Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Monkeyjack's philosophy bantering

and the concept of moral choices and sin.

In such a case where you are pitted again life pain and sinning, to where you kill another person or innocent and "guilty" people, do you sin or make a loss in your life and your family's life (life in prison, or long sentence due to you not sinning and killing another person)?

Monkeyjack came up with hypothetical question after question -- some so fictional, there was no reason to answer them, but I surpirsed him with my capacity and willingness to sin, with my understanding (concept) that often you are pitted with two sins -- weigh them as you might, which do you choose. I chose the more "evil" as it were, the darker, more seductive, easier option. I would kill, but I understand killing is a sin, that I claim that I would choose, in favor on another sin or failing that isn't killing.

I believe we met at a point that, at some point in time, many people who wouldn't kill, would -- given the right circumstance -- say to kill a home-invader rather than have them kill a loved one (or loved ones) or a "rational transaction, one life for billions", "needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the fewer or the one".

My anger arises from the fact that the world and society has more and more situations where killing (from a certian perspective "point of view") is preferential to not killing -- not to say that it makes more sense, as killing, itself is wasteful and illogical. Translated also to other forms of life. Is it reasonable to kill, to get something out of your way?

That, limited to classical and neo-classical theology and philosphy, of souled creatures, namely humans, still limits people in their responses to difficult and angonizing situations. Someone will kill a loved one if you don't kill them: a perp with a gun is aiming to shoot your spouse. You are in a car heading toward that person. Would you stop (not killing that person because killing is illogical and sinful) or would you continue and kill the person, saving your loved one? My answer is quick -- kill the perp, save the loved one.

Do I kill bugs? No. I try to relocate bugs that shouldn't be in the house, like bees, wasps, moths, etc. I do kill mosquitoes because they may be a health threat -- protection of self and others (but primarily self). I don't kill flies either, though they don't discriminate food and are usually laden with gunk, but there are so many species, some are selective, including pollenators who feed from flowers (bee in appearance). Insects, spiders, etc. serve a purpose and it's wasteful to extinguish them for no gain, save your personal glory of getting them out of sight or victory over a small opponent.

To summarize our 90 minute discussion, including Monkeyjack's my preference to not join the military to achieve military goals is that, if you can have a life where you don't face sin or sin, it's better, as people tend to sin, though they ignore it... and people tend to destroy out of malice (and enjoyment) rather than be pestered by a small nusance. In this case, I'm selfish and would prefer to not have more tax dollars spent on permanent incarceration (the way it is presently set up and the total cosets for execution) and have convicts pose a real threat to the public by possible escape or pardoning, or release to commit more crimes as they are not educated to re-enter society. I would prefer to kill people who can't and won't be released, rather than pay for their existence. That is a selfish view ... I know.

A note on Smash Brothers

One: I was going to write that Charlie looked like a cowboy after 13 hours in the saddle trying to get to the pot.

It was a fun time with the battles and Monkeyjack winning it often with his Yosho eating and pooping -- how ironic, his enemies in wonderful, again ironically Easter-like dragon shells. I could never get the ruddy hold button to work well, but the Pichachu was a nice even character that lent me fewer deaths.

Two: When falling, carrying an opponent, don't throw them to safety and still fall to your end. I saved Yoshi, and poor Donkey Kong plumetted out of sight. Nice move!