Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Vera pink

Fort Wayne wears pink for Breast Cancer and Vera Bradley will have the classic open sometime. Fort Wayne was blessed recently with a Vera Bradley facility near the GM Plant. Whoo, hoo!


Pigeons wait their turn to poop on your car.

Damn Birds!

3 Fort Wayne city landmarks


This is a dead give away. If you know the art, fine. I don't think anyone reading my blog would.

My friend and walking buddy

Still a mystery

nature stuff

pine pollen
soft, curly pine needles

odds ends

overly-stuffed rottweiler

overly-used post for bills
I think I'll use my cell phone rather than go underground for the phone, thanks.
"Do you think we're being too literal?"
"He said, come the desert. We're coming the desert."
'Fixed up this might fetch a few bits on the open market.'
"Stop! You have desecrated the Genie of the Lamp! Prepare to face the consequences."

2 trips, one collection

mushrooms that "prefer" pine needles

high muddy river with floating organic debris

Freimann Square, Fort Wayne, Indiana

The willow here is on the North Island of where this is. If you can identify the art and know, then more power to you!

I got to walk with a friend today. We walked on the "Beginner" trail, which apparently was a last name. The possible bike trail was like... "unholy ---", thankfully we were walking. She was hoping for a simpler walk, but it wound up being quite a nice little hike. She was on a time scale, so was worried about getting back in time. We made it clear, no worries. She had the misfortune of having to work in the afternoon. Yoikes and away!

I stayed a while there took a few more shots than returned to Fort Wayne and took a few more in downtown. Freimann Square has tulips, nearly finished, in bloom. It was quite a sight! I parked a few blocks away, but saw by the parking meter that my walk and photo shoot lasted only 20 some minutes in downtown. I was a little tired on my return.

Many photos here are shot in Foster Park, Fort Wayne, IN.

Lion, the Witch, Wardrobe AND a book on the Holocaust

Well, I read this short little story. It was OK knowing the audience and the time in which it was written. I found it annoying that the author talked with the reader as if he were in the room. I would also argue against the editors naming the Witch as "Her" not "her". "He" in the middle of a sentence refers to God or, the embodiment, Jesus. I would not impart the level of greatness of God to a character, either Satan or its equivalent.

I don't know which versions others read, but I didn't read where the lion bites off the head of the witch. Hmmm, something amiss with the one I read?

Anyway, I would dare say C.S. Lewis' style is broadly better than other authors in that he doesn't drone on and on about some minor thing. As example:

The branch of the vein, the third from the bottom, stretched in an unusually way, spanning like the tributaries of the Nile, some broad, some narrow, opposing each other as if in debate. The smaller ridges like water and the higher ridges like pillars ...

So, anyway, the killer stepped across the field in autumn, crunching the leaves noisily leaving the scene.
Lewis generally just gave you a glimpse of something and let you paint the world as you liked it, after all, it is a children's tale. It isn't a bad tale, but limited on a few details that, in a modern sense could have been better. I will continue to read the series.

I am presently reading, The World Must Know: History of the Holocaust As Told In the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum by Michael Berenbaum.

from Christian Allegory to understanding the scope of the Holocaust, there is no segue.