Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

City shows how money will be wasted

In a bold move, the city has finally allowed the local taxpayers to see how their good money will be wasted on an ill-thought project to install a minor league stadium into downtown for no real good reason. As noted there are spaces TBI and rental spaces. So ... let me get this straight.

You bought these two square blocks for a stadium that might fill better than the other one? This new stadium won't be as conveniently located as the other one? The spaces around the stadium will be rentable, but you don't have set businesses yet?

Now, let's think of how long it will take, cost overruns, refixing errors in construction ...

Dude, we got screwed!

All I see on the picture (courtesy of printed newspaper) one stadium, a park, parking lot and lots of what ifs, TBIs and maybes.

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