Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, July 14, 2008

makeshift flash filter

room without lights, just flash
room with overhead light and flash
bottle on bright orange fabric, which I used as filter
yellowed with petal
natural, both were night shots

flash with green leaf cover as filter
flash with green leaf cover as filter
purple leaf cover on flash
flash with purple petal cover as filter
natural color, shot at night
I used a post-it note on a few, then used petals and leaves for the other hues. By placing the material directly in front of the flash, I got some dark images.

Santa begins

Ho Ho Ho
Batman' smells
robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
and Joker got away

Come on MR .... waiting to read Kathy's line regarding Nancy's version.

location of headaches

The doctor gave me a sheet and asked me where it hurt.

Who can argue with that?

"He pushed me off his lap"

Girl recalls going to heaven care of FW News

irony, tips

now hiring

How it works. [link]
Oh, come on! I can't have been the only one to see this.

be what you want to be

At Career Bewilder, you can be what you want to be.
I was changing my resume on Career Builder and it took many, many, many steps. I had to continually answer "no" to higher education. I believe I was asked three times by different universities.

Thank goodness for my, "silly brain", I can avoid it.

+ YouTube series (Retarded Policeman) [link]

happy family

Charlie plays while L holds K.

Charlie's ladder

As luck would have it, I saw Charlie today. Oh, I also saw his parents K. & L. (Monkeyjack). He is clutching a dollar that he found earlier in the day. I understand he found another dollar the day before. Their trip to the lake was curtailed as L. was called into work. Darn them!