Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Homicide book review

Homicide Special by Miles Corwin. It is interesting that the Special Unit was set up, but failed later on due to lack of recent experience. This team was responsible for the OJ case. After that, they made some changes. The book includes profanity from the dialogues between detectives and suspects. The work, while interesting, is not good case work. It is for entertainment and choppy. The cases are a bit hard to follow, for it is written as if it were a TV serial (soap opera). While good for entertainment for some, I like more non-fiction, more science than this offers.

If you like fictionalized life with case-based studies and mild biographies on some persons, this is a book for you. Mind you, in deals in murder and rape cases. I was not impressed.

Today, I guess my message was

You push it, and in some cases much too far.

I purpose

that we build what I call a "La-ser" and threaten to point it at the North pole and put a hole in the ozone layer unless the nations decide to ...

Oh, give me a friggin' bone here people I've been frozen for 30 years.

job that matters, that I can't do

on-site work at home for women and children. Somehow, I don't think, as good of a person as I am, that I'll be chosen to work with families escaping men.

Well don't that beat all! Here we take the good time to wipe out every last bit of husband/boyfriend and they appoint some manager who's hairier than than my old husband/boyfriend.

Gosh, Ms. Taggert. I sure hate to see you all riled up like this. How would it be if me and the girls were to shoot that man dead.

Well, that might help.+

+ dialogue courtesy of Blazing Saddles

Like putting udders on steer?


I kid you not, a real job posting. I look at Menards and don't think eggs, sugar, butter, milk, bread. I've been in Menards and don't see that either. What the?

take 2, pay 1

There's a temp company that is happy keeping people on temp status. Worse still, they charge principalities, townships, counties, and states whopping sums and payt out little. From the short experience I had with them, this company, sounds like smelly, had contracts with these governments to do work. They are wasteful and from what I have seen of the work, efficient only on one end. On the other end it seems to me that they are likely the ones to buy hammers for $200.

So this company partners itself with a national company but bilks government for money. That's taxpayer money, man, so there's my beef with it. I don't like wasteful companies, but if McDonald's were to choose Flakey Joe's discounted discount breading stuffs for their buns and the product isn't worth what they paid ... so what, they could and should choose another one. The people making choices for other things are not up for review. Their ignorant choices go unchecked and unnoticed by the general public.

I could venture a conspiracy ... padding someone's pocket, but it is just as likely that a stupid person in a position to make decisions, makes bad ones and is confortable with them. Why change, for then it smacks of, "did you make a bad choice before".

Back of the bus

Everybody move to the back of the bus

mid 2006, the year of child pornographer catching
2007, year that intollerance takes full hold and gays move to the back of the bus

Ted Haggard proves that gays can be treated and changed into hetrosexuals -- a lie. Snickers gay commercial, pulled. Picketing and protesting won't give gays rights for much longer. What they need now is to go back to the closet for a while. I suspect that late this year they can emerge from the closet once again, but shouldn't have the first waves be flamers or in-your-facers.

more hiring code

CBRwCP = can be replaced with clever primate
CBRwSR = can be replaced with simple robot
CBRwSM = can be replaced with simple machine (like inclined plane, wedge, etc)


JRSL = job requires slave labor
PEVB = pressure equivalent to volcanic buildup
NJD YDA = no job description; you do it all
OMLS = one of many lateral shifts
GGSS = get glasses, stare at screen
RJ = redundancy job

charged per letter

odd, but growing common
BOA = branch office administrator (/assistant)
HSD = high school diploma

my versions
CCGWST = can chew gum and walk at same time
CPUP = can proficiently use pencil/pen
RTSOB = requires tech support only bi-annually
DWP = deals with people
KWEF = know which end to feed
ABW = active beta waves
CTCO =contributes to conpany and others

more wonders of looking

After spending hours daily looking at postings, I can see which companies really go through people. I would suggest that there is growth, but I doubt it. Moreover, there are many companies that list a job several times each day for the same location. Is that desperation? I know that I got a first phone call from some of these companies and a couple called twice (2nd phone interview). It is hardly surprising that some fail to fill positions. Once, which will go nameless, had a "good ol' boy" and "we two are in charge" mentality. I guess a question should have been, "are you sitting on his lap?"

The worst thing for people needing/wanting positions is that there is a long wait between applying and getting a response. If you want my advice, always have a job.

I have found some intersting things interviewing and applying. You will be asked standard questions for which you might have a pat and quick response, unthoughtful which may not play well. Better still are questions for which you aren't prepared that truly remark who you are. My failure is with, "What don't you do well?" That to me, always seemed the double-edged sword. If you say, "thinkin'" or "associating with stupid people" does the interview essentially end? It is a reasonable, but painful question. What should I say?

Anyway, I know where I am weak, but would rather not have that held against me in a court of law or in a job. If the truth of my dissatisfaction dealing with dogmatic, stubbornly stupid people were to slip in an interview, the interviewer might suggest, "you're going to have to overcome that".

"We saw your resume'"

Yeah, right. I keep getting in my spam catching folder, "We found your resume' on [search engine here] and found that some of your experience/qualifications meet our needs", yadda yadda yadda. I look at the email, for I have more than one, and that is not the email I have with them.

You're going the wrong way!
How would they know where I'm going?+

Today, I challenged one and wrote back, "Show me".

+ from Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

beside himself

Eddie Murphy makes another movie that is all about him. Let's see, Nutty Professor, Coming to America sometimes disguised as a fat person. Now ... Norbit is Eddie Murphy chasing himself, one grotesque fat chasing geeky thin. Huh. Will I watch it?

Heck no! What a waste of time. This isn't a movie review, but rather a prediction. Movie is trash and forgettable.

Imagine Jim Carey and Jim Carey in some movie with a whole mess load of him, just him. How about a movie with just Robin Williams? End this idea of (apply coefficient here) Eddie Murphy in movie named Nutty Barbershop Mansion Norbit.

I've got this great idea for a one man Hamlet. You all the characters are in his head ..."+

+ Soapdish

Power of white

not white power
Snow of last night ... Indy got it worse

He's cured

Boy ... here comes the crap just dropped in the fan.

Ted Haggard got therapy for his gayness. I'm okay and not gay now. Boy, that's going to do wonders for society. You see ... you're gay, but with therapy, we can get that gayness under control. Now with talk therapy and Gaynomo (TM), those suffering with homosexuality can be cured of that wicked disease.

The DSM III listed homosexuality as a disease, while the DSM IV did not. There are schools of thought on both, but it has been the prevailing idea being gay is not a disease. This Haggard person in the spotlight undoes all of that. Now, back nearly to square one, homosexuals have an uphill battle.

I personally state, if you are gay, then you are. If you are bi-sexual, then you are gay. I don't regard it as a disease for many people do gay things, act gay, and engage in homosexual acts for many reasons. One, it is trendy to bend the rules, including sexual bounds. To do gay things, smiling all the way ... to be trendy, you can't then respond, "I'm not gay." You are.

Felloship of the Ring

• Global child porn ring involving more than 2,360 suspects in 77 countries
• FBI investigating about 600 of the suspects in the United States.
• Videos were posted on unidentified Russian Web site

Sweet news for the world. I suggest, "prompt and even immediate death!" +
It will be a day long remembered ... it has seen the end of this ring and shall soon see the end of other rings. Ultimately, casting the ring, in this case child porn, into the heart of Mount Doom to be destroyed, global evil being less easily achieved.

+ Disney's Robin Hood.

Science, tricky stuff

When I taught, I tried to encourage kids to experiment. Often, what you were required to teach was scripted and measured. True science is creativity, messy kid stuff, a keen interest to find out what you don't know and the willingness to suffer setbacks. Now, the science kits they have at school are nice, but generally speaking, they are not designed for kids to dive in, be a mess from head to toe, then doing it again. While sending home gooey, messy, filthy kids is intolerable to most parents -- there's where science is.

I saw an interesting video on iambored with dry ice and soap. There were some people quite notable for the Youtube diet coke and mentos. This is science. It is a series of calculated risks with questions wanting answers. Take, for instance, a child on a swing. The first part is, how to swing. Once that is mastered, a person might want to find out how to swing slowly, high, spin, and many other novel concepts. This is science. I fear that many people are not given the latitude to experiment with things to be smarter and wiser.

Now, that is not to say that if you find a scar-heavy person that s/he is smart, but rather science-smart people generally have a history of doing, sometimes having no safety protocols. This, of course when young, might make some candidates for Darwin Awards or reckless people. When you have average intelligence people doing dangerous things with large materials involving others, is when you have more casualties. "Hey y'all, watch this", is a catchphrase for those about to die.

When I was a kid, I wanted to know what happens when you mix chemicals together. I wanted to know what accelerated and retarded fire. I wanted to know directionality and causality, the height I could climb and the height I could fall. I learned how to fall so that I hurt myself less severely. Despite my roughhousing, boyish destruction and rowdiness, I have never broken a bone. While useless in a practical sense, I learned how to mix flammable and non-flammable ingredients to hold fire in my hand without getting burned.

Science can hurt, but it requires experimentation.

Random words perhaps?

"anthony ! mugging it's histrionic in schlitz it's redwood see lanthanide" was the title to a spam message I didn't open. Now, If you are trying to get people to open a message, try English. Better still, trying English phrases or sentences that entice the person to read the spam message.

I like my "final solution" better still ... stop sending spam.

posted protest

Below is a well-shared email denoting many people's displeasure as to the government's weak work on illegal immigration. While this letter touts authenticity and that a woman wrote the best editorial, it was not the best editorial. I cleaned up the grotesque blatant English errors. While the all-capitalized words show yelling, it is pointless. The other very typical poor English and even poor literature inclusion was the double punctuation of "?!" and "!!". While I am dissatisfied with the falsehood it claims to be an editorial, which it wasn't and isn't, it has some valid points.

It underscores the unequal protection under the law. It notes where law should be applied, it isn't. It smacks of the application of bad law in robbers suing businesses and homeowners for injuries incurred during robberies. I included this post because it regards the sentiment of many legal immigrants and natural born citizens. I did not bother worrying about correct paragraphs or pagination.

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV.
Her point: recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the U.S. might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I’m hardworking and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters, you are required to let me stay in your house. You are required to add me to your family's insurance plan. You are required to educate my kids.
You are required to provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hardworking and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm a hardworking and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house. And what a deal it is for me!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I demand that you to learn my language so you can communicate with me. Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?