box perhaps?
I guess it was worth seeing, but not at full price. There were enjoyable scenes, and funny ones, intentional or not.
"pile up" scene was very silly -- land before time

Kiss me liberty or give me death!

You know the pictures on here might be stolen. Why do I say that? They had printed on them their old master, some Ollen Mills (Heywood) Jablomey. Tomorrow, I'll take the pictures in and get the dates erased. Then they'll be mine now.

from Warner Brothers, Der Fuhrer's Face. It was banned due to the depictiions of the Japanese in general. Nobody would wisely defend Hilter, Mousilini or Hirohito, or the Nazi machine. Depicting a group (race) of people innappropriately, well ... that's something different. I think the bombings do more credit to the cartoonist's work, than the fervor over it legitimacy.

I love USA ... we love it! I'm surprised that Randy Newman didn't repackage this song as I Love USA.

as unAmerican as Du bist scheist von deine Muter!

The Klan, the "Man" and the lack of plan:

Picking on the Jew is now less popular than picking on the Muslim. Who could have foreseen that coming, huh? I don't pick on Jews, don't tell jokes and am not anti-semetic, but those wagoneers who were are now on the new schtick! Picking on the "Arab" is the new Pole joke.

How many Arabs does it take ....

Jokes and puns are American, but in this "enlightented" era the Iraqis and Iranians are hard-pressed to find American propoganda posters defaming and debasing them. No so on the Iranian side as, "Death to the Satan [America] is still common." Now this nation still proclaims that cartoons are vile, foul, and evil? How about daily prayers for 3 - 4 decades. How about that? You don't see cartoons about the mind-washing (notice I didn't use brain -- thinking) that goes on there, denying persons access to education and reading of the Koran.

American should mean: Read, Think, Do (Be)! Skipping steps makes it unAmerican.

The hate groups, regardless the country and nationality and so-called agenda lack steps, making them unAmerican and therefore unworthy of note. Get bright, get sharp, get right, or get out!

W T D ?

I'm not easily understood. Unlike Dave Chappelle's, "How Well Do You Know Black People?" with:
Why do Black people like purple?
I don't know
That is
There are no simple answers here.

Who's got the sweetest disposition? One guess, that's who. He's the Don... you have to show respect.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Schift denn auto!

It's not a bad car, perhaps it just needs a little love ...
That's a piece of crap! It runs alright, but boy, oh, boy do I need to dump it. Someone apparently gimped my ride.

Ain't nothin' but a P thing baby ... (or "g" thing ... guano, or P -- o' [rhymes with hit])


As far as I know ... this bar has had the earliest arrest for drunk & disorderly to date in my town/city ... 9am. They opened at 7am that year for St. Patrick''s Day. What a waste of a day ... I understand the bloke wanting to turn off his mind, but gracious ... 9 am ... disorder ta boot?! Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

Side note: my city/town was named fattest & stupidest ... I'm now shooting for drunkest to make it a complete set.

Oh the Places You'll Go ... the Way You'll Look

if you go to an Irish bar on St. Patrick's Day (stamper-outer of the snakes)
(pic stolen)

Kiss Me Irish ...

or this lady's bum ... whichever
(pic was stolen)

Spike Jones was his name

Responsible for irresponsible music like Der Furher's Face, Burp Song, Yes, We Have No Bananas, Shaving Cream and much more. 1940s ... whatcha got? Depression, then war, but you need hip, hype, humor. Warner Bros. also used some of his works in their cartoons, not to mention their war propoganda films. Older music -- Spike is the man!

Go snow 2

after a numbingly stupid Go Go Gophers cartoon, we return to find this person. Who is he? Where did he come from? Find out in the next episode of Underblog.

Simon Bar Sinister

What poeple who know me should have called me in my: drinking making days. Notice here he has a drink?! Bar? That's right!

"I'm winter and I say, 'Go snow!"'"
--narrator: and when he did, the anything the ray touched, instantly turned into ice. Policemen were frozen solid. Even Sweet Polly Purebred. Who could save the day?"


What they shouldn't be and I should be:
from a public service ad regarding loose clothing

more on violence (to be continued)

Experience dictates that success and pleasure are re-enforcers of a behavior, so inclined persons act out violently because of success and pleasure, not merely from mob, societal or peer pressure. A defining moment in a person's life is acting in accordance with their being, that is their thoughts and "heart". If violence is acceptable in the given circumstance, generally with a condoning group or without fear of reprisal or consequences, violence is more likely.

Insomuchas violence is cautionary, defensively -- physical intimidation or restraint, necessary, it is avoidable. Presently, too often, society reveres the sadist or the punisher -- not to be confused with the vindicator, but the unjust pathological criminal who unleashes fury at any target.

Moreover the target generally has few clues prior to the assault. This being the case, proactive defenses should be taught, such as, "don't get into a situation you can't escape". I cannot blame rape victims, but rather many cases of violence would be avoided if the victim didn't put him/herself in a situation that they couldn't escape. No situation is really under one person's control, but going unprepared or assuming God's hand to help you through your stupidity is ... well, foolish. God acts because God does, not at a person's whim.

From my experience, allowing yourself to do something wrong, is still your choice. Putting yourself in harm's way is still a choice. Violence can often be avoided by not battling everything, everyone and not putting yourself in an undefensable position -- much like a fire. If you don't have an understanding, no plan for escape, then you probably won't escape unharmed if at all.

Ha ha!!!

The tables are turned! Now you are in the "hot" seat! My day on Thursday was bad ... bad ... bad. On Monday I had a class that was okay, but I was directed to get out of town before a parent called wishing to talk to a sub ... maybe me, to berate me. I never found out. I was asked, after school, to go, not to pass Go and not to collect (laughably) $200. If I netted $200 daily, that'd be sweet, but I don't.

I had a bad kid, called him out on it and then he lied to the parents about it. It is not the first time this year for this. I am disheartened.

My day

I would like to have had the troublesome kids today saying to me, "Eii!! Hey! I got a bullet in my head!"
"Hey! You a big tough guy! You should have a two ... [slap] three [slap] bullets! You big tougha guy!"

"The last guy who said that to me is dead. And I don't mean from old age."

Sunday, March 05, 2006


"Come on! Let's fight bad guys", Charlie calls to me as we battle the endless minions of evil, be they aliens, robots, Sith, supervillans, or whomever. We have battled with super powers, weapons of all sorts, hand-to-hand melee, Stooge moves, anything.
I have a superhero complex (wanting to save many people), here is my opportunity -- battling along side of my partner Charlie against the Hall of Doom.

Friday, he had his super energy pill (Chocolate -- lots of it) with sugar and was bouncing off the walls. This was bad for the enemy, who sometimes was Daddy who had to be the bad guy.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

my alter ego

Oh wait ... that's me, has taken to acquiring rare footage via a source. That being made unclear, one item is Der Feuhrer's Face. Why it was banned, was likely due to post WWII sentiment, as the Germans very much like European Americans were not treated as terribly as the Japanese. Donald Duck's foray into political incorrectness -- or "as we see it", didn't taint him poorly. Disney did many more for the counter Japanese propaganda machine for hating (typical war move) to rally your people against the enemy. My "alter ego" as it were, also has acquired a number of odditites that it could not otherwise afford or find, like sound bites. As Blogger tends not to like to burden itself with 50 gig files that may or may not be valid, copyrighted or otherwise large, understandably, I have not been able to append a sound bite to my indentity. I also have a tendency to switch often so that I am ... less concrete. Video, available through My Tube, Google Video, etc. is the in thing, but ... I'd rather have it to view. Now. If I could load a DVD that I bought, onto my HD and watch it anytime ... that's what I would do. They have DVD rippers, but ever-clever companies are trying to proactively anticipate programmers so that they can't make effect DVD rippers. For the case of piracy -- I understand that, and more more money. Say, like Disney who puts out Cinderella, then puts it away in a "vault", then puts it out again. Products as a weapon.
Much like sex as a weapon, it leaves you angry, used, peeved and seeking another way. The weapon-user becomes more an advasary than a lover, since, sex -- a pleasurable thing is denied, making it no longer recreational, but rather a privilige. Thereafter, you really try to distance yourself from the "item", in the Disney case, the movie, noting that it wasn't that good ... not worth it ... find another. Why hide it ... to "make it more valuable". Bull! You wouldn't sell it to me then ... you won't make a sale now! Unlike food and water, it is a luxury that I can do without.

That isn't the same with sex (wow ... pairing Disney, movies, sex, extortion ... a new low), necessary, no ... but great and keeps most people "normal" and content.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

In each person's life, there's a chance of bird poo

Today was my day. Sadly, bird poo would have been better than dealing with my last hour. Nightmare! I'm glad it's over.

outlining violence

Urban assault
Combative in favor of friend, family (why)
Interrogative -- generalized and standardized questions
Investigative -- witnesses, associates

1. Target
a. Selection
i. Previous altercations
1. w/ perp
a. act of vengeance
2. w/ other
a. victim initiated
3. w/ other perp initiated
a. relation to perp
i. family, friend
b. Injury site
i. Access -- availability
ii. Meaning
iii. Visual sensitivity, demonstration
c. Locale
i. Setting
ii. Witnesses [expected] as reporters, silent, corroborators
1. Potential
d. Family history of target
e. Dossier of perp
i. Demonstrated and suspected history valued @ 1 -- unsubstantiated single at .01 or .1 each duplicated event adds to value so three assaults could b e.03 / .3 or .6
2. weapon selection
a. manual -- youth generally resort to this based on weapon access and reactionary (immediacy) & personalization
i. dominance & control
ii. visualization -- sadism; leads to apathy and social violence -- sociopathology; herein definition between violence vs delusional psychopathology
b. environmental
i. access
ii. ease of use
iii. augmentation
1. strength (damage)
2. projectile (distance), multiple targets, frequency, stunning potential
iv. Types:
1. blunt (club)
a. swinging increases energy w/ body weight and speed
b. cheaper
c. generally requires less proficiency
d. reusable
2. Cord
a. Restraint -- control, dominance
b. Fatal and non-fatal
c. Whipping
d. Access
i. Cheap
ii. Concealable
iii. Can be inconspicuous
iv. Reusable
v. Disposable
3. sharp (short)
a. speed
b. concealable
c. generally slice & stab (versatility)
d. multi-purpose
i. explainable
e. damage
f. rare: hemoerotism -- sadism
g. more than 1 used simultaneously
4. sharp (long)
a. generally faster than blunt
b. more visible results
c. stab & slice

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Violent shaking!

For no particular reason I remembered MR's version of [first name omitted] Downing's adventure is ripping one.

Picture this: the old stand alone high school chairs with the right arm slab on which to write. It's bare metal frame holds nearly any reasonable weight, but not dimensions. Downing was not the slimmest person, so fitting in was difficult anyway. Apparently he had to let one go, but rather than letting it squeak by naturally or quietly, he gripped the slab with both hands and shook it like a paint shaker. I'm not sure how this helped the escape of the gas, but it was funny to see. The sight alone was memorable, but the punctuating sound (s) were memorable too. Most people scooted away, of course. I believe MR tells us the sound was, "FWANHK!"

That would be a dusk with a balloon in its mouth, for imagry or understanding.

It's a clunker!

My car is a junky looking piece of metal. Still, Charlie gets in, riding in the backseat and says, "Cool car [my first name]."
Wow! I never knew my car was cool. Charlie makes it that way!

What I'll miss when I surrender

Some others would call it retire, I would say surrender. While I have good and bad days, I have this ... a reminder that a person impacts people whether they want to or not. Thanks Donnie for reminding me!