Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Very, very disturbing scenes from TV

It starts out tame and gets wicked. I don't watch a lot of TV and I dare say that I wouldn't let children in my care watch much of it either. Deplorable. America should just turn off the TV. Now, if this were on pay channels -- not that it would matter, but if they were, perhaps it would make sense.

Stand up, turn off, go read books!


Dear Annie: I would like to comment on the letter from "Jane Smith" regarding unusual names.

I am a teacher and have had classes with a Napoleon and a Wolfgang, and I would like to tell parents who are considering an unusual baby name to try it out first. When meeting new people, introduce yourself with the name you are considering for your child and see the response.

There have been children in my class who have not raised their hands because they were embarrassed to hear their names called. Children can tease and make fun of the most common name. An unusual one truly invites a lifetime of grief. I know because I also have an unusual first name and have experienced these feelings for 58 years. -- M.

Dear M.: Thanks for the firsthand testimonial. Parents who are considering unusual names ought to follow your suggestion.

Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190, Chicago, IL 60611. To find out more about Annie's Mailbox, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

courtesy of: Annie's Mailbox
I don't read it, but this one was mentioned to me by my father. It is true.

4 pounds and 60 decibels

There is a neighbor dog who is especially cute, sweet and lovable. You'll know when he's out with the squeals. It's akin to the sound of an RC airplane in a not-so-monotomous tone. I was mowing today, and as per normal -- there he was. I petted him the best that I could but as high-strung as he is, he wouldn't sit still. I don't think I could get that ratio from speakers, and not so loving.

Constitutionally Gay

I looked through some old flickr pics and found one guy marked a nativity picture as a favorite. I looked through his pictures and he had loads from a Catholic demonstration or was it? There were many, many, many supporting "Equality". Equality for what, one might ask. I thought -- for what, gays? Yes, there was a group for gays -- marriage. There were Catholics in the mix supporting gay marriage, however that works.
Also there was "Jewish Community Supports Catholic Gay marriage". I bet they do. You see, the new slogan is, "Just f*** 'm!" Ultimately there will be fewer catholics, as there are more non-procreative parishoners. That's an ingenious plan! I don't know the state or city. The photographer's perspective was unclear, but the rally did give me one thing -- material for jokes.

Uh, isn't that supposed to be "love your brother and fellow man?" Yeah, love or (rhymes with duck) him, what's the difference?
We want a constiutional ammendment to declare that we're gay! Okay, you're gay [in writing].
What's that dancing going on in the center? They're -- oh my -- get the firetruck!
Sir, we must do something, they are blocking the city county building. Okay, rig up Judy Garland music to the ice cream truck and lead them away out of town.

thanks again for less spam

Brightmail and Earthlink drop my spam lower, but not price.
My known spam seems to be dropping by 25 per week. That is excellent! Soon, it should be under 100, very managable. I guess either they are giving up or someone put on SPAM RAID, kills spam dead!

stop it

stop it
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
This is an example of what gets a lot of hits ... "tits". I posted pictures of other things, but this picture has genereated more hits in two days than most of my pictures (lifetime).

Buxom woman with bouncy breasts asks the view to stop looking at them, and instead, listen to what she's saying. "Good Good".

career builder, the new unintentional cartoon

Are there enough keywords there? "Job, money, sex, drugs ... billions, trillions." I wonder if there is a limit to the number of keywords you can use. If you use that many keywords to get people to find you, uh ... you really aren't specific and I would venture that it isn't a job that I'd want.

Muy local

We are so grand that we don't have a local number. We are so legitimate that you can't apply online.

If you have to tell people what you are, then you don't demonstrate it well OR, you right out aren't what you say you are.

New finder

Equip this tourist scope with hellfire missiles and you can see the wonder of the city and select targets for removal. Perhaps more towns should have these.