Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, April 28, 2006

unfriendly topic

according to [name deleted], there are a few freaks who prefer to work night shifts at the morgue to ... uh, prepare the dead. Say. That once-was-a-person, is kinda cute with their mouth sewn shut and their rigor long-since gone. I'll just heat up some fluid and have a hot one ... no one will know. They're so ... posable and accomidating.

-- here's where you puke, by the way ---

then they dress 'em and apply the makeup and get them ready for the casket for presentation. I would suspect they same necros would prefer to think that other necros would have them post life.

Uh ... you mount and stuff during taxidermy, not funeral prep ... sicko! I would think that this would be more of a guy thing than a woman things as ... well ... it'd be more appliances attached -- essentially flesh dildo. What would be the point, eh?

more on line-steppers

I was waiting for, "I dare ya ta expell me!"
"Now that oughta do it!"

Habitual line-steppers

In the class with which I have been working, three. I sadly don't get to check 'em back into place.

[front quick, mid kick] aohaohhghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Smash into glass object.
I think I'm bleedin' into my chest.

I guess I should have known there was a problem when they stepped into the room, claiming, "Darkness! Darkness, everyone!"

I would, however, be the first one on the, "What did the five fingers say to the face?"
"I don't know."
Slap! [slap]

"What did the paddle say to the ___?"

"Do they speak English in What?"


He-Man Hausen

language indistinct -- wacky, worthy seeing once

Music restoration

MR linked up my old HD to my new one and transferred my music to the new HD
So, I guess MR is the music restorer

The same night we watched hot pursuit (police car chases) and an episode of DS 9 -- beginning of the war, where the space station is evacuated and taken over by the evil ones. At the end of the episode, the freedom fighters knocked out a "crack house" required to keep one race in line and not sociopathic killers, in doing so they left themselves on a slow boat to China. It will take us 17 years, 8 months ... to get to neutral space -- ouch!