Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


You're not really here ... you're in a place, thinking and playing. Where you find you can predict ... you're going the right way. Life, inevitably is an infocom game, much like Zork, but with better graphics.

You see an interviewer behind a desk. He's standing looking at you with a hand extanded offering you a job.

Take job.
I see no job here.

Take offer.
I don't know what an "offer" is.

Are you sure you don't want the job?

Take job.
I see no job here.

Get job.
That's a good idea!

Talk to interviewer.
Interviewer smiles and offers his hand.

Take hand.
Which one?

Take interviewer.
How romantic.

Take interviewer hand.
You have accepted job as, "deep fryer cook".

(re-reading .....)
(look ... interveiwer for Megaplex Copeland Gigasphere Sharpland ... executive .... salary $102,450 ... probationary period ... 25 years ... full investment at 17 years .... entry level $14 K ... signed ... Joe Didn't-Bother-to-read-fine-print)

I see no water here.

.... I see no ___________ here. Besides, you went before the interview,

Upgrade level.

Take executive.
How romantic.

Slay man.

Kill interviewer.
You pull out your rapier and kife and hack the unsuspecting interviewer into pieces. His screams didn't go unnoticed and the secretary has called security who also called the cops.

You are in a small room withe a desk and two chairs.
A dead interviewer is here.

______ who?

I'm not sure I understand how you're using _____.
You hear sirens.

Jump out window.
If only there were a window.

Exit room.
I can't do that.

You open the door and everyone is gone. Papers are on the floor, as if people left in a hurry. The elevators are running.

Pick up papers.
Don't waste your time.

You can't go that way.
The elvators are on floor 8.

Kill self.
What is a self?

Kill me.
I can't do that.
The elevators open up and the police direct you to drop your weapons. There is a stuggle and you are shot several times. They put you on a stretcher and are handcuffed while in hospital. The sad news is, while you recover mostly from your wounds, you are found guility of first-degree murder and are sentenced to death. During a long battle in the courts, your death sentences is commuted and just in time. Your long-time prison friend Hal, and you are going to get married.

The End.

Restart, Quit, Reload?

Restart, Quit, Reload?

Bore (the movie)

Hey! The Earth's entertainment is slowing. We must drive to the center of it to find a way to reheat it. I know... let's run more Will & Grace, Brokeback Mountain, Matrix TV series, evening soaps, 45-season shows, newer and exciting sports X-Games of mud flats roll-car rock climbing, "Who Wants to be Kansas Governor?", Badmitten court TV, "My Three Wives (filmed on location in Utah), Leave It To Cleaver (SCI: 1940s), All In the !@#!@#! Family (00's update), Whose Job is it Anyway?

What's really bad is that the trash on Jerry Springer are terrible. Who watches the show, those people who live it and see it every day. Why?

I stopped watching TV very often. I used to watch Cartoon Network at night, but skip it! There isn't bunk on TV I like. There's hardly a movie I don't cripe about. Doubtful that the enterainment industry would cater to me, but I'd like something that, ya know ... entertains or educates or edutains. New Dectectives used to do this, but they really ticked me off with the 5 minute story stretched out to 40 minutes with 2, 5-minute stories after that of ... we found a dead body and a guy standing next to it with the murder weapon and found that ... uh, he did it.

Discovery also has a "history researcher" who tries to answer questions no one is asking ... did the Nile River really hold Aryian artifacts that the Egyptians knew and used to build the pyramids 5400 B.C. ? I'll spend the next two hours coming close to nothing then being debunked at the end. Thanks for watching. How about Behind the Music of say ... Yani? How about those annoying persons in music like, John Tesh, Enya's ninth unintelligible CD, completely forgotten one hit almost wonders on the top 100 charts never getting to top 40 ... say top 75?

NYPD BULL_____. Next episode ... nudity! Oh ... it's some guy's butt! Great ... I'm done with that show. Cutting edge ... profanity ... that's outrageous, right?!

How about, a good old fashioned funny show with no need for language censors. _____, I remember picture pages with Bill Cosby. I remember using so much foul language and still ... such rude (while rare) comments that I don't need TV to say them outloud. I'd like to see a fiction, you know, like the bad guy trying to kife a cop is killed on the spot. I'd like to see people saying stupid things to each other while going through mundane tasks, not waiting for a laugh track or "live studio audience"

Entertain me with life, fiction that's funny or makes me happy. People in a house for 10 criping about their shirts -- uh, doesn't make me laugh. Also, if the show has to tell you when to laugh (laugh track) it isn't funny.

If the miltary wants to defer some costs, how about "virtual bombing", where you get to select a bomb that already has a target, and you buy it for say, $50 and get the video of it destroying your target. There are some people, I believe, who would pay for the satisfaction that their bomb (adopt a target) did successful hit the target and help support the country, war effort, and military. The statements of, lack-of patriotism due to dis-satisfaction with the war could be changed from "buy war bonds" to "buy liberation bombs".

BTW: I don't like politics, it isn't just this administration, as it were, for congress too writes and passes law

Entertain me by having some air-force one pranks "punk'd" (crude urbanlect) on violnt criminals. "You are free ..."

"Prisoner is escaping" ... fire!
[blam blam blam] chaos, massacre, paperwork and overall lower cost -- it should be a criminal-free society

blinks passerby

Time to make the donuts.
I made the donuts.

(meeting yourself coming)

I don't really sleep. I rest and feel unrested. I think that I either: have a fight club somewhere (sans the violence) or I don't know how to mentally and emotionally unload anymore. I think that latter is more likely. I hardly feel refreshed. At one point in time, I could take a 20 minute solid nap and be refreshed for 24 hours. Now, I don't really rest ... I dream and think and don't ever slow in thinking.

hippy hydra bat

Another half day with the kids paying half attention. They are sweet and have resigned themselves to the fact that I'm going to be with them for a while. There was a hurry, a flush ... I forgot we were supposed to watch a video ... oh, well ... Monday!
I got body checked, accidently by Mackenzie, who, of course, continued to body check me while I made noise because of it. Izaiah hugs every adult ... it's his thing. Dawson hugs me -- daily.
We wiped out more work, having an understanding of cm and inches today ... the difference between the two, somewhat.

2 weeks of plans ... my mind is stirring, which is better than what it was doing at 2:35 ... I think my tiredness was making me drool. I passed out from poor sleep, for tomorrow I'll be chauffer for a non-driver.

In the world of the cryptic and strange, Lori called me about a wedding I'm supposed to photograph. Interestingly enough, I asked a few times about it, with no results. Now, apparently, this person is panicking about it. I didn't call her because I didn't have the number. I called today, but nothing. I guess it's not that big of a deal, right?
Catch this! Lori doesn't know the person's last name. I think I have a solution:
Don't ger involved very far with people you don't know. If you don't know their last name, then you don't really know them. I'm worse here ... a third party, who's never met her. I said yes, why?