Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

more work phrases

"Oh, I seen it."

"Now here's the proper way to ..."

"Who did this?"

"Could you come here please?"

"I've told him that."

"Let me ask you a question."

finger pointing and grief

I was at work and I got, "I'm mad at you", and pouting. Yes, the old man is leaving. I was a good man to many people, uncle a a couple, friend to many. I am sorry to leave most of the people there, but not at all sorry to leave the job. Underpaid, under-appreciated, long, long hours. Nope, the job can go without me.

Indiana has coyotes

I can be certain of this because I saw one on my way to work today. This solitary trotter was going through a field off the highway today. Yeah ... I have confirmation and moreover am a witness to them being here.

Thanks, Johnny


I'd rather kill a beer than a deer. I don't eat most meats, so, at least least I can drink a beer. I won't eat a deer. The proverbial beer hunter. I no longer keep trophies.

draw a happy place

It was a simple request ... she complied with this. Artist undisclosed as she didn't want recognized.

tied to me

Charlie made up a game. He started with a "ninja star" that could be flung around. Obviously it was plastic. He wanted a string tied to it to use as a grappling hook. Later, he tied it to me and hurled me around with it, as I had elastic strings on my sweatshirt. He had a very good time.

He is attached to me and I am tied to him. It is a pleasant bond, one I don't wish to break, no matter how delicate.

Give it away, give it away, give it away now...

God save me from myself!

I think I help others, yet I hurt others. There is no happy medium and the path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Punch Out!

While the voting continues ... Rudy looks punched out. Round seven coming up.

I wouldn't mind an online game of Punch Out! with the candidates, Romney, Edwards, Clinton, Obama, McCain, et al.

ding, ding

body blow, body blow, right, right, body blow

ding ding ding ding

more allusions to Airplane!

no one has to know you're incompetent.
Don't say that word!

No, not a "bu", a bomb.

Management, its where you facilitate other things getting done, but that's not important right now.

Got to concentrate, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate (echoed). Now calling in sick for the thirteenth time, Moody Rudy.

"... and management's getting LARGER!"

"... and management's over [done]; over."

"The management line is for loading and unloading only, there is no working in the management line."

"It looks like I chose the wrong week to stop looking for another job."

gonna blow this joint

I thought you meant you were going to go ... quit, leave, pursue another job. Oh, I am. I just have one little thing left to do when no one is there.

Stand clear!

I would just go, but ... that is not my way.

[Earth-shattering kaboom]

Ill-fitting because she's wholesome

There's a woman at work, well ... 19 who married in June. She and her husband live in one town. She is attending school in another town (my hometown) and works in my work town. I wonder why she is so far flung from work ... because she is a good person, wholesome. I got her to share her wedding photos -- others were delighted to see as well.

I never really saw that she was "an odd piece" in the puzzle at work of different pieces to make a whole. She's always -- not in the group. She is taking nursing classes and one class is photography. As that is an interest of mine, no secret at work, she agreed to bring in some pictures from her assignment.

She's a neat woman who is seeking a move to work in her hometown. God willing, it will happen. I know that the first year of marriage is tough, but all the driving makes it worse ... when do you get to spend time together? I will miss her charm, wholesomeness ... a beauty in the dirt of work. We're all bad, she's kinder and gentler, cleaner. Thank God for the chance to have met her.

I will have gone before she gets a chance to move.

bad man brings destruction

I am a bad man. Though I try to manage my behavior, my intent, my actions ... I believe that I have brought destruction to another person unwittingly. I may been able to predict it, but I did nothing to prevent putting someone else in danger.

I could explain away so many things, but in the end ... selfishness.

I assume (that is ASS out of "U" and "ME") and I have made an ass out of both and each.

Joy met with sickness, I have caused another person to become hurt. I am heartsick for I have done this. In each course of action, there is a reaction. There are always consequences for each and every action.

I care and never wanted this. God knows I was wrong, now I know.

More complex than keeping someone awake to talk with me -- she fell asleep at work, I am to blame. I have wronged others and ... Hell does await me.