Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cabin Fever Pitch

1. Don't see this movie
2. Don't see this movie
3. If you ignore the frist two, then wear blindfold and earplugs
4. If you ignored 1-3, then take acid, develop ADHD and alzheimers
5. If you developed memory loss you missed:
profanity F* used equally in Pulp Fiction

Evil Dead had less blood and less brutal killings
Evil Dead had a beginning, middle, and end -- a simplistic plot to follow

I guess the writers here, F*ing forgot the F*ing thing! F*! What a F*ing terrible waste!
Foul, crude, stupid, pointless

I guess the title should have been Cabin F*ing Fever F*ing Bitch!

Monks, monastery and madness

dreams from a wirling dervish -- emptiness and fullness in a mad Russian's nightmare

Tuesday night -- dreams of monks and monastaries; why, I don't know.

Thursday night -- dreams of watching a mirror and everything in the mirror was going backward

Dr. Kevorkian says, I drink too much coffee? One tip -- eat fewer pillowcases and include a hormone replacement therapy

I just don't sleep well. You'd think I could. I've had enough practice over my more than three decades.

Will sits and photographs self

May 5, 2006
Tired Will sat on my lap and took pictues with my phone.

Quirky sense of being

When I die, now don't think I'm a nut, don't want no fancy funeral ... but I want everyone to have fresh breath

hallmarks, signature of me: gum and mints

gotta get a pack of gum, and some tic tac
* Back to the Hotel by N2Deep

I was dunk'd

I agreed to be in a dunk tank. It was my first time. It wasn't bad, the water was warm, but the air and wind were terribly cold. Ouch!

The principal was there before me, but I understand that I was dunked more often than he was. How's that?!

War of the Worlds 07 AD (series) ep. viii

More reports are in and there is no second incoming object, thankfully.

Under the fog of communication lapses, the US military moves into better positions in Iraq and Iran. The NEO, as it turns out was a long-ago sent “weather satellite” that held its position for a while. A piggy-back craft grabbed it and started it on its new trajectory – Earth. The missile, had it fired wrong would have started WW III, but as it was, successfully sped up and exploded in space over the Arab region. The communication blackout was a success and the battle will soon begin.

Operation A21-F (07 AD, completion of Arab ‘dis-ownership’ *in 2007) underway. Its target start date off by 14 weeks, but will 2007 might be the end of the Arab-Muslim realm. Generals in the Non-Muslim Pact have pledged support pending initial successes over the first four weeks of the silent operation. While no longer needing to claim NEOs, other communication blackouts will continue to shroud the area, like a non-dissipating storm. A rain of so-called counter terror is massing. The Tsunami army will strike soon and hard.

Reports of UFOs are now common over much of Africa and Southern Europe.
* dis-ownership, a.k.a. destruction

Cat scratch fever

or, that's what I'll call it. I was at Dave's and Cinder came up to see people. I started scratching her and she would not let me stop. She lied on the floor and continued to want scratched. More ... more, never enough! I'll go cooky!

Cinder is a cute pudgy-looking cat, with loads of loose fur, people-loving. Will, however, chased her around a little last night, barking like a dog.