Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

becoming one with the shaft

There was a guy at work, kid really, who wanted out at his "scheduled" time, but work swing higher so someone had to stay. He was chosen and so, grimly he stayed. He's usually in a good mood, silly like a class clown, but it soured. I'm glad that he finally got to leave. I felt sad for him, vulture-like, trying to hastily get thingsg done to get out ... anything to get out faster.

Perhaps he'll get his wish next time.
different work moment

A guy at work related, "I know your a techie like all of us" ...

Uh, dude, you're no techie. I'd label him closer to trekkie than to techie. Most of the people who've worked there for a while are "too comfortable" to ever really leave. I think of them as really good euchre players, but they couldn't play poker to save their lives. They are stuck in a microcosm of that place and dare not venture out. They know the critical programs, but I doubt they know much beyond that and typical surfing. The techie-of-sorts knew "router", but the intra workings are hardwired. There's a satelite dish for commnunication and system linking. That, sadly is the slowness of the system.

They are running on a win 2000 computer, including using win 3.1 software for a couple of minor things. My suggestion to the company itself ...
invest now in good material that lasts and it will save you more, but most people don't see the value in buying big-modern. The big-modern are things that are more than you need, but will fit your need down the road in 2-3 years. That's smarter thinking ... working smarter, not harder.

Anyway, I got a chance to look at the money and nightly paperwork. Hmmm, redundancy aside, there is a larger volume of clicks, tweeks, and entering that I could have imagined. As an outsider, I actually have some real suggestions for streamlining the process to make "less" work at the end of the night.

One: kill the zon machine in favor of presently available, but not activated card swipes on the POSs
Two: modify interface to show application numbers or account numbers for separate entries either - or +

I have others, but I'll post 'em later.

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