Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

dreams, she's in my dreams

She's so hot!
Darn, but it will pass. It'd be nice for dreams to pass into reality, but ... only in fiction does that happen.

Ain't funny McGee

This first one is eerily similar to Saddam

Concepts for Borat O'Bama


I think a far more enigmatic and starkly ironic ending would be that he is slain while defending a child. That child then bears a mark from an attack which kills or nearly kills the attacker. You could then infer that the other characters "resemble" Griffondor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, making their own -- new school of magic and the cycle continues.

Granger house, Wesley house, Potter house, Longbottom house

let me get this straight ...

Violent people do violent acts? I just find that hard to believe.

mid-July schedule

M: (July 9); 5 - Close
T: (July 10); Off
W: (July 11); 5 - Close
R: (July 12); 2:00 - 10:00
F: (July 13); 5:00 - 11:00
S: (July 14); 5:00 - 11:00
N: (July 15); 4:00 - 11:00
M: (July 16); 5 - Close

strange act witnessed

I was at work and saw someone drinking beer on the job. Now, the course of action that should have followed:

send person home; notify unit chief; say ado to the person for, drinking on the job is an offense that leads to termination.

I didn't immediately send the person home, that person knows I know, and claimed to feel bad about it, and obviously needs the money. When the person gave me and, "I owe you", I figure that it might be a done issue. I cannot think of another leader who would have chosen my method of handling it. I may not have handled it right, or the best, but I don't think I shall have difficulty with that person again. At least, I hope not.