Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spring means

flowers and, what I saw this morning:

rabbits mating
Rather, ready males and disinterested females
It was funny to see a male chase away another male, while chasing the female. She saw him chase off the other and got the _____ out of Dodge. He came back ... hey, baby, like I was say ---- baby?! She trekked 2 houses away. He followed the scent trail, munching some birdseed on the way ... little bunny?! Honey bunny ... I luv you! Come back.
I think that she would have rather skipped this season and just had the chance to eat. Last month or 2 weeks ago was squirrel month ... here there were 10 males chasing one female. I guess the males are heartier survivors? While she made a valiant effort, being on the bit end of a branch (likely starving from all the running and no time to eat) relented to one male's "advances" or rather motions. It's got to be better not having these males chasing you, but perhaps better than them trying to chase you away because they're urban piggies.
Their own equals are the local birds who pork out on seed, mindlessly pitching pounds onto the ground. I used to think they didn't eat millet, but they do. They are just nasty, messy critters. Some eat corn bits, others, millet, others bit seeds, others sunflowers. Local predator birds aren't generally large enough to take adult robins or jays so just watch them greedily. About three times a year I find a spray of feathers on the ground from a successful pergrin or cooper's hawk. The juveniles are talkative, loud, naive, no attempt at stealth. Some large squirrels just keep their eyes on then, but rabbits scurry away, as though they would less capable of defense -- ha!
The weather channel hasn't broadcast much as far as, "severe wind" -- like that's important, "flood warning", oh? What am I to do? Would I see it coming -- I think so. Tornado watch ... that's right -- venture outside and look for one, two, or as many as you can see and hear.
We interrupt this broadcast to give you no information ... loud, lengthy ... return to missed stupid program. If you are recording, you get a 20 county block where the weather center marks in red counties experiencing "interesting" weather. Whoopie! Move on to the next idea.

Inspector Gadget

or so I was called with my trenchcoat and hat today. Sadly, I've been called that since Matthew Brodrick did his role in the live action version of a 24 minute cartoon series. I have more freckles than skin and sinister look with a perpetually unshaven face, short brown hair which had been red and a decades-old strained deep voice, nearly as hairy as Robin Williams. I don't see it. Also, Matthew Brodrick ... have you ever seen him fat? No, you haven't. I am.

Speaking of hair, I haven't had a child rub my arm hair lately in true wonder as to how guys have hair -- on their arms. They've never seen a man close up, sometimes better. I have, however had a fourth grader very happy with herself that she is taller than I am. She gets a kick out of it, but unlike her regular teacher, she couldn't lift me. Even at a fitter weight, she wouldn't be able to lift me.

My closing prior to a break was met with, "I'm gonna give you a mean look for a week" as I wasn't able to work for her, and a complimentary candy bag for a nice woman whose class I might have accidently gipped while subbing -- in that I usually drop off token candy to nice students in classes. She retires this year -- while young and will see many a wonderous rising and setting Atlantic sun. My note ... written is haste might have been as scattered and illegible as a nervous bank robber or doctor's too-busy quick note. Ba ba ba, ba ba Barino?!

Retiring ... something I have eliminated as a possiblity. What to do ... what to do? Continue with this ... maybe some permanency or something else, fresh, consistent. I just don't know. If only I were a gadget packed Inspector, though my aggressive tendencies would lend itself more toward Punisher than Mo-meets-Harpo Inspector Gadget.

I still would like to work as a threat analyist. That's not likely to happen.

things not to do when living in Midwest

making plans consistent with the weather is folly
leaving windows open during spring -- I did that last night and found a very wet car, nice
expecting grand, sweeping political changes ... not likely
hoping for grand adventure or wonderous skiing (if you live in MI, IL, most of OH, KY, TN, IN, IA) and you'll be disappointed
also, expecting neat new fashions (not that I'd ever care) unless you live in Chicago, is well ... wishful thinking
taking a job in manufacturing is vocational suicide -- work for 12 years anywhere and then be laid off then fired
speak well -- too many locals ask you, "Where are (or 'is') you from?"


Bobby Knight, whom I greatly dislike, was quoted (I'll paraphrase) as saying, 'they're out there being raped, if they'd lie there and take it, it would be over soon.'
I think that people who don't view rape as that terrible, being a crime where the victim lives, should have a nice visit from Bluto* and friends to discuss the issue. You know, a beefy big character with equally beefy brutal blokes hell-bent on sexual sadism where, consentualism is a turn off and force is necessary. I think after a short run of this, those who did use the term rape without understanding it would, use it with caution. Rape doesn't carry that long of a sentence either, a curious law-makers history, as typically children and women are more often victims and more law writers are men. "I'll put it on the back burner. It isn't as important as this agricultural mediation and tobacco renumeration bill for the fiscal year of 2021." so say those turning a blind eye and deaf ear.
Sentencing of 3 years and out in .9 for rape, plead down to assault, then around fellow asssailants is hardly just or punishment.

* pardon me Max Fleishman for the use of your n'er do well character

worst new term

or at least it was new to me, "foodgasm". That is so gross! If a person truly gets off on food or eating, that is ... a psychological problem. The term is courtesy of a guest food taster on Iron Chef America. Eating causing arrousal or climaxing is not normal, To imply it is, rude, gross and says something about you.

hurtful words

Finding out the background of fictional characters often bores me -- greatly! Find out the backgrounds on some of the students sometimes fills me with some rage. Many come in with neglect issues, some with emotional, physical and sexual abuse and others are neurotic because of their home life. It is not to say that there a level of exception to poor behavior, no. There is, however a reason for some of it. Personally, I think a ED209 or T1000 visitation should take care of many issues. There are areas of the city were even an ED209 would look for re-arming or ammunition reloading. I dislike the fact that there is "nothing that can be done" as it must be investigated, then a trial, separation then prompt return to the household to continue.
* causative features are drugs & alcohol, poverty, criminal activity, stagnant development (retarded socially &/or intellectually of so-called adults), apathy
-- "it was just one time ..."

*ED209 set for Urban pacification
*T1000 given an ample arsenal, with limited specific targets, more like system 101 in its short list directives

oh, and I faked every blog


Passions rule me. I’ve no love or passion for coffee, but it rules me to. Charlie rules me – “No, not that! You da good guy! Come on; let’s fight bad guys!” “Here Mr. ________, I made this for you.” Dreams are nice, reality rules me. What I want and what should be collide instead of coincide. There is the anger, the frustration, the impotence, the infantile feeling of insignificance … what do I need to do, to make want I what to happen?
Yep, that sums it up. I'm a human in a human world with fewer problems than many, worried about what I want and not what I need. Still, I hope that my wants are recognized as altruistic to some small degree. I want a better world, more hope, less despair, less waste, more love. I want all of that and I'm still a hateful person, generally compassionless for the evil, the wrongdoers, the selfish and sometimes the stupid and intentionally stupid. Yes, people can be intentionally stupid.