Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Snoop Doggy Dog of blogging

coming up with mad insane crap every single day -- hey! I did a blog because my mind is ablaze, ya. Not cuz I hate ya, but cuz I'm insane by nature. The ODD man, will only see me man!

I'm sure had I been born in the 50's, I would have been the Old Insane **stard. OIB. None of y'all better look at me funny, huh! Here's the wack -- now give me my money!

Terminator me on razor table.

Which fictional character represents me well? I guess Pondo Sinatra from Party Animal who was told why they call it **ssy*1, and spent the movie trying to acquire it through any number of means. Typically the underdog wins, but in this -- he dies in his dire attempt to acquire the one pure axiom. Reall, required viewing, the movie's tabbboo drug scene is Airplane level of over-the-top with a garden trowel for prepping and "cutting" the lines--really short mounds of coke.

*1 Naughty By Nature's OPP
And now for something, completely different: foley artists.

Robin Harlan is a foley artist ... did work on Party Animal -- thanks IMDb. Ah, the nearly lost art. In the early 20th century, hey had performed while watching the action on a screen. Now, they don't worrry so much about timing, as that it fixed in editing, but hats off to this nearly lost art!
Many must suppose that they haven't heard of such a critter -- mythos like the minotaur, but not so. Blowout, uh ... with Travolta, involved a sound recorder, but that's not quite it. A folly artist matches sound to action, like punching a roast for fist fight sounds. I wouldn't doubt that Nightmare On Elm Street relied heavily on these folks.

Scratch, scratch, scratch ... do you hear destiny, history, or rap?

Sinful sot

I was driving carefully last night, seeing the glowing eyes of wandering animals and being too slow to capture on camera the none-too fast raccoons crossing the rural road. I wasn't cautious enough and crushed and crumpled a sad little oppossum. I knew I hit something, but was unsure what. Stupidly I was thinking ... "I brought my tripod, but forgot the wedge ... go back and get it." It was raining and I dispelled the idea, knowing the rain would worsen. Had I stopped then and got the wedge -- the possum would be alive by me, perhaps dead by another -- to ignorant to avoid cars. I got a few shots in the night, later woken and kept awake by the storm and other issues. A nagging -- a displeasure with accidental killing. I fitfully slept.

Tonight, fewer critters on the road. High jumping toads crossing the road -- welcoming their deaths by leaping high, not far. They were and are summer fodder -- living only a short while, some species longer than others, most dying before mating. And no for a really nasty segue, mating before dying talk shows.

Paternity testing on controversy shows ... "He's the father" where a line of men are tested and found to not be the father. I can't decided which is sicker, the guys sitting elbow to elbow okay with having sex with a loose cannon -- they, themselves complacent biomes of viruses or the female who can't narrow the partner down to a list shorter than five. Some people should not be capable of procreating. That is a sick, sick, sick, scenario.


Lori has a knack of calling me when I can't make it to the phone, restroom, or I'm elbow deep in something, paint, blood, dirt, or something. Today was no exception. She called to tell me that she, Charlie, and I weren't making it to the movie either Ice Age 2 Meltdown ("Food Glorious Food") or Garfield "Tale of Two Kitties".

Meanwhile back at the homestead, Monkeyjack had plans for me to help him set out a boku supply of garage sale hopeful items -- millions, as he described it. Mainly, I was to help him move a sleeper sofa. If you have never moved one -- you are in for a a treat. I have NEVER known one to be comfortable on which to sleep, moving them is no picnic either.

That didn't transpire, so since weather held rain, rain, rain -- good for crops, bad for moving, I met up with MR and watched a little DS9, followed by police video while playing mission pissyouoff catchphrase II. For some of the phrases, they might as well have used Shawn Cassidy for what good they were. If you don't know that one, some of the others you wouldn't know or have a clue as to how to get them to say, "babbadooba" from Eddie Murphy's Delirious.

If you have the "knack" you can do 80% to 30% or likely somewhere in between.

Al-Zawahri calls for death to Muslims

"It is a jihad (holy war) for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere." Spain was controlled by Arab Muslims for more than seven centuries until they were driven from power in 1492.
If you call out an all out war until "your" religion prevails, I'd say you are asking to be killed.  If Muslims respond to this with cheers instead of jeers ... it will be open season on Muslims, I'm afraid.  What a stupid, and I mean stupid incitement to murder.  Does this doofus understand that he's contracting the murder of Muslims by doing this?
I hope that fellow Muslims throw out this wicked fool in favor of someone less -- warprone.

Laws that should be, but aren't

Upon filing temporary insanity pleas, attorney filing motion should then either house and feed the client or become cellmates with that person until the beginning of the trial. I think that should then put a GREAT limit on the number of temporary insanity pleas. Also, those attorneys protecting child molesters should therefore be required to have the client be the primary caregiver to their children (or family children ... step, grand, cousin, neice, nephew or the like). If the lawyer says no -- too bad. That is the price for protecting those whom you suspect are guilty. I think then, those in the city office defense team will have a backlog of sickening persons to defend, therefore kept off the street until their court date.*1
I don't dislike lawyers, I dislike many whom I have experienced. Certainly, since the general feeling for lawyers is low, I'm not the only one. My divorce lawyer was as effective as Steak & Shake at filing and getting the job done. The "steakburger" didn't disguise the general lack of interest and 50's atmosphere, as though divorces weren't that common. It was, therefore, a (insert word here) burger, no matter the wording.
I haven't had the horror of a loved one torn apart in life, then in the courtroom by a lawyer defending the guilty. I don't know which one I would hate greater -- the criminal or the criminal in the suit.

* exceptions would be made for appointed attorneys, as saly, that is there job. Personally, I find the public in general in apathy to crime because it doesn't happen to enough people to really affect them*2

*2 valid crime statistics would show rise in crime, including violent crime (which includes rape)

la politiciens folles

Well Hello Dummy [continue chorus]!
I am (law) Bender, pleaes insert lobbyist-padding. With wiretaps and "unethical" congressional raiding, "How dare you raid my home after accepting bribes", it will be interesting, perhaps, this fall with election 2006, leading to hullabaloo 2007 for 2008.

In reflecting on my political angst, I know that MR and I are different in many different ways. If we were on a FOX network -- "if only" MR might remark, the FOX team would sit behind MR jotting notes while he tried to push on my idiogenic*1 apathy. Certainly MR keeps up on politics more than I, leaving me more like his perspective on 'dumocrats' who bitch without thinking or (in his thinking) without reason. Whether justified or spiteful obstructions, those feeling disempowered will always let you know it.

On the subject of criminal justice, however, we concure almost perfectly.

On persons, which I favor over any groups or parties, some tend to seek their ability to act out the part or be good democrats or good republicans, that is following an agenda for that sect. To me, that's like being a good Baptist or good company man. I'd much rather have a good surgeon, a good doctor than a good "medicine man". I am interested, sadly ill and poorly informed on the actions of persons on all bills. Even the bills and laws themselves are so lengthy that the average person would favor a two sentence synopsis of it, rather than a better abstract be it six or twelve paragraphs long.
In voting for persons, there are offices for which I don't always vote. The job, government obviously, but doesn't pay exceedingly well. How much do I know about the job, let alone the persons who don't have the cash to wage political war for a $20K job?
Opportunites arise in voting to answer questions to "assist" lawmakers. Too often voters believe that in answering these five questions ("three questions, sir"), that they are actually passing that law. I would like, however, for a greater interest in input by the general populace. Granted, most can't write, let alone type, but beyond that, legislators ("mount up") should be interested in the goals of their so-called constituants. In this repbulic (not direct democray -- impractical for millions), the governing body acting independant leads directly to corruption.
Be it real or perceived by many, working irrespective of those governed puts a gulf so wide between the governed and those who govern that languages and cultures are different.
In defense of the government, some populations are, well, stupid. Communicating with them would be difficult. Say, like the idiots who wouldn't flee New Orleans or those Florida dead who "ride out another one no greater than the one before", who can't be that bright. Writing about Florida, Dade County, how many voters does it take to understnad a voting machine? Also ... if you have a fill-in-the-blank card anywhere, voting won't take place. Would I want suggestions from people who don't read English who have lived here for thirty years? Would I want suggestions from people who can't push buttons? Hmmm to that, I'd have to say no.

End run of criping, I think that an analysis or background check for each person running should be mandatory. If the person has a felony -- no guns allowed and MAY NEVER RUN FOR OFFICE. If the person has 2 misdemeanors, other than traffic offenses, that person MAY NEVER RUN FOR OFFICE. Upon violation of this, the person is immediately taken into custody, those responsible for hidden those facts also taken into custody, all priviledges, salaries be retroactively stripped. I wouldn't elect a bank robber and I shouldn't have a felon (of any kind) or convict on the ballot.

To this last degree, I think MR and I will ... well, not mesh ideas.

*1 of unknown origin

Remaking Ishtar

M. Night Shyamalan might as well give it a shot. It's not like his movies are, uh, action packed. Ishtar was remarked as the poorest return movie until brilliant Kevin Costner put together the play dough Waterworld. I think, since Shyamalan likes long winded movies -- putting Charles Darwin and Stephen King to shame. If you haven't read Origin of the Species, it makes War and Peace as quick as the "TV Guide".

Please have an assistant director in on the next movie to make it, uh ... interesting for the viewer. I'm writing off M. Night like I have Ang Lee and Martin Lawrence as I did --early, but not prematurely on the Coreys (Felman and Haim) while others sadly punished themselves by watching them.

I won't ask myself, "what's this movie about", but rather, "what other movies are coming" when seeing another Shymalan preview.

I won't see Hollywoods McDonaldland attempts at movies like: Roadhouse 2, Miami Vice, Santa Clause 3, Sisterhood of the Traveling Willburys (oh, sorry, pants), Clerks II, Jackass 2, Batman (version anything -- that cannot be made -- it just can't).

Father fighter

My father, with whom I have battled minorly for so many decades, wins one with me. During my teens years, it was a nasty bit between my father and I. How the folks liked me, I don't know. I wasn't likable and really -- if I weren't family, I wouldn't have been loved. Anyway ...

My father has had several bouts with cancer. It is highly likely that he still has it. Though sore and sometime lethargic, he battles on. He buys thousands of dollars worth of medicine and vitamins in a measure to stick around. He is a fighter. For this, I am proud of him. He hasn't lied down and died, but fought. He fights less for himself and more for others. He's going to stick around as long as he can, though believing that he'll not make another 10 years. I hope that he's wrong.

Indiana empowering

“Congratulations to Floyd Landis, young man from Pennsylvania, for winning the Tour de France. Floyd came back from being eight minutes behind. Despite that he needs hip replacement surgery. He still won. Here’s my question, can the French even ride a bicycle anymore? We sent a guy who had cancer and he won seven times. We sent a guy who needs a new hip he won this time. Why are we making this trip anymore? We should call this thing the “Tour de Indiana.” Make them come over here.”

from Jay Leno
