Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

English, please?

I have google and gmail and gcalendar and gee ... sounds like iPod and iMac and iNano and iFlunked
Anyway, iIncluded US holidays. There was Cinco de Mayo. Really! So, in America we celebrate the expulsion of the French from Mexico so that they could be their own nation and then come over to the US? Cinco de Mayo is NOT a US holiday, schmucks!

I guess they got their info from Wikipedia -- written by people who like to write, whether or not it is researched.

I suppose that I could go there and write about Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, who owns a mansion and a yacht. If it were deleted, I could write it again, of course I might be worried about a relapse.+

+ as paraphrased and quoted from a Warner Brothers cartoon where Bugs Bunny switches places in hospital and convinced and psychologically battered into thinking that he is Elmer J. Fudd

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