Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, November 09, 2007

essentially, the cops would ask

don't fire the gun while you're talking, they can't hear you.+ Sex offender beheaded, burnt, 'hanged unless he gets the singing sword'++. I'd say that is immediate karma.

Thanks to MR for find this.

+ Naked Gun
++ Bugs Bunny

Shake it up

Well, there is a shortage of managers, can you believe it? That means that a couple are moved around and I stand a good chance of being pushed through to the next level, on basis of ability and need. Well, now, that's ok. That's God's will! God also has protected me from speeding tickets. I was speeding --- not excessively, right past a state trooper, but the trooper pulled over the pick-up truck next to me who wasn't going as fast. Perhaps that driver did something that I didn't see.

I have been able to position people in different areas so that they expand their repetoire being good for them and good for me. The more polished skills they have, the more flexible they are. The sad thing is, I don't have any hours to train anyone in particular areas.

Mom made it home

My father rested and soon, I shall rest. Work and projects prevail and deny me sleep.