Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

circle 400

Not the Indy or Daytona 500, my spam is dropping, now around 350. Way to go Earthlink & Brightmail! Boil that dustspeck, boil that dustspeck, boil, boil, boil!

little evil, little good

Halloween in your neighborhood. Sith or treat!

shuttle launch

Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
Why the internet is grand is not from the buying and selling of trash on eBay, though many would argue that point, but it's a cheap way to be noticed by millions.

How many people could buy their way onto TV ... few. How many can have their simple little video go from obscurity on googlevideo or YouTube to instant net celebrity status? Many more can.

Many animators rely on the net to show off their talents and to find others to assist them. Still others have found study work from Atom Films or net studios.

There's flickr - repository for pictures to share with others -- nothing to download, unless you want to bulk upload pictures.

"The Internet. It's fantastic!"+

+ borrowed from Miguel Ferrer in Hot Shots! part Duex

In passing

Hey children what's that sound, I'd advise you not to turn around.

Homemade jacuzzi

I've been spending a lot of time just farting around, looking for a job.

Losing Hope

Star Wars, Episode III: Lost Hope

Directed by N. T. Bullock

Written by Eric Kohn & N. T. Bullock

Edited by N. T. Bullock

Assistant Editor & Director

Eric Kohn


Anthony Washington, Sarah Rials

Costumes by Judy B. Bullock

Scott Bullock as: Palpatine / Emperor / Jar Jar (voice)

Anthony Washington as Mace Windu

Jeromy Spiers as Obi Wan

Michelle Flowers as Padme

N. T. Bullock as Anakin / Vader / EPT (voice)

Eric Kohn puppeteer for Jar Jar / Yoda/ Yoda (voice)

Thanks to

Jared Hopkins, Celeste Yeager, Matthew Magee, Anthony Washington, Judy Bullock, Michelle Flowers

Special Thanks

-Script Ideas-

Scott Bullock, Clayton Forbes

Digital Backgrounds by, Tom Bergstrom, Jr. (medic room / Palpatine’s office)

IM Logo & Star Wars Title Effects by Matthew Beale

Compositing N. T. Bullock

Lightsaber Effects by Eric Kohn

Luck and luck only

I believe Carl Sagen was referring to applications when he said, "millions of billions of stars in the galxay." I'm sure that there are trillions of resume's for any job, but after submitting a hundred-thousand, you'd think that skill would be involved, but no -- mostly luck. So far, I have recieved confirmation that a place or person got my application and resume' and might get back with me after they read the other millions and conduct interviews with the top ten before moving on to the lessers (I'm in this category) aka bottom 90. Chin up, keep applying and die, die again.