Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, April 21, 2006


free floating rare or ultrarare mineral
lifts itself and proportional mass of 1200%
purchased "legally" by energy companies to prevent fuel prices from falling

nuclear power plants, delaying in favor of fossil fuel depletion and energy company monopolizing

In what country are we? Were are the feuding and gun-firing congress now to stomp out the oil barrons, the communication barrons of the 00's, as aposed to the railroad barrons of the 90s-10s?

The turn of the century, the millenium, and still we have barrons of communication and energy. Still, we have plantations of tobacco the government tags as cancer causeing and dangerous, yet the government subsidizes these farmers to produce a toxic product. Huh?

Schools failing to meet certain scholastic criteria are closed and the students sent to "water down" other schools otherwise meeting the scholastic standards. Is that really helping?
Schools are integrated, but there are fewer adults in the buildings and there are fewer "discipline options" and really funding prevents opportunities to "good" students.

The citizens call out impeachment much like recount, recall and free fries. Bush impeachment ... why? Bill, liar, I could see, but Bush has done nothing impeachable. He has done many, many, many publicly denounced actions, but nothing illegal, as it were. My tangent would be the authorization to enter Iraq, but that is another story. One man cannot force the actions of so many. Orders, if faulty or stated from a powerless position may be ignored. A private directing superiors to attacks don't make it happen and a general directing the army to fire upon itself doesn't fall under the category of punishable of "not following orders"

In a small story, the local paper ackowledged that a school applied common sense to a policy and didn't suspend or expell students for exchanging and dispensing cough drops (under broader interpretation a drug, therefore dispensing of drugs is suspendable / expellable offense). Yay for them for uing that matter incased in their skulls.

Western Digital takes licking

and starts rattling. I believe that the drive is spinning, but the USB connection in the unit -- popped off. It had all my music, but I'll seek a cheparer (or faster) way than the overcharging Geek Squad for data transfer from working drive to working drive. Let's see. hook up drive, 10 minutes. Dump data from bad drive to new drive -- simple, start and it'll finish when its done. Is that work? It certainly sounds like charging for 5 - 10 minutes. They're prices for that are more like lawyer fees.

picking candidates

like picking your nose is gross, limitedly productive and leaves you unclean. Moreover, like 47 other states, I must "declare" a party for the primary (buffoon selection 1) and elect under vice secretary to the assistance tax assessor treasurer of a county. Does the party matter then ... do they earn much ... no and no. I can't believe that they have much of a budget. I do, however expect deception from a candidate, whose supporters can finance a whole billboard on a main thorofare.

Another bad ad campaign (flyer) I read had a vision statement ... poorly done and bad idea.

How about a nice little questionaire for all persons on the ballot? Include on this pre-entry exam: understanding of job for which s/he is petitioning, specific listing of relevant experience, kinetic / dynamic / static perspective (change of satus quo and capability to do so, improvement of self and trickle down to all tangents, keeping the status quo).

I don't know more than I know on any of these people. I can thankfully say that I don't have any affiliates to which I owe favors when voting. I still feel disenfranchised, stripped of power and intentionally held ignorant, yet belittled if not exercising (not performing) voting in this runners up circle event known as primaries.

I feel equally poor at the official voting in fall.

and so there I was holding the bag

Who will do this ...
you, [my first name] come here and take your assignment

I was really a nonparticipant, a foreigner --- passerby and chances were someone would be picked.

blankity blank blank blog

I feel like a southern task master ... picking on the ethnically different ... it's really based on behavior, but it grates on me that I give the appearance that I'm a racist with my usual suspects for punishment. With this class I also seem to "select" males for punishment more often than females. I try to be impartial and fair, but I feel that it never looks that way. It haunts me -- man of the sheet not the cloth. I know that I'm not, but I think that it appears otherwise.