Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Evil work afoot

The other morning, a tell-tale path was dug in the grass. The ditch wasn't nearly as wide as Bugs Bunny's burrowing, but it was just as winding. It likely stopped, but failed to turn at Albequerque. Something was digging, but for what? I couldn't figure out what was digging, let alone for what.

Tonight, I got my answers, a raccoon was chasing a mole. I saw it at work last night, chasing then digging. They are a good deal more nutritious than bird seed -- about all he'll find in this yard. The neighbors have a vegetable garden which has been feeding raccoons, squirrels, and opposums this year. I pity the neighbors for trying with so many greedy hands.

I would guess the digger is an adult (though smaller than some of the trashbag size urban raccoons I have seen, female. They semi-hibernate, but with a predicted mild winter, it won't have to store a large larder or fat.

Confidentially, I don't much care for the destruction that moles do, but they eat grubs that hurt plants and grass. They can help the grass be ariated, but with too many, you get moguls in your lawn. I think there are enough to spare, so I'm not unhappy about one or more being food for the raccoon.

How not to watch a cartoon

Don't pay close attention. Don't expect logic. Don't have a corrupt mind.

Going here, I saw some Wacky Races cartoons. Once racer, Penelope Pitstop (pictured above) has a pink car with blonde hair design. If you watch it like I watched it ... looking at details, a blonde bit on the windshield is almost always covering her chest. It looks like a hand (kinda) and so my mind raced to a direction that it wasn't intended ... or was it?

Well then, y'all

In both of these scenes, the pistol packers fired at Snagglepuss who ran much like Oz's cowardly lion (perhaps a greater source of the character's basis then my description below) He was the target because he was a lion, or was it beccause he was pink?

I better do a lil' ol' yell to protect my lil' ol' self, she said in a lil' ol' southern belle accent. A lion on deck! Snagglepuss, a laughable name now, but appripo for the era. Snaggle (getting caught in messes) and puss, shortened for cat, a softer kinder word before the usurping of it for euphemisms anatomy. I think, quite sharply the creators, Hanna Barbara were keen to the relationship between efeminate voiced lion and a pink character who says everything as though he were on stage.

another local news story

A drunk driver who left his children in the car after the scene of an accident was found with mutiple stab wounds. He was found by a repairman. Isn't irony a funny thing? I guess someone left the scene of an accident where he was stabbed.

It's so beautiful

Fort Wayne's board has written a wonderul re-submission to the smoking ban and ordinances. While it concludes with, "more money and staff needed ... inadequete at this time ..." it is an idea for policy change. Namely, the exclusion of "clubs" that would allow smoking via a clause. Bars might also be affected when a new law or ammendment is ratified, which might end smoking in bars as well. What was surprising was that Indiana has the 2nd highest adult tobacco usage in the US, if I read that correctly. That is surprising.

When the new laws, hopefully bearing out to reality &/or ammendments are written and ratified, I hope that Indiana is a less-smoke filled state. I believe that, since smokers spend around $1000- $2000 per year, that could easily be spent on Nicorete gum or patches to cure the habit.

This is based on the report on the direct relationship between smoke (first or second-hand) and disease. It's really obvious, but people are generally stupid or fiesty, preferring their ignorance. I'm sure that the people who smoke would not like it if I were to pull out a plastic model and begin building it with glue at the dinner table. What's that you say, it stinks and is proven to be a health hazzard? Gosh ... quit your smoking and you got yourself a deal! If you smoke, I'll laquer my curio cabinet near you ... use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire danger.

I think Kraft Foods can make good money without the cigarette sales.

Getting Mad

While this is in direct opposition to everything that they suggest and direct and won't last, it might very well mark the point where people have finally gotten sick of criminals. Here, specifically school infiltrators and child murders; but applicable to many circumstances. I think calling in for a surgical strike on the felon(s)' butt is wiser. Often, conpliance yields better results, but examples given in the article point to times when compliance yeielded suffering then murder.

Skip all that! I think America sould finally wake and be sick of crime and criminals and accept, "I shoot the bastards! That's [our] policy!" That's right. Whether the muderer was suffering from a bad case of indegestion or inoperable brain tumor, the wrongness of the act requires action -- prompt action. Tooo often people try to emancipate people from their actions and responsibilies. Gosh, he did that because he was abused *1, or she had PPD (post partem despression) or PMS, or mixed coffee and three other caffeine drinks and got too wired.

While this thinking -- prepatory retalitory violence, may be innappropriate for some situations, I dare say that subduing an attacker (especially when outnumbered -- which is almost always the case) makes much more sense than accepting the doom. If you do some reading on recent shootings, including the poor victims of the Amish killer, he supposedly brought in materials for raping as well, since he freed the boys. In another shooting, the guys were freed and a few girls freed who reported to police/swat outside that he was sexually assaulting the girls there. They went in and only one child died. Now, fingers could be pointed to police mishandling, but if a felon comes in with automatic weapons, do you really think he's going to drop them and say ... "kidding!"

*1 Those abused are not doomed to repeat the crime. That's bullcrap! Victims, more than non-victims should know the wrongness of the act and how it hurts and the long-standing difficulties it can have, therefore they should not act out the abuse that "still" makes them suffer. If they are struggling that badly ... seeking counseling. Many therapists work cheap or free and are readily available.

I have never been confronted with rape or murder before, but I would like to think that I would battle until the end. "If you're gonna die ... if you're gonna die. If you're gonna die ... if you're gonna die. If you're gonna die ... die with your boots on!" + In one hypothetical, first you are raped then you are killed or you could die fighting never being raped. "It's a logical transaction, one life for billions." "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few -- or the one."

+ Iron Maiden, meaning, die fighting, die trying -- don't so easily submit to defeat on important matters.

Movie on stupidity

I got it from the library, categorized as an educational video. It wasn't educaitonal, per se, but worth seeing parts of it. The premise is analyzing the dumbing of humans through media, but it first examines the psychological terms of "idiot, imbecile, moron" related to IQ. Now these terms are synomous and interchangable for stupid acts or persons acting in a stupid manner.

The movie raises some interesting points, but continues to use the same technique it claims that TV does to capture the audience -- soundbites and 2-5 seccond bursts of visuals; including violence, sex, and less savory human tendencies. I found it easier to experience with my eyes closed, visuals distracting from the meaning. In the end, it both reviles and shields Bush in regards to stupidity. Generally, post viewing perspective -- which is it, that he is stupid, "only plays one on TV"+, or that he is made stupid.

In any case, many are stupid, anyone can act in a stupid manner, and that no one that they polled (people on the street) could really give a good meaning of the word stupid. There were a few long scenes of people waiting to enter a theater to see Steve-O and a Jackass creator in "action". While waiting, COPS crowd antics ensued including jumping onto a locally parked car, uprooting of a street sign, and more. What a complete waste! The throngs of the easily manipulated couried and pushed into violence by the anticipation of stupid live acts.

I won't rate the movie, as I would not want to see it in its entirety again, but ... I would like it re-edited for the 20 -40 some good minutes of narration that it does have. The background could be switched instead of seeing countless Jackass-esque antics from real accidents or violence. That would, of course, "rip the soul" out of the artistic work that is Stupidity.

+ used in the movie declaring him to be not an idiot