Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Annecdote about Sid

Sid ... greeted me with smiles ... yips, spins, and gallops ... a plaything, I be.
The inside of the front door ... clawed, marred, scored by the claws and paws of her majesty peering out over her domain.

Sid ... while often scurrying away from Charlie for he was often a bit rough ... stood between he and I when she felt I was in danger from him.

I miss you Sid!

Frollic, play, chase, beg, borrow, chew my dear ... soft fur, joy for running -- pulling me like a sled, and chasing smaller critters.

Terrorist, tyrant, hero

I'm packaged as all. Some cringe, others salute the awesome dictator, others seek me out to right wrongs ... I am the boneheadified teacher. Today's story comes to you from the letter R for referral and the letter N for now. [name omitted] was walking, crying. When asked why, she "hated [name omitted]". Why? He made a rotten statement about her.

When interrogated, he claimed that he told a stupid statement to another student, not naming the subject. That person then told it to the girl, who took offense. To her, I am a little hero -- righter of wrongs -- at times.

For others ... the green orb of Heavy Metal. I recognize evil, absorb it and become more evil. Really, I'm good at finding problem kids and trying to get them under control or out of the room -- therefore, under control. I am a tyrant, who recognizes only one law, supposedly mine. Not so, but if I convey that ... I have fewer problems.

At the end of the day, a girl -- 1st grader, came to me and said ... "Hi silly!" She hugged me and tried to spin me around and around ... fun for her. She's nice ... sadly too often smelling of smoke from a cigarette laden house and car.

I think of all the roles ... I'd like teacher, rather than staff seargent, M.P. or warden, or dictator-for-life. Teacher ... bringing others to their own enlightenment ... learning -- a gift not easily lost.