Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, July 27, 2007

stagger, stagger, crawl ...

It's ...

Just shake your rump

sippin purple chango

N2Deep, with characters and elements of Rumpshaker.

because I found it

Charlie bowler

Yesterday's gone

Charlie playing "Chicken Little"

Charlie playing "Chicken Little"

Lori gets home, dogs go wild

Echo greeting me!

Well, I met up with Monkeyjack and family yesterday. We met at Munchies and we had the beer sampler -- 10 beers in 2oz shots. There was a Chardonary-esque beer that was bad, but most were fair. I liked the American Red of Mad Anthony Brewery. I wound up getting an accidental free beer. Monkeyjack was kind enough to splurge and take the whole bill -- I owe him!

We then went to Zesto's ice cream and later to Monkeyjack's place. There, Charlie wanted to show me rented games -- Chicken Little being his favorite of the two.