Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Gay bottle

Gay bottle
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
Gay since 1703 ... oh, my!

I captured this, as MR saw it upon our entering of a liquor store. I needed beer, well ... wanted it. MR saw this and I had to photograh it. There was a series of four from the same company, but this one was Mount Gay, only under which can you read what it is.

I sent this message to Monkeyjack, but received no feedback. Sniff! I was hoping for a new cellphone virus, better than Jeffy's backside shot -- so gross! I also didn't want to one-up, Nate's hot dog bun shot -- grosser!

annother thing about soccer

Mike Peters, political cartoonist and cartoonist of Mother Goose and Grim.

Seige at Firebase here

Another friggin' day with Reynolds Dweebs Inliner. Same crap, different day. What the heck is wrong with that company that they have to come out every couple of weeks, block the drive and do something close to nothing? Dweebs. I shouldn't have to pay for that crud!

Reynolds Inliner was chosen by the city to do "trenchless" sewer work, making the sewer better. They have been in front of the house, blocking the drive on 5 separate days now. I have grown ill of it and am writing a letter to the mayor with my concern that the company contracted may not be able to fulfill it's obligation of prompt and correct installation.
