Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

and this year it grows hot

Predator will likely strike L.A. again this year, for he seeks warm/hot climates to hunt.

Lest anyone forget, Los Angles is not a good city ... not God fearing or God loving. 1992, riots. Of course when things don't turn out the way you want -- riot, stab, shoot, kills, burn, rampage, rape, oh and


Yeah, nothing shows your anger more than robbing and looting. That'll show them! Yeah. We'll teach those people a lesson and we'll rob from our own community. Yeah! So there!

I'm waiting. I'm sure that California is depressed that they have been out of the limelight for too long now. There was Louisiana with resdients too stupid to move. Then, Smith, then East Coast getting snow, again. Now, quiet Virginia will consume more air time. What about us, they'll claim. We want news coverage too. Fine, we'll riot again. The immigration has changed -- riot! The immigration hasn't changed -- riot! The sun rose again today -- riot! A man in the back said, "everyone attack" and it turned into a statewide blitz.

I'm just Mr. Negative

Man! I go to the trouble of droppin' a load of poop on glass, have it bronzed and shown in the Boston Museum of Art and you have the nerve to call it crap? No man, that's art.

"Ney, ney", as said by Jon Pinette, that is (well, rhymes with baseball mitt) and you know it.

I write about the stadium and poo-poo it. I write about media and poo-poo that. I poo-poo a lot, but if it smells like it, looks like it, degrades like it, decomposes like it, draws flies like it ... I'm really confindent that I'm close if not dead on when I call it crap.

Okay, America!

Let's face it ... lawyers should be on trial here.

Stupidty is not a defense here. Competent to stand trial my foot! Look, just because you aren't jovial about entering the courtroom doesn't mean you aren't fit. Okay, so you're five hundred pounds -- you're fit enough for trial.

If you bleedin profusely, then maybe not fit. If you are in a psychological quagmire of insanity, then I'd say we let you swim your way back to Iceland from the Bermuda triangle center.

Woman kills her child. Gee, then psychologists claim she's depressed. No foolin'? Start the trial, you flunkies!

City shows how money will be wasted

In a bold move, the city has finally allowed the local taxpayers to see how their good money will be wasted on an ill-thought project to install a minor league stadium into downtown for no real good reason. As noted there are spaces TBI and rental spaces. So ... let me get this straight.

You bought these two square blocks for a stadium that might fill better than the other one? This new stadium won't be as conveniently located as the other one? The spaces around the stadium will be rentable, but you don't have set businesses yet?

Now, let's think of how long it will take, cost overruns, refixing errors in construction ...

Dude, we got screwed!

All I see on the picture (courtesy of printed newspaper) one stadium, a park, parking lot and lots of what ifs, TBIs and maybes.


Much like wikipedia, the info there is ... well, questionable.

Media covered every clue as to the father of the platinum child, Smith. Now, here's a shooting spree and they can't find squat? Nice goin', eh? So ... the police aren't divulging any info and the media can go on long schpeels about the gunman in the hallway and the other in the grassy noll, but know absolutely nothing at all.

Well, we know he acted alone ... oh, wait ... no, we know he's dead. Yeah. We think he had handguns.
We'll talk about handguns for six hours, yeah ... and that they are weapons that use bullets. Okay, and in case you didn't know how a gun works, we'll talk about that then too, okay. So day sixteen, we've covered how bullets work and that these, bullets can be bought in stores, okay?

It's like Battlestar Galactica the old series where there is old footage used continuously. We've got nothing here, but we'll show it to you one millions times and claim that we see Jesus in the cassarole dish, if it will increase our ratings.

Look, if you don't know, look for other news. There's E-television, if anyone wants to hear about the pampered %@#s known as entertainers, then tune there. I'm not interested in the stupidity of Hollywood. I would like to know world and US events -- thanks. I gave up on watching news a while ago. I read news now. I liked AP, but their search tool is bogus. I stick with Reuters, BBC, MSNBC and go to their sources like AP and others.

I'd like wack-a-media game where you have the newsanchors come out from under their rocks, then you bop them on the heads to get them back down there.

English, please?

I have google and gmail and gcalendar and gee ... sounds like iPod and iMac and iNano and iFlunked
Anyway, iIncluded US holidays. There was Cinco de Mayo. Really! So, in America we celebrate the expulsion of the French from Mexico so that they could be their own nation and then come over to the US? Cinco de Mayo is NOT a US holiday, schmucks!

I guess they got their info from Wikipedia -- written by people who like to write, whether or not it is researched.

I suppose that I could go there and write about Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire, who owns a mansion and a yacht. If it were deleted, I could write it again, of course I might be worried about a relapse.+

+ as paraphrased and quoted from a Warner Brothers cartoon where Bugs Bunny switches places in hospital and convinced and psychologically battered into thinking that he is Elmer J. Fudd

How to tell if you might be at the wrong church

Did you say you believe in a loving God? This guy ... scary, very scary. Worse still, the people in the audience chanting, yes, like sheep. A very dangerous man.

Germ (manic)

not Deutschland

in food prepping, you don't want to have illness. Sneezing, bar none, is the worst.

work, work, work ... ah, choo.

Okay, pitch this one, give me a new one, please.

carpel lepsy

A friend from work mentioned taking a call from a guy who was "excercising" his speech or something while talking and listening to her. I think the heavy panting and difficulty in speaking might have given a clue, as well as, "wait ... almost there."

Wow! I'm glad that I have never gotten a call like that! EEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

plucking marvelous

I was listening to myTunes (not i or apple anything) and got a chance to listen to some quality brass expression -- unlike some redundant synthesized pop. I got to hear on the same song, the plucking of guitar -- electric, and horns, some with mutes (reduces volume and quality). Timing was great.

I later heard the thunderous roar and monotonous thumping of bass and deep drums, still all-in-all not a bad tune. It was a good deal better than the same 40 songs that have plagued my travel back and forth to work. My word people! I could understand if they were all hits within the last 6 months. A few are 70s songs, other 80s, other 90s. The same blinkin' songs man! It's maddening!

Hey man, is that redundant @#$! ? Well, turn it up, man.

I think I'd trade, "Freedom Rock" for this paltry sample of stuff I heard when it was new and don't want to hear it twice daily. If they're going to play older stuff -- how about Beatles or something. I'd buy a new stereo for the car, but:
I don't plan on keeping the car,
the stereo is factory in-dash and expensive to yank,
I'd be better off getting the next car and a new mp3 player (I already have two separate adaptors -- tape deck and station block (4 channel signal to send to stereo, tune to the channel and viola! you have your mp3 tunes)).

Bow out boys

There's a group called Fall Out Boys, but I'm not referring to them.

When a psycho comes along, you must bow out.
Dependancy comes along, unless you bow out.
Selfish drama comes along, better bow out.
Your soul stolen away, trust me bow out.

I think a number of people out there will agree with me on this one -- leechy, clingy, dependant (especially overly) people will bring you down into a hole. They either hope you're big enough to fill it, one of the many people who will fill it, or don't accept the fact that they are the hole -- empty by volition.

I think that there are more "Emo"s than those that 'adopt' that lifestyle as it were. Most of them are merely disenfranchised fairly normal kids who like to bitch about not being allowed to smoke at age 14. Some have more complex family issues and still others have real trauma and drama, but aren't seeking professional help. Social cuddles their mental instability, lablels it as a fad and icky-ackity-oop -- their pain (real or imagined) is hip and trendy. Why stop whining when it's cool and cliquish?

Later, trying to have adult relationships, therein is the fundamental error -- never grew up. Still whining and writhing in phantom pain from not getting a pony for Christmas.

To men and women of the world -- if it looks like a nut, smells like a nut, acts like a nut ... chances are that it's a nut and you'd be wise to bow out before the play (tragedy drama theater).

Should I take crazy again

Nope ... I had that, don't want it again.
She wants you. She needs you. But there ain't no way in the world she can love you, for ...
she is a vaccuum of emotion -- sucking life and existence from all corners, doesn't love herself so she's not going to have what we humans call 'love' for you, so it's absorption, addiction-like haunting ... I wouldn't call it love.

Two out of three aint' good enough, thanks though.

what's this ... on pulse?

Old phones ... who can understand them?

Oh, anyway ... the desperate phone call was not so desperate. I found myself being career counselor

Yes, uh huh, yep ... gotcha, alright. I'll tell you what. Take the job that pays and if something better comes along, take it.

I should have been thinking like, Better Off Dead, "Go down there, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn." Don't make things terribly complex when they aren't. Take out all the drama, the headache, the ambiguity, the campaign costs, the tri-color printing and you are left with something mostly black and white. If what you see makes sense .. great! If not, great! Take anyway anything distracting and you have the core.

She agreed that my advice made sense.

Apple core, Baltimore, who's your friend, me!

One telling thing ... "Oh, I know about computers" (mid March statement)
"I haven't had internet for over a year" (last night's statement)

"I've been here for seven years; I know high school. I'm no dummy."+ I hear the tinkling of glass and somewhere, Pinocchio's nose is growing. Dose one of unreality or "little white lie". Despite the beautiful red color of the apple presented to me, I'll opt out of the poison apple. ++ I ain't bitin'.

+ Better Off Dead
++ Snow White, Adam & Eve