Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Thanks to Earthlink & Brightmail

My spam is now under 500 ... thanks! Perhaps they are giving up?

If you go chasing rabbits

LSD by Honda ... wow, trippy, insane and odd --- Q-Bert Mario in Wonderland

lost fools

This morning there was a truck, with four or five people.  It was a ciity truck, whose passengers were going up and down the street looking in trashcans.  I'm heard of and seen curb shoppers but what in the world were they doing?  Together, I think they made one mind and I don't mean in ideal or direction but rather mentality.


In accounting for missing time, one wonders if there is a disassociative basis for the absence or lack of accountability for living time. In a smaller scale this can be demonstrated in a neural pathway limitation -- making little/no strong pathways to the event, all of life's events are stored, but to varying degrees of retrivability. A chemical change can bring about an even stranger existence in that actions by be controlled by a person, but not registered as related to that person. In other words: a person can walk across the room, but in some level on consciousness never associate that with his/her own actions, in that s/he popped from location to location. Moreover, the frontal lobes and parietal regions try hard to reason out what happened, so the person might believe that s/he was carried to the other location or for lack of any real understanding of the change of locations, may dismiss it entirely; striking it from retrievable memory.

The acting part of the mind responsible for moving the person may make no strong pathways (memory) of the event as it was out of the ordinary.

Now: take an event where the mind would naturally protect itself from harm -- intense/severe psychological harm in the context that one or more of the actions of a person fit this category. For example:

John Doe is acting in a rational way, doing the commonplace, while on a separate level he is calculating other actions or doing other actions (different than phantom limb). John's other actions are rooted in satisfying unmet wants/needs that won't be met by the other level of thinking. Similar to not using profanity in certain places because it behooves you to change or maintain a different vernacular. Level two's actions become so severe that John must block out what has happened. Now, shutting down level two leaves level one to sift through the mess and rationalize and reason what is there. This may be then related to John and thererefore be too severe to reason and level one shuts down as well. This action may lead to a level three disassociated incompletely or completely from the other levels. Level two -- as it were, may never again be retrievable in non-clinical attempts. The dissociation is complete then, in that John has acted, but may not relate those actions to himself directly or at all.

The third level then carries on where the other two levels have thereafter slept. The accountability of the actions is important in that may typical actions may be directly associated with the severe act. If the act involves driving; like running over a person, John may have difficulty driving thereafter, as part of the shutting down involves driving. No level of re-training may work. Other, more mundane tasks may also be affected such as talking, eating, walking.

In the retrieving and re-integration of information waking the levels of thinking is the greatest difficulty, in that generally the mind casts up this abrasions, never again checking their healing -- CT scans may even show low levels of use despite its need to be accessed.

Chemical prompts and goading lead to some better, or at least prompt results. Medically speaking, resurging of memories has exhibitions of violence, much like kicking of shins, reactionary on a non-cognitive level. This rejoining is a long process but in continual therapy the reactions are less severe each time until there is a merging of previously disassociated regions of memory.

Multiple personality, different than the aforementioned disassociation, is closer to hemispherectory in that the aflicted may keep all regions of the brain intact -- capable of wrting, reading, speaking all equivilent to each other, with the exception of a drawback -- generally the frontal lobes are rationed out to serve for personality storage. In this case, Mr. Happy may have a larger apartment than Mr. Sad, on the same floor. While Mr. Sad may have happy moments, it is Mr. Happy who has the bulk of this personality -- emtional drive. Fight-or-flight actions may be attributed to all personalies as it is based on other areas of the brain.

Therapy for this situation must be matched with chemistry and clinical talking therapy. Generally, the longer the separation of the personalities, the more difficult the separation, in that the neural pathways are stronger separated than at junctions. In this, the emtional processing and storage, other brain regions may become less-developed while the frontal lobes are more rigidly used -- saving the person from fusion or psychological death from the merging of the personalities.

Why bad television sells

I believe that some people might respond to terrible shows with, "this is horse[crap]!" Right! I agree that it is indeed terrible, smelly, rotting, but doesn't horse manure sell? So does bullcrap. No wonder why bad TV sells well ... it helps fertilize the easily placated minds, bad simple fiction like romance novels with a shiny "sexy" cover with a diatribe of sex dribble met with Matel(R) dialogue of equally plastic characters doing movements with unbendable limbs. The people are "pretty" but really unrealistic in unrealistic sets in unrealistic lives. When can you life or cry -- listen to the sound, be it music or laughtrack. It was long assumed that the audience at places were really enjoying the show, until you find that at times "audience" response light goes on and you are prompted to laugh or respond to the stimuli; "awws ... oohs", or righteous shouting like on Jerry Springer . Springer and the like are different in that they pool an audience together that collectively has little personality and an aggregate IQ of say --- 98.

Viewers can join the mob mentality (media plays on this well) and feed off the inflamatory images and sounds; not unlike "wrestling" be that WWE or WWF or any other combination of letters, the acronyms long since forgotten. It directs people when to feel, what to feel, eliminating any need for thinking. It works simply by "thinking" for the viewer, enabling it to burn less energy than sleeping*.

* scientific prediction and fact, based on average person for 8-hour sleep cycle.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Obesia Nervosa

A condtion where to combat psychological lows, a person eats vast amounts of food; either binging or non-binging to achieve: a metabolic rise in hormonal levels normalizing moods and partly self-destructive with suicidal affect (emtional expression).

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


What language do I speak?  I speak and write disassembly language.  I disassemble things, patch them together for a more, or at least at the time, useful term or vernacular.  I can speak true English and write effetive English, but generally I write faster with my neologism-lect of my own use/creation.  While not scizophrenic, many people patch together, usually in haste or mild confusion (status from diet, rest, electrolyte balance), some more than others.  Schiophrenics, however, see no difference and wholly embrace their new word or no meaning of the word.  In contrast to that, I often make puns that stick with me long after their use ... such as Walletbuster for Blockbuster.  I often forget the real name of the business, in this case, for me to effectively communicate about it, at least intelligently.
I will intentionally break apart situations and parts and more cleverly assemble them -- now, more than ever, on a pre-cognitive basis, so that I am not really thinking about it.  Doing this for so long, it seems that I am fast to the punch on some jokes and responses, but it is so long ago that my mind made interesting pathways and connections to things that are rationally or reasonably related, but contextually can be put together for humor or effect explanation.  That being the case, it is a reasoning process and not something that can be taught.  While you can learn to be a better visual learner, you cannot train or learn photographic menory.  I had a strong visual memory, in that I could read through a novel, put it down, then not remembering the page, look through the 50 page area of find the page by remembering the look of the page (shape of the paragraphs on the page).  More over, my auditory memory is fairly strong in that I can remember things of age 3 -- but I can't bring them to mind unless triggered by another stimulus.  From these trace bits and pieces, I have an odd, quirky, perhaps mad and irrational view and understanding of things, but that is my thinking.

Head & shoulders

Head & shoulders
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
I took this shot while at a light. The person in question I shall call Mr. Fartsalot, as he was continually procaliming his gaseous fumes of fried food fury.

Echo and Cheyenne asleep on sofa

Echo and Cheyenne asleep on sofa
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
This is in clear violation of the No Puppies on Furniture ordiance 81.a. I found out later that this their piece of furniture and that when I slept on it, it was a point on contention.

Cheyenne here not only is a longer dog than Echo, but stretches more than Echo.


I met the Cramers yesterday afternoon, though tired. While Charlie and Lori were resting, I was watching daytime TV -- joy of joys. The history channel had a show on the Russian "Red" Mafia, which was a repeat. I shut down and lost a complete minute, but woke with pins-poking-me pains all over me (much like a complete body sleep, not just a limb -- no circulation. I don't want to experience that again.

I fought feverishly with a car seat, then reasoned it out -- assemble "upside-down" as Monkeyjack put it. Of course ... anyone would assume to do that! I took some photos of Charlie in the car, but he was trying to shift in his car seat to avoid being photographed. He also didn't believe me when I said that we were lost on our way to daddy's work.

We got to his daddy's work and walked around. Monkeyjack showing me the new studio for photography. It's neat, complete with a high-tech camera. T seemed anxious to have the shooting right away -- all products photographed in a number of mintues -- working and finishing on Sunday if need be. Anway, we went to the Hills (Los Lomas) for dinner.

I had two margarittas -- made well and then for a second time -- was loopy, but happy, that carried through to 10:30, after which a glucose crash drained me so that the keyboard looked equally comfortable as a bed and pillow.

Rediscovering George Clinton

While researching something different, I cam across some George Clinton and the Parliment Funkadelic. Wow! How funky 70s can you get? I like their work and remember some of it, but frankly, being a white suburbanite, I was, well ... not introduced to some of it. It's great! They were credited with "Jungle Boogie", but Kool & the Gang were also credited with it. I will have to find the person(s) who were awarded with copyright.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hitting it

I tried to avoid a speeding PT Cruiser going down the street and I did, by getting too close the side edge of the street -- POW! I hit a can. It was the city's wheel monster, thankfully empty, as it tipped over, undented.

In other unrelated news -- "It's a crackhead against a crackhead!", cackled the old woman. A drug more deadly than the other.

Monday, June 26, 2006

eBay gives me spam

I got spam today ... the only site that has my info is eBay, therefore the culprit for more spam to me is eBay. They make enough money -- what's with the spam?

Wet, sweat, smells like I've been refueling a 1950's jet

I'm tired of magazines saying that sawing is the thing ... my body's sore back!!
I tried to clean out the gutters -- not just a seasonal project.  On my way to completion, I noticed a large dead branch in the tree over the garage.  I got the saw and worked on cutting this 12' beast.  The two more were visible.  I cut those; 18' & 22'.
If you don't climb trees, I haven't often as an adult, it's much like a bike -- you don't forget.  It's like twister:  right foot in nook, left three fingers holding you in place -- sometimes; tush in hard lumpy spot, left leg touching nothing.  When you are angered it's when left ankle 20 degrees -- ouch!  right arm 182 degrees -- ouch.
I finished bruised, but okay, sweaty as a marathon runner -- pew!  I sawed the things into small chunks filling the large wheeled city can and another can.  I was lucky no injuries from falling.  Hey!  It's a miracle.
Next up, some other projects:  paint hallway and one very large room.
I moved someone this year, will likely move another person this year (as per normal -- apart from myself), and have some last minute notice project with no planning involved.

Some one else's photos

Transkei2003 024
Originally uploaded by Jeanne Louw.
on flickr ...

Jane! Who's flying this crazy thing?!

I see pilot stripes, but no pilot, copter heading toward water and some silly photographer taking to get it on film.

Also in this set (from person I don't know) is a beached ship.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Spam dropping

Thanks to brightmail and earthlink -- my spam levels are dropping. It's like a sickness -- or acid levels, lessening acid reflux -- less burn and less to make you feel the pain.

I hope that, with everyone's effort, there can be a global spam in a can.

$44 buys warnings

I renewed my Consumer Reports 18 months ago for $44 and this month's issue is very helpful, especially about car insurance.  There is a link that some companies use being your credit record/score and your driving record, sometimes irrespective of age.  It is well worth the read ... secondary is the article about Salmon.

scores of scars

scratches and marks on the skin -- no, not me -- the dogs, as they love to tear into each other -- sometimes play, sometimes retaliation.  Anyway, Echo has some pronounced marks on his chin and muzzle and ear.  Cheynne has some scratch marks on abdomen and bite indications on her muzzle.
Don't in the middle of that!

Lickable wallpaper

Echo, Cheyenne and I were on a morning walk today and toward the end of the trip, there was an ivy-covered fence.  They very much enjoyed smelling and licking parts of it.  It was much like Willy Wonka's lickable wallpaper.
The Retriever, tastes just like retreiver; the bassett hound tastes just like bassett hound; try it; the chipmunk tastes just like chipmunk.
There were a few cats along the way, but they were undisturbed, thankfully.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Easter past

Easter past
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
Quickly walking by this, I saw Lit Cripsy.

What is "lit cripsy" -- hey, he's toasted and baked? What are they trying to sell here?

It's really, clearly Lil' Crispy, but not when you're in a hurry.

The cat who wasn't breakfast

During the morning walk today, there was a cat in his lawn.  He was black, bold and not intimidated by the "ha ha to you canines" leashed dogs.  Despite their best bouncing and jumping efforts, he did not move.  He kept out of leash range -- how he knew where that was I don't know.  Echo and Cheyenne were incensed.
Echo's belly still makes some funky sounds, but he seems to be feeling well, getting sick last night on the blanket (thankfully not on the bed) and later at the threshold to the outside door.
Far cleverer, from my observations, he wore a torn toy around his neck -- like a candy necklace, chew when needed.

Friday, June 23, 2006

What is the sound of puppies sleeping?

I think is sounds like wheeze, sniff, wheeze, snore. I experienced today after a good long walk and outdoor playing. Tonight I hope to have more of that ... you know, sleepiness. They chew an dcite each other with fury. They are super silly with clump, clump -- that's one colapsing to the ground to rest. It sounds painful, but I guess isn't.

For weather today -- spots of rain, but mostly clear. Yesterday was rotten. Greekfest -- not Dave's Geekfest, started wet, will likely end wet. I'm not going to go -- there's nothing there I eat and paying $4 to park, $2 to enter then eat nothing -- raw deal, dude!

Summer days hot and furry

Echo, it seems is the curiouser of the two dogs, today tasting ants -- difficult to catch, but worth the game. The first walk we took, they didn't mark or go anywhere along the way, but the second time they wet. Well, it's something.

Last night, the puppies were battling to get to sleep, mostly battling. Chew, chomp, cry -- it is the way of things. They get grumpy every now and then, but not very often.

We walked again in the afternoon for only an hour, for they were pulling so lightly, it seemed that I might have to carry them back home -- silly dogs. Connie (aka lady vampire by Monkeyjack) was over earlier in the day to let them out. I was supposed to help my sister assemble her pool, but she didn't have time and wasn't sure on the parts, etc. Tomorrow then, maybe.

They are lovable and caught the eye of everyone we passed.

I was trying to get them to chew on weeds -- a helpful skill, but alas, only when they thought they were being naughty. I have my fears about July 4th. Some local yahoos or hillbillies perhaps were indescrietly firing fireworks. Hey, dummies! Did you know that some of those have color that you can see at night. Granted, some of them are noise makers, but others are potentially spectacular.

At this typing, Cheyenne was whining and scratching at the door to go out. Yes! Training ... it's a long battle, but it seems to have taken hold--glory be!

The above picture shows the death of a dog toy -- puppy teeth sharp as surgical tools, but are lost quickly. Two puppies working on the thing -- sheer, tear, pull, empty ... death.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

It looks like the Death Star is still under construction

No stupid ... that's "We're in Deep **** Nine"!
We're not going anywhere. It's not like this has thrusters or anything like that.

That is one heck of a hood ornament!


Sir!  His spam level is lowering.
Well, raise it!
I can't!
Over-ride, where's the over-ride?
Spamming is ebbing like the tide, thankfully.

Remembering odd event

I was driving through town one year -- wow, it was years ago, perhaps, and some kids were on the sidewalks and lawns with fireworks that I saw.  As I passed by them, I heard two large "thump"s on my car.  To this day, I wonder, as they stared at my car -- passing them deftly, if they had shot the car intentionally or whether the noises were independant of the children at all.  It registered on the driver's side -- were the kids were, so naturally I assumed it was projectiles from the idiot kids.  Now ... had I been an SOB, I would have pulled off the main strip there and intimidated the family, most notably with legal recourse; in violation of city code regarding legal fireworks, fired by children under 18 unattended (more over use of fire by 10 year-olds), public menancing (intentionally striking vehicles in operation with projectiles) could lead up to possible aasault charges.  I let all of that go, thankfully, and continued to my destination.  I remember looking for indicators of damaging, but found none.
While driving today a, louder than new gravel, sound eminated from my driver's side and, while not attacked, and not the same, it nonetheless reminded me of the strange noise so many years ago.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

For those fools wishing to disassemble his/her hard drive

hard drive
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
I have the following suggestions:

1. have clean, print, oil-free gloves when handling platter
2. have small phillips screwdriver
3, have standard screwdriver (lever)
4. have large array of star screwdriver heads
5. work away from distractions

When you are done picking it apart, it makes for great art or destroyed parts - art. I dare say that I likely won't find anyone who can put together the heads to make the material available again.

Western Digital Caviar hard drive

hard drive
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
I would like to thank Western Digital for making a drive that doesn't fit into a external drive conversion kit. Thank you so much! I had to spend an hour extra trying to find a way to determine whether the HD was bad or the case and circuitry. Thank you so much!

Why would you make it impossible to remove from the case without breaking the case? Why would it be different and fit a conversion kit? Note pin structure.

Western Digital, I liked your hard drives but this peeves me!

City hires fools --- news at 11

In previous posts I have mentioned the sewer being "modified". The dummies are back with some ventriloquist telling me why they returned. What in the heck is it all about? Watch me give this guy a line of bs while drinking water and eating Burger King.

Should I direct my questions to the dummy ... oh, I don't have much of a choice do I? Reynolds Inliner -- 500 days required to install this simple, cost-effective, efficient way to help old sewer lines.

I now add that another truck has arrived putting the space between them about 18". They're smart ... really smart (assed). What a waste of money, time and everything else. I feel like Leo Getz (Joe Pesci) at the drive thru.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Passing it on

Apparently my political entries and save the Earth statements have been regarded as schtupid, refreshing me in a a light-hearted way with George Carlin. Apart from the typos, there is something to be said about the trash build up and passing the problem along. Ibelieve that some have mentioned that "passing it along" didn't work many times, including with Saddam and his open defiance to resolutions. If we were to pass it along, we would be doing the same thing opposed by many with the U.N's stagnatation to Iraq, not to mention paying for the many projects we have.

Passing it on isn't really a great thing, right? I could say, hey, open up the steel mills in Pittsburgh again, it's somebody else's concern. We need that steal! Go ahead and build batteries wherever. I think only ffols believe that carbon emissions don't damage the environment.

As mentioned before, the planet rebuilds and destroys, as part of its cycle, but satellite data does indicate a growing depletion in the ozone. While the process of its depletion is being argued, encouraging its destruction through carbon emisisions is whole-heartedly stupid. There sould be the recycling of anything possible. We kill trees, lose oxygen, we either adapt or die to smaller oxygen levels and higher temperatures, greater climatic changes due to ocean changes ... and so on.

Large unrecylced plastic piles larger than the oldest trees ... lovely, nice, helpful ... or just plain stupid.

The "plastic, jerk" notwithstanding making changes now helps humans now. I don't think passing the problem solves it, in fact ... I know it doesn't.

I find it odd that scientists working for drug companies can come up with data that the drug doesn't have the side effects listed, but indepedant studies indicate there are potential problems. Would you believe the drug company investigating itself or an independant group?

The same here ... the 4 our of 5 dentists are probably right, not the one obstinant one.

Wonder of nature

yellowjacket working
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
The yellowjack, or bumblebee is very abdominally or bottom-heavy. It is indeed a wonder that these can move at all, let alone fairly fluidly, fast, and they can fly. My lead butt isn't nearly so large, but I also am not nearly so fast, festidious and helpful. I guess I could relate myself to being short-lived, worth only one sting, but would rather avoid battle than to die for a temporary fix.

Anyway, I saw this one out fluttering about the neighbor's flowers and was challenged to catch it in flight. I just wasn't quite fast enough. These are, more docile and tend to sleep during times of the day and can be petted without them provoked into attacking. Their large size makes them easier to touch and the fuzz on their bodies makes an interesting contrast to the rest of the body. They are, for insects, cute and cuddly. I do recommend not touching the head or antenne

Thanks to Lynn Johnston

I try to read many comic entries daily.  For Better or For Worse, is one such comic that I read.  Today's comic mentioned a way to toast those leaving.  A detestible person leaving receives comparable treatment save the feeling/intent.  Instead of a well-wishing, it is referred to as a prune social (feast) -- where everyone feels relieved that the person is gone.
That's great!  Thanks Lynn for years of great work!

Monday, June 19, 2006

I kill Hard Drives

I have killed yet another hard drive. I think that I need to pack them in bubble wrap just sitting around to ensure that they don't break apart into atoms. This one, unlike my last one (a minor break) the drive is not reading. Crud! I had all of my music on that thing! Oh, well. I have an old backup, but it isn't the same. Curse me for not buying the $50 case to transfer my music. Curse, curse, curse!!!!

In other news, I found that uploading to flickr is sketchy at best. Bugger! It's like my silly verizon phone ... dropped call. Why, it just decided to do it.

Who visits my blog?

It appears from site meter that mostly those not in the US. Many times, their blog is not in English -- interesting to read and stumble over it. Perhaps my mention of oil or politics makes it found, but what in the world?


has anyone else noticed a lag time between publishing and posting? For me, there's a major lag time. It is upsetting and I wind up submitting things twice.

going through photos

I finally tagged each and every uploaded picture that I had. Yikes! It took 12 hourse to do it all. I'll have more pictures (archival) soon, via the folks who will take their stacks and stacks of photos, label them and I I will scan and upload them. Many oh many, do I need a secretary ... perhaps not a Taggert, like I had mentioned before.

Rude toys, gross candy

Originally uploaded by Cerpicio.
Cerpicio got these, uh ... treasures from his sister. Why would I encourage my child (ren) to favor these? Hey, kids! It's fun to barf, try it! It'll come in handy when you have severe flu, in that you don't worry about getting ill or the foul taste of partial and post digested food, stomach acid, and mucus stomach lining, as well as contributing to acid reflux.

Hey daddy! Thanks [burp noise -- repeated thirty thousand times]. It's a wonder if the bottoms are shattererd by annoyed parents.

BTW Cerpicio, where, did she say she got these?

Oh, and .... thanks for sharing

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Changing tactics

Another day closer to comitting ... time grows short for me to take classes to re-certify my teaching license. Today I was missing a couple of things and in my attempts to find them, I disassembled more of my teaching life things, pushing me more to another field. Vocation change approaching ... probability now 92.6% and increasing.

Driveby chilling

It missed me, but Cerpicio and Paula were doing a driveby and sent me a clear message -- a picture of my car.  I didn't get it though, thanks to Verizon Wireless (decaff?).  They were looking for houses and found a couple of the claims in the fliers to be, well, laughable, like:
"beautifl view" of what?  All around were houses and pavement.  There weren't any trees or anything, what could they see ... oh, the barn-shaped shed.  Great!  Anyway, they spent some of Saturday house-hunting.  I hope they found some neat buys!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hello, this is debt welcome to You Owe.
Hello, debt?  This is [me]; long time user, first time payer. 
Great.  To what do I "owe" this pleasure?
You see, I was kind of wondering if I could like, not be a payer anymore ... you, know, like, um ... not pay.
I don't follow you.
I'd like to um, be indebted, that's not bad, but you know, like just never really pay it off.  Could you like transfer my account to that?
Um, sorry.  You're telling me that you want to get more debt, spend and pay back nothing?
Uh, yeah!  That's just about right.  Gee, I'm glad I called.  You wouldn't believe at what I was told by others.  They just didn't understand.
Caller ... caller ... caller!  You can't just overspend and run into debt that you can't pay back.
Why not, banks and cards let me do it.

Psychadelic Flinstones

Psychadelic Flinstones
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
picture taken 6:20 pm of a Tivo'd commercial of Flinstone Cereal. It just looks a bit bizare. Regardless of its angle, it's just weird, like Al.

Secret code

Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
Be sure to ... be sure to what? The fate of the world could hang in the balance. I had to figure out the code.

... r - i - n ....

t - i -n - e.

B-e s-u-r-e to d-rink you-r Ovaltine.
I cruddy commercial?!

Worth watching

As always, thing go awry, internet may soon be a pay-only service ... no longer the internet.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Dogs with chocolate mustaches

Spilt milk bad, right? Nope! Dogs came running and tearing through the house, tipped the table, knocked over the milk and lapped it up as quickly as possible. It was chocolate milk, so their breaths smelled of chocolate. How odd!

Flat pool

Flat pool
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.

Surveying the mess -- there was only one rational conclusion. The dogs were found wet from deflating the pool. Theis let Charlie play in the tiny pool of remaining water, getting his hair wet, while Keith was sorting out if he had more patches. This was time, he thought, number four for the pool to be bitten.

The culprits may be found here.

Blocking Drive

blocking drive
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
After a day and a half, you'd think that they would be done, everything clean, clear and finish. Well, they are "done", but the place/street smells like melted polystyreine. There's, what looks like spittle that won't evaporate and of course, the dummies took a long while to finish. Overall ... I'd say I'm not a satisfied customer. Did I get to elect for this Larry, Daryl, and Darryl group to come in? I did not!

All that work and all I got was this smelly street!

What I was missing yesterday, I got today

Noise, noise, noise. Digging, churning ... raising, lowering. Are they making progress .. who knows? I am tired of it though ... more than 8 hours and you're just screwin' around.

Help! We're being oppressed

Day 1, Day 2

House arrest?

I'm done with Iexplorer

I now get little (seven) warnings about moving to safe sites. It makes my browsing impossible. I therefore now use Firefox, as has Monkeyjack, Cerpicio, and Ransackary.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Heading to Platform 9 & three quarters?

Originally uploaded by Splashmonkey.
The similarity here is uncanny ... Harry? Harry Potter? Is that a lightning tattoo on your head? Yes. I had sick, sick parents.

Conflict followup

It will be a day long remembered...
It has seen the end of Hillary (or Kerry) and shall soon see the end of the Democratic reliance.
When the voters get wind of this ...
voting has been eliminated

now the counter-point

It appears that the Republicans have themselves a VP *. VP is hit viscously once, then again out of spite, while other Republicans who tried to enter who gunned down, dying but not dead.

*from Die Hard where the "RV" is a police SWAT tank that's blown apart vindictively with SAMs


Your sad devotion to the grand old party has not given you clairvoyance to the whereabouts of Bin Laden or key Al Qaida leaders or helped you conjure up rationale behind oil dependance ....
[Grand Old Party member choking life from distractor]
I find your lack of faith ... disturbing

- I know, order changed and things altered, but you got it, right?

Error in listing?

Nope. I am slowly phasing into my non-teaching life. My new name on flickr isn't really a typo or a had-to because others have my name, but rather an interesting distinction that I have. I'm not a junior, but am a second, my Grandfather (father's father) got the name first. His passing 6 months before I was born gave rise to my getting the name I have.

Mid-life change, not crisis ... for I see that I will forever be frustrated in teaching capacity -- limits, paperwork, poorer pay, stress, though summers are off -- during the school year you pay. I loved teaching, and will likely never be as fulfilled with anything else, I need to leave and save myself from the fury from within

Teaching to mediocrity, challenging the poorer student (for whatever reasons), annoying to the less-challenged students. Laning, as it was called, is the way, but more urbanites would ultimately be in the lower (or any euphemism here) group ... not necessarily because of their intelligence.

Ammendment to truck

The neighbors across the street got a worse deal. They don't have drive access. While the truck is here, it uses water from the hydant; the line of which crosses their drive, and other drives. That don't sound like too good of a deal for them, then.

I don't know. Somehow this doesn't seem like a good deal. If these numbers are right (8 straight hours of being in the same place), this looks like a bad deal for me. It was a bad call ... bad call.

The white truck has made many trips to who knows where ... probably for the jokers to scope women joggers, and do a circle &&&& to what they see, want, cannot have. There are probalby beer runs -- fast food runs, etc.

Morning breath

Wow!  I'm a zombie or werewolf at night!  I woke today with the scent of death on my breath.  I wonder how many brains I ate.  I think it must have been thousands with the degree of the stench.  Yuck!  Oral bacteria block party or more like Mardi Gras (week-long party)

Political mistakes lead to rough roads

GWB has made some ... questionable decissions, leading to a slump in some ratings (inarguably lower than the year before) giving the Republicans a rough road for Presidential election 2008. The Democrats have tied anvils and anchors to themselves by use star "runners" as Hilary and other notable fools. Ultimately, the US has to pick between baffoon 1, baffoon 2, unelectable person from lesser party 1, unelectable person from lesser party 2, unelectable person from lesser party 3. Gee! I wonder why poll turnout is generally low. I'd like to think that the person for whom I'm voting has -- uh, a good group of advisors, is smart in her/his own right and isn't pandering to lobbyists and those who paid to get her/him in office. Gee ... thanks, KKK for donating yet again and for your lovely, noose and noose bordered manifesto. Great. I'll get right on that.

Tip to GWB

get better advisors and drop the attitude of "I don't want to hear anything negative"
I'm surrounded by ***holes! Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes --- sir!

Sir. We can positively prove that there are insurgents in the area.
Okay, where are they?
Uh, they're around.
Point out one.

They're there ... they're just difficult to spot. "earn more sessions by sleeving"

-- Global warming:
While the process is natural, clearly it has been changed in speed, dimensions and range of impact by industrial use and unlimited chemical changes. America makes fuel inefficient vehicles. Many areas have poor/stupid public transit systems, requiring most to drive. The Mississippi River is still ignitable due to chemical waste. Regardless what paid scientists write or say, global warming is worsened by lifestyles of the industrially careless. Petroleum exhaust damages the environment. To indicate otherwise is completely reckless and stupid. No scientist with a brain would see changes, understand chemistry, comprehend relationships would ever agree that the present state of ozone depletion was exculsively caused by natural phenomenon. How many volcano erruptions have we had? Now, if there were saw two extremely large global erruptions or many smaller ones, I would agree -- yes, that messed up the environment, but that hasn't happened fools!

Politically Black

I run a similar course to Lewis Black, but not nearly as profane blithering. My agenda is much like -- if you see 'duh's, you point out these things to the following sheep -- too unwilling to see and learn, better to stay the course with their category -- right, left; liberal, conservative; democrat, republican, etc. That is Kindergarten politics. Look, you can't have a yellow puppy! Why not? If I have only brown, yellow, black, you should of, course choose black or brown.

Cleverer still would be to incorporate a mix -- for looking at any natural thing, there is no stark ONE color, but a mix. The concept of no gray areas is false, stupid. Aren't there ambiguities? Isn't that the crux of manipulation, strategy for politics that enables them to hasten speed, through cleverness, not adhering to specific rules, regulations, laws [congress & senate being above standard protocol for investigation regardless of clear and verifiable deception, corruption and illegalites]

There cannot be true left, right, save the unshiftable ignorant deciding not to see reality staring him/her in the face, ironing their skin with intimidating breath, still ... "what hump?"

I don't like cardboard persons -- I am left, conservative, republican "I am Bender, please insert girder". I also don't like zealots -- "I don't care if he did kill 900 people, he still should be eligible for parole! I am against the death penalty!" Really, you live with him then! You house him, feed him, medically care for him!

Party values are a crock! The party seeks only two things, control (power) and money. Once they have control and power, they have money. That is the only thing that parties seek, ultimately. I am appalled by people not thinking and humdrumming along with their party's plans. Okay ... everyone scream this, then everyone vote that way ...NO READING!! NO THINING! I want mindless drones! If I wanted thinkers, we'd have computers for our constituents.

I suggest a new strategy, let the non-party people win. But no body worries about Republicans or Democrats. That's because they aren't know to rip people's arms out of their sockets when they don't win.

self-degrading humor --- my kind of thing

Humorist, stand up comic, John Pinette, funny, funny man. I remember about 6 years ago, he mentioned, "Hey! Have you seen this diet shakes they have? Oh, yah. I love 'em! (note that the shake is meant to replace a standard meal) I have a couple of those with pancakes, syrup, and hash browns."

His voice is like Emril with note notations, a half-octave higher than Emril. Anyway, funny, funny, man. If you get a chance to hear his stuff -- funny.

So ... whatcha doin' there?

So I see this guy writing down notes near the truck, but there aren't any dials. He's just faking it, isn't he? He turns slightly so that I can see that he isn't doing anything of the sort, but rather, applying sauce on some sandwich. Yep! That's gotta be hard work, 15 mintues of solid moving levers, pushing butons, followed by wandering around. The trucks are doing it all. Ah, an industry where the entire staff could be replaced by robots. Hour number two and the workers are all circling the truck like they were working gawking at the athletic women running, jogging their day -- "Hey baby! I got a great city job! You look so fit (unlike myself) ..."

I think it would make sense to have the homeowners do it. It's not that tough. Park truck in inconvenient place. Raise ladder (lift), drop hose. Move miles of liner to wench and uncrease any areas. Start wench ... start pump, walk away. Process time 15 minutes.

Ladder, truck, hose ... where's the fire?

I got a notice that the city and a subcontracted company actually doing the work, would be in the area installing a new non-digging system for improved septic/waste sewer systems. The comany requested that the area minimize our usage of toilets, showers, baths, dishwashers, washers on this day. Now, I guess it is luck or misfortune that this house is in the middle of the block ... the trucks favor this driveway over any other. I'm glad that there wasn't need for hospital or anything ... yikes!

This ladder was around 25-30' tall. The machine, thankfully was not as loud as a trash truck, but stayed for hours.The blue hose is not, indeed the liner, but the liner, miles of it, was in the white truck that was, in the morning, butted up against the pump truck, making moving out of the driveway -- impossible. Now, they have it moved to the neighbors, but wait .... what's that?

Nice place for gas there buddies! I'm sure the neighbor, good man, appreciates that wholly!

Anyway, perhaps I'll spend more time flushing to spite them when they're working elsewhere. The claim is that the mess would back into the home, but since they are using water like made, I suspect also that it might be difficult to properly trace whose water is being used ... ergo, water the lawn, wash your car ... the neighborhood cars, the house, the roof ... fill pools. Whose water was used --- prove it!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How odd, it works out that way

I was trying to organize my flickr pictures and tag them with the right words, I found that I marked each Paula picture with her new name, as she was dating Cerpicio at the time. How wonderful and ironic that it turned out so nicely.

Thanks you two for making my life easier ... oh, wait. You did it out of love, didn't you. Oh, well. It worked for me!

True Horror

Shatner Se7en. The, "What's in the box" was not nearly as pathetic as Brad Pitt. After digesting this, I was left with ... hunh?

911 Shatner, T J Hooker Shatner, Captain Kirk Shatner
Where's Shatner, how about Iron Chef Shatner

Anyway, the Vic 20 ad was funnier -- crazy, man.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sci-fi movie Tuesday night

What was that?
I would like, what I saw to Stargate, Final Fantasy VII, Judge Dredd, and Matrix, mix in I Robot and Blade Runner and you ought to have a cheesy, but watchable movie, but what I saw was the albino-freak gay show of Matrix (met equally with lack-of acting and plot absence) with meaninglessness of Judge Dredd with equal acting, and Stargate's theme of outer space bird-headed humanoids with commonplace aliens and drug use, complete with "You are to impregnate her. Are you willing? I see that I chose the right person".

What was that flying turd? The crap hit the fan there. Sadly, I was on the receiving end of it. I think the title was Immortal, but I'm not sure.

most dangerous drinking game ever

Watching Deep Space 9.  Everytime there's a scene with drinks, all players drink.  Every time a person there drinks .... each player drinks.
added dnager ... baseball = drink
double danger ... O'Brien + Bashir = 2 drinks
death ... must continually drink/sip during entire time of founders scenes
Next Lost
each flashback = drink
each time names Jack, Locke, or other 4 main characters are shoute = drink
each episode that they remain on island = drink -- oh, well, then you'll always be drinking then won't you
each commercial break = drink.  This alone will kill you, but
each animated graphic at bottom of screen = drink
then you die

doubts about new truck

I was examining this new truck 2006, Peter Griffin Built.  It didn't seem drivable:
shiftless, uncorking, unmotivated, energy consuming, selfish, overweight, pompous
I decided not to buy it.
*BTW:  I don't like the show

ahem (not amen) brother,1895,1974911,00.asp

MS Big Brother article, courtesy of Eweek, nothing shocking. Thanks JF (brother-in-law) for sharing. He's bigger, would that be big brother-in-law?

My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.

That's why I think I need to find me a Taggert.
Taggert, jot this down.  I want half-wits, dim-wits, gun-slingers ...
* Blazing Saddles

I'm used to juggling

ideas and uncertainties --- putting down revolutions, drawing stick figures, 3-D figures, polynomial figures, paragraph essays in chalk on paper, spoken and in pantomime.  Now freed of this for the summer ... my mind wanders, not clueless but directionless
I hope that I'll be working on some thought-provoking project soon.

Hair errant

heir apparent?
Here a parent there a parent ...
homophonicalliteratellusion *
English transmogrpahy is great ... ask Calvin
* same-sounding words with beginning sounds, alluding to previous knowledge, or aforementioned statements
Gad, I'm mad.  blogging timely demise of sanity madness... (Wile E. Coyote voice), I like the sound of that [train whistle -- I'm unware of the danger].

Spiritual sojourn and what makes a rabbit look like a rabbit?

In reality, people feel cold, lost distant from God.  The counter would be a big lug, Abomidable Snowman, as it was depicted by Warner Brothers, "I will pet him and pat him and hold him close .... please I will give him security [sits on Daffy Duck]".  Not only is this smothering, but the hapless, thankfully cartoon duck was crushed, squashed, squeezed, bent out of shape, severely spanked (at force equal to 40 mph car hitting him) then hugged again, never asking questions, seemingly peturbed by implications of stupidity, or that the "toy" pet would converse at all.
Perhaps, distant, ever-present is better, safer, unsmothering, soothing knowing that God is there and cares, but doesn't sit on you, blind to your fralities.  What makes God?  Does God have a shape --- certianly not that of John Ratzenberger, but in beyond physical existence -- non-gaseous, but shapeless.  God is, and that's all.  God and Jesus don't need ID and they don't need to speak English or Nepalese.
Word spoken, followed...
yes, as cryptic as it sounds

Acid redo

not acid reflux.  Pewww!  Forever have I known that my stomach exhausts such foul stench, deisel vehicles are sweeter smelling.  Where's the medicine for that?  My belches smell like stomach acid, rapidly decomposed food I ate and spongiform bacteria -- hence, my madness.

If you

spend more on fireworks, cigarettes, or alcohol than you do on food --- you might be a Bumpis*
If you use fireworks more often than your grill, you might be a Bumpis, if you shoot a shotgun in celebration or defeat equally often, you might be a Bumpis; if you have more children than digits, you might be a Bumpis

I leave near Bumpis famiies. I think I need to move.

* Bumpis family from Christmas Story, with 99 dogs.

Points of lying

You started here, then went to here. I think you're lying to me. How about I get Vin Diesel and Ving Rhames to pull a number 6 on ya!

Now what?!

I am 82% sure/committed on the switching vocations. I wouldn't mind, at some time, being in a position to correct what's ailing it, but I think financially I must move on. There are 401Ks, better than the 403K I have now. There are real salaries, but at the cost of not liking it as well, but I shall take it.

Photography will always be a hobby, as it is too competetive to be financially gainful for me. I will simply drop this for something else and remember all that I have experienced and learned.

I think I'll try marketing.

Mulling it over

I have actually changed my opinion on a topic -- not so major, but a rarity to be sure. I used to write and speak about not legalizing marijuanna, but after mulling it over, considering everything I have reversed my opinion.
As a preface I must state that I haven't ever done it and likely won't ever ... apart from alcohol, life-time drug-free, though I carry the burdon of many other sinful activities.

Since cigarette use is being more heavily controlled , I see that now, with restrictions, marijuanna should be legalized. Specifically, the dangers of the true drug are no greater than the combined effects and dangers of alcohol and tobacco combined (actually less so), but each is controlled with warning labels. The government could grow it (smart idea) or allow anyone to grow it exclusively. The cost would go down, criminal activity would change, but be slightly reduced.

Conditions on operating machinery and vehicles would be as punative as alcohol, as well as work-related accidents all would fairly well match alcohol. Also, drug screening for at work use would have to be improved to target "time of use" as apposed to simple use.

Public areas, including parks, could/should be smoke-free anyway. Basically, a public ban on smoking in public places, but home use would be unrestricted.
Another provision should be that underage person exposed, who develop problems or come to school high on the basis of regional/environmental effects would be removed from the home pending investigation, followed by charges being filed for delinquency of minor(s). If adults serve alcohol to children, this charge applies, so true to marijuanna. Smoke, filling empty space (so to speak of minds) is more difficult to seal in a room. Therefore, it would be more likely that persons would have to find some part of their property where smoke can be contained (garage, basement, whatever), considering lawyers' would-be attempt to tag persons with deliquency from a couple of yards away.

Alcohol is taxed, tobacco taxed ... so should marijuanna, which would lead to charges of tax evasion for those not paying taxes on crops grown. Those guilty could have property seized and imprissoned as would any serious tax-evader.

The first decade, enforcing public dissue would be a nightmare, but worth the end -- fewer repeat criminals in jail/prison, and fewer $ millions/billions wasted in prosectuion and law enforcement.

Empty paper

Could my creativity be related to madness? I dare hope not, for last night, while happy -- resurgance of sanity, like a shower temporarily flushing away a day's worth of sweat, dirt, filth -- I sat staring at a blank paper not able to come up with more than 30% of an idea ... more than on the tip of my tongue, but more like:

A guy walks into a bathtub with a duck and a rabbit ...

and there it stops. I generally don't think of jokes like this, but my mind is usually a torrant of ideas, some complete and some bits, pieces, still needing care and assembly.

War of the Worlds AD 07 (series) ep. xx

Iraqis have entered Iran, launching all of their available weapons on unsuspecting Iran.  The EM pulse forced blackout, with the electronics employment has laid open Iran to Iraqi weapons.  Iraq, also under blackout, suffers still from internal strife.  Insurgents are making footholds in key areas.  Also, the anti-Muslim Pact has sent forces into Iraq to wipe out the insurgents, but weren't precise in their selection.
Small pockets have been given power, communication to fascilitate the ending war.  There is no declaration, just a desire for lfie, saving, existence --- enough to make war happen to make a stand.
Another day, another hundred dead.  The peoples are unaware of the carnage throughout the Arab world.  The next to be hit, Saudi Arabia, Syria.  Their calls to Allah will seem to be unheard.  Paranoia, distrust, "religion-based" law and hate all contribute to the destruction of them all.  They do not seek help from the non-Muslim world, which in itself, marks their doom.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Keeping it fresh

So the top strip claims for that which truly needs to stay fresh ... produce; no, liquid; no, what else, but dry bread ... aka croutons. I suppose they could go stale, but freshness on old bread ... come on!

Senses fall

I am losing my sense of taste, I'm afraid, or perhaps my response and perception is slower, but .. my sense of smell is improving ... and yikes! I now have, tragically, shark-like sense for cigarette smoke, which I detest. Of all the things to smell so well, clearly ... bleck! How gross! I think I'd rather smell four day-old dead roadkill than cigarette. Cigarette smoke also worsens/activates my allergies -- sinus compression, bronchial tightening -- not asthma, but uncomfortable.


So there I was ... they were surrounding me. I had no choice but to defend myself. Here, a security camera shot this with gore plainly on my face from the zombie fight I fought for hours. It was them, my chainsaw and shotgun.

The man with the boomstick makes the rules!

Despite the zombie efforts, I was not dead before dawn, and was not one of them!

-- for clarification, this isn't me, isn't from a horror movie, but is comical. Thanks Ransackery!

Alba & dolphins

Now ... with all of the "problems" she had with the filming, she didn't stop filming did she?

"They have very long ...", as Alba stated. Perhaps there was something else that this article didn't cover, like why they were persuing her. During dolphin mating, they mate underwater after, only after, battling for attention of one mate, but not exclusive to procreative mating -- as dolphins reportedly mate irrespective of procreative potential (thought exclusive of humans). They also use their "extra appendenges" in generalized play, and heirarchial pack battles, like wolves, but less on teeth on claws, more on flippers and "members"

Anyway ... how much of that could people see, if family and friends were taunting her with dolphin sounds?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

MS jerks!

Hey! Did I want this? No, I didn't ask for it and I can't give it back! Ruddy jerks!

Yeah ... it's convenient for me ... not. I have MS installed with the computer's purchase. Would I ever be interested in verifying that it was a legitimate version .. heck no!

Indiginous Zulu canoe

$220 million

1. $450,000 to Indianapolis firm to "convince" this city to accept tax hike/bill for renovations
2. $50,000 for person who hired Indianapolis firm
3. $200+ million to update, remodel --> efficiency, many local schools

The Indy company was contracted for "political coverage". You're just making things up ... aren't you?

No. Just because I don't know what it means, doesn't mean I'm lying.

Disney's new car

not Herbie, but well used -- scratched a bit ... cheap, obtainable, courtesy of McDonald's
Hopefully his new pit crew can remove the dents, scratches, nicks and tar?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Strange sign

BTW: America's Greatest is some sort of snack shop, but the irony is great!

America's Greatest Women's Restroom

priceless, funny

Located in FW, Indiana

Wanting a Trucoat conversation

I bought a program, mp3 splitter, but it doesn't work. I wrote the author hoping to start a Fargo Trucoat conversation. In case you missed it...

- Yah, but that TruCoat...
- I said I didn't want any TruCoat.

Yah, but I'm saying, that TruCoat, youdon't get it, you get oxidation problems...

You're sitting there talking in circleslike we didn't go over this already.

Yeah, but this TruCoat...

We had a deal for $ .

Darned if you didn't tell me you'd get methis car without the sealant for $ .

All right, I'm not saying I didn't.

You called me and said you had it.

"Ready to make delivery" you says. And here you are and you'rewasting my time and my wife's time. And I'm paying $ for this vehicle here.

All right. I'll talk to my boss. See, they install that TruCoatat the factory. There's nothing we can do. But I'll talk to my boss.

These guys here. These guys. It's always the same. It's always more.

You going to the Gophers on Sunday?
Oh, you betcha.

You wouldn't have an extra ticket?
You kiddin'?

Well. He's never done this before, but seein' asit's special circumstances an' all, he says I can knock $ off that TruCoat.

One hundred? You lied to me, Mr Lundegaard. You're a bald-faced liar.

Bucky, please.

A... fucking liar.

Bucky, please.

Where's my goddamn chequebook? Let's get this over with.
Where is it?

One Man Band

Pixar short was good --- with the perfect character looks, especially of the little girl -- well-wisher

After the movie -- Charlie was actively playing with his Lightning McQueen (not Steve McQueen) to the delight of others who didn't have one. He pulled back the gears and let it fly off surfaces and crash thousands of times. Not only did he like this, but his sporatic audiences of children -- wathcing gleefully the antics of Car of Hazard. Some wanted to play with the car as well, but Charlie was less obliging, but noted to us all that one child (boy) returned it to him, say, "Here's [your car]. There.", which Charlie imitated.

Cars by Pixar

The friends with whom I saw the movie would contend otherwise, but I would rank it as, okay. It had "Hell" in it, though quickly stated, moderately muted tone ... no too bad, but mixed with 25 minutes of adult reasoning scenes, boring to kids --- I think that the pre-release should have been shown to kids to gauge target audience attention and interest. While the rolling back through time was neat for adults -- boring for kids ... the neon lights like Vegas, would likely be lost on kids, as well as V8 cafe

Cardboard stereotypes weren't bad, as they weren't belittled, but made for a simplistic view of the persons/characters for each store, though little is known about the firetruck, apart from quick-to-cry, sheltered, quiet, never speaking -- acting only in concert with others.

Monsters, Inc. rocked, Cars, rolled along too slowly sometimes.

Last night

Monkeyjack's dogs were loose ... in manner and in location. They ran rampant, chewing whenever they could, whatever they could. In the few moments when they were apart, they were a little settled, echo lied down, interestingly on a toy

lying down ... slowly, slowly, [squeak] down.

Your dog squeaks?


That would explain why his sister wants to chew him all the time --- ears, tail ... legs --- where's the noise maker?


the above shot is taken during "training", to which Echo is taking very fast, well.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Monkeyjack photographs butts

I read that Dave got his camera with butt pictures and Monkeyjack got butt pictures. I wasn't aware that I was part of this "game". Butts -- and those taken were either out of focus or ... well, not butts that fascinated me.

Germanfest; went there, did that

The light import was Bitburger, at $9 a pitcher -- rip off. The food, however, was a good price. MR referred to the German potatoe salad as bacon flavor with mild vinegar and bacon (yes -- lots of bacon flavor). The music was medium level, while the crowd was loud. The parking was annoying, but MR and I lucked out and got a place in the nearest lot. Interestingly, perhaps before MR sent a pic message to them, Cerpicio and Paula, Monkeyjack and Charlie, and even Jeffy and kids were there. We called it an early evening and watched an episode of DS9

[adult text area]
The episode implied vigorous -- injurous sexual behavior of Klingons. Apparently, they felt that merciless brutality was integral with sexuality.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Personality in bottle

Jim Groce would be proud ...
I was at Germanfest ... and low and behold, I have a personality ... hidden, tucked away in a bottle.
Goofy -- not quite stupid, "illin'" character emerged .. dare I say, interesting?

possibly related to reality

for twenty minutes I spent midway between sleep and conciousness: foolishly I tried to develop this to think and understand. I am not yet accomplished, but am a little better at this messy phase of remembering dreams, still vaguely aware of the surroundings.

I dreamt of walking in a lake, the shallows wonderfully weedy with tiny marks on the submerged leafs, frogs eggs, hints of fish -- thinking of life abounding, then
muted blue sky (partially remembering a poor picture I took with a camera; part of the roof making not a square shape but rather a rounded trapezoid) with a yellow dandelion next to a seeded fluffy, white puff dandelion; then
songs indistinct, floods of rainbow colors (not rainbows), then
my hands manipulating something ... control; then
voices, then
smells of summer, the lake -- knowing that there was an all-wooden pier next to me, a metal rowboat there too
I was supposed to do something


wake -- wondering what? How long was I asleep -- 12 minutes.

At this same time, I was aware that I was resting, lying on my back -- on bed, blue walls, dark room, I hadn't dressed for bed, instead wearing jeans and shirt smelling slightly of smoke due to a person who chose a conversation with me was a smoker -- I knew I was free thinking -- dreaming, yet could rationalize/reason ... why would I ever smoke pot if this is how my mind works -- madness, dwelling in bizarre random images, only slightly in my control, more just experiencing a carnival booth ride (closed trailer with parnoramic screen and moving seats)

I'm thankful that it wasn't interactive with bladder dreams and water spills -- eww!

on wings of whims

"I took the harder path" says the sinner, bandit Good, Bad, and the Ugly
No so -- as you willingly put yourself in subordiantion to your desire and momentary passions, it is easier, as you make no decissions at all, but rather allow the "passions" drive you onward -- beast of burdon, ass really, to the selfish anger or id.

Later still, having no will, you wonder why your life is now hard, as you have enslaved yourself, incapable of freedom for you savor your delegation to the other -- the sinful path you choose.

Gosh -- preachy, huh?

Anyway, I was thinking that haven been given choices often, I can see where I took blame as I didn't allow my passions to overcome me, and found waste where I took no active role when following my passions. The path lies between -- unmotivated passionless person or passionate, reckless, irresponsible person -- well better to stay clear.

Poker playing

the last time I played poker for money, I should have played it like Origami --- so many folds that you protect yourself. Instead, I entered into a desert isle ... no bluffs to be seen or found. Serious or unintimidatable. On some occasions, high-low games (highest and lowest split the pot) I placed first, but most often third -- invester getting not benefits.

Strange days

Sad that a person's death leads to joy in others ...

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed. Like Cerpicio, I strongly believe that within moments, the head of destruction will be replaced. When the mob is altered with the don killed or imprissoned, the mob doesn't collapse, but another head emerges. So true with most organizations.

Conversation with a sociopath

I was reminded yesterday of a person with whom I briefly worked who was a sociopath. It is indeed rare to finally indetify one, as their ability to convincingly lie is years/decades in development and mastery. I was younger, perhaps more naive', but his tales fooled many people, including at least three women, with whom he sired children. Sociopaths don't raise kids. Strangely, at nearly the same time of his being there, then leaving not to be seen again, I was reading a book on Arthur Shawcross; a fairly convincing liar and near-sociopath. I used to read true crime books.

I thought the author went too far in covering the defense lawyer's attempts and successes in blaming not the client, but rather cirumstances surrounding the client -- anything but guilt. In the end, the lawyer got him tested as being a double-Y person; yet he exhibited less than half of the symptoms. His planning and methodical nature and liar, belied the underscoring of double-Y syndrome, including no dynamic sterility, size differentiation, but did show sub-par cognitive development, impulsivity, environmental (self-reported --> little reliability) intolerances. This being the case, one would wonder why he would trek across a field in winter to defile and mutilate a long-since deceased victim. Reportedly, from this liar, he consumed parts, generally genitalia, from victims -- nine prostitutes. His early child victims supposedly suffered no significant post mortem damage from him, except for minor abrasions and cuts from his hiding of the bodies.

Back to the sociopath with whom I spoke. To augment others' estimation of him, he was a combat veteran who had slain a few people in the army, never divluging information useful to verify it ... convenient. In his glorified, self-improtance, he corrected me in my assumption of sniper rifle usage. While I was there, he seduced (like it would take much effort) a fifteen or sixteen year old worker there. The parents weren't too happy with the involvement of their daughter with him, but since he was the father -- he was "brought in".

Later, when his callous nature was better revealed, they found, through P I s that he was not in the military, nor had any real long-standing job, that he was older than he reported and that nearly everything that he spoke was a lie. I think they got little to no money from the notorious S O B.

I found him to be engaging and putting on aires of intellectuality, but he was cunning only -- not smart. His charisma carried him where is intelligence could not. It was a learning experience.

Reports are in ... this is real

Bad motivations lead to weird ideas. Pets that live for only one to three years with programmed personality types. I geuss the makers didn't ever the end of the sci fi movies on which their ideas are based. I think that the super high-end technologies in sci-fi films generally lead the dietyman to ultimate suffering, usually taking out a couple of support cast and unknown extras in the process. I'll make a ninety-foot scorpion tarantula so that it produces lots of spider silk and venom for anti-venom serum and hey ...
it's escaped and can't be reasoned with, then the population of town A is utterly destroyed, some mutated (for a sequel) and it is finally destroyed by the love of a woman, whose role in the mole is really unknown.

Anyway ... Go there, read, be amazed, wonder if the US will really allow the sale of the bio-engineered pets. Yikes, no more sea monkeys.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Simple Solution to repeat criminals

Kill them on the spot! What is the purpose in tracking them down to hold them, pay for their court hearing, trial, defense, incarceration, appealing ... in all appalling. I'd say it is now criminal season.

Step one: know criminal

Cerpicio interjects> Um...please define "criminal." Shoplifter? Speeder? Under-aged drinker?
[response]: the example given (link) was child rapist killer abductor. Let us at least start there.

Step two: find criminal
Step three: kill criminal
leave criminal lie dead or dying

I frankly don't care if an old nun driving a Vatican van runs over him or if a circular saw woker hacks off a leg, whereupon the criminal bleeds to death. The manner and haste of his death is immaterial. Criminals should die, fast or slow, just die. The dead tend not to commit crimes.

Sad coincidence

a student graduating from middle school has the name of Eric Cartman. He wasn't heavy, but the burden of his name is. Sad turn of events. Had it not been for the rude cartoon, this common and real name would not have risen any eyebrows when announced.

Blogging not jogging

has contributed to my weight. Also, I blog too much
not to be confused with Beavis', "I poop too much" -- from Do America

July 4th, renewed, redo'd

Indiana has repealed its idiotic law prohibiting explosive fireworks. I'm not in favor of blanket immunity, but neighboring states were, for decades, getting money from Indiana residents who traveled there to get sophisticated bang bangs. The yahoo idiots nearby, surely have high explosive works that they light and watch while guzzling local cheapo beers like Bud (and its kin), Miller (and its kin), and even more repulsive beers like Pabst, Old Style, etc.

Fat, drunk, stupid, jobless, helpless, hopeless ... is no way to go through life (hiccup, burp).

I'll check on fire clauses on the house insurance, as this year it might be wise to reanalyze the full scale of it.

Bombs bursting in air

gave proof through the night that hillbillies live near,  What is special about June 6, 2006 for them?  It was equally important as June 11, 2005 and December 22, 2005.
Fools are firing off ruddy fireworks.  Were they to argue that they weren't hillbillies, I might ask, "So.  Mr. Driesedale is out on Tuesday 1 a.m. firing off fireworks then is he?"
Gee Yogi, I don't think the park ranger's going to like this!

Parking at graduation

I had to park in Tahiti; or a lot next to a lot, next to a lot next to the school.  A traffic controller there suggested that I try parking at a different school.*  I was 2 minutes late entering the gymnasium where it was held.
* the school was across the very busy road

Walmart meets Roswell

to summarize ... is it real or National Equirer? Purchasable cloned hybrid new species with genetically programmed lifespan. Uh ... I'm still betting on bul____, but it wouldn't shock me to find that it was in the works.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Motivational songs, lyrics, poems. During a graduation ceremony, they awarded students with 11.0 or higher for 3 years in middle school a special award in reocognition of a teacher who passed awy in 1999. Ultimately, with the theme of 11.0 or higher, grades are what are important to that. My motivation, Iron Maiden, Die with Your Boots On. Why such a song -- well, if you're going to die -- die fighting, prepared, putting your best efforts in your last breath. I'm not saying that you should want to exit Earth early, but if you fight to live -- achieve, you're more likely to be happier.

Graduation 2006

I get to experience this many times over this year ... neices and a nephew are graduating this year from high school and middle school (2 each).

I attended a neice's middle school graduation and when they passed it all out at the end, each student got a box. I was thinking in my head, "what's in the box?" (Brad Pitt voice here)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rebel with man flaws

some person yells, "I want gay rights ... and lefts, and ups and downs, and back and forths, and maybe side to sides, or something or other, but I want em!!"
What the argumenter fails to see is:
Were a company to voluntarily carry insurance (also dependant on insurance company) on a life partner it would:
1. appear to condone the acts, which may lead to problems that it could otherwise avoid
2. assume a higher liability (based on statistical data -- skewed) on sexually related diseases (SIDS), but as a corollary be more likely not to have children to cover
2.a. unless it covers itself (CYA order) by declining pre-life partner dependants -- as their lifestyle now is non-procreative by natural means
Assumptions are that there is a chain of people trying to get people on the gay band wagon -- come on in and join.  I understand that some aren't really making a choice to engaging in their love for same-sex persons (as people might argue this point -- name more than ten guys who wouldn't engross themselves in lesbian sex, or women who feel comfrotable around men who seek men, but are social with women).
I find disturbing is the jump on in crowd who tries it just to be "fashionable".  Either you are interested or not interested.  To quote a skit from Mad TV, "If you think you're gay, then you're gay!" (to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Look -- civil unions are for non-traditional marriages, which works.  If you believe God condones your marriage and blesses it ... then great for you.  I don't make those decisions and wouldn't want that job.
I would have to say that humans are generally stupid, using little of what they are given in that laws are written for the stupid in mind.  There are stupid law sites with laws on the books, many are unenforced, but on the books.  In some states, it had to be written that humans and non-humans could not marry.  If you need that law, you need a law stating that what marriage is, while differing in many religions, what the nation accepts as a marriage.  This is important as some peoples and cultures recognize poligamists, whereas the US, by federal law, does not recognize mroe than one spouse.

Where there is food there is life

There is no grand philosphy statement with such a grand opening, but rather that when you offer bird seed, you'll get critters that eat seed, like birds, squirrels, chipmunks (burrowing critters that ruin cememt walkways) and critters that feed upon them, and so on. There are birds here and I see a large population of robins. On occasion, you get a chance to see little babies. I will post a picture soon of the little heads, mouths agape at the nest. The mother is none-to-keen on observers of the nest. I expect white mess on me for my efforts.

Where the seed is, there are chipmunks -- three presently, with two already sent to a river home -- over the bridge and to a park near the river. They are away -- away. It appeared that I might have sent one each male and female. No sexism intended, but it's better to send a female -- as they are the bearers and caretakers of the litter/brood.

Giggly next door

Neighbors next door have two children growing fast -- well, normal, but they seem to be growing fast. Daughter (to maintain anonymity) talks little to me, be greets me well and giggles and laughs to unspoken jokes. She's sweet! Son (also nameless here) speaks more, but his language is weaker as he is younger than the daughter.

By the way on the highway

I have included this sign with its intentional humor. "Eat here and get gas"

I missed the chance to photograph the other side, as I was driving and passengers might wonder why I stopped to shoot the sign along US 28 in Central Indiana; "Stop Drop Roll". Yeah. I'm on fire, driving down the highway, wondering what I should do. Thank goodness there's a sign there to help my situation!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Trek vs Wars

While I grew up a Star Wars trekkie, I am not on the lunatic fringe of costume wearing or convention going -- while singluarly those aren't bad, together tthey tend to show the foundations of a weak character / personality ... that being disclosed, here:
I remember it was cool in Star Wars ('76) when they developed a weapon to obliterate a planet, with the unwieldly weapon of a moon-sized space station.  In Star Trek Deep Space 9, as I have been watching with MR, there seems to be a genocidal tendency, prediliction for complete and hasty anihilation through a planet's destruction, of which, in few episodes they mentioned has happened.  Apparently it doesn't take more firepower than all of the star cruisers, etc. to destroy a planet, if it is so seemingly routine.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Drinking Space 9

The characters are always drinking, be it alcohol or coffe, but no one ... no one drinks water!

A character in the show, almost always drinking had significant cosmetic surgery and becmae blind -- you'd think from the drinking, but no -- from reading. What sort of values is the show trying to impress? I now know why it is considered fiction

Allen County seeks dry spell

Actually, a this point, it doesn't matter if it comes from a wand, incantation or magic beans. We have had lots, lots, lots, lots, lots of rain. Now. If I were an enterprising man, seeking to extort money from the desperate, like homeowners who want their lawns cut low, I could rake in tons of money. Until the monsoon season ends, wet we shall be. My car, with windows down, was bathed internally while I was away. Lovely, simply lovely.

Mad landscaping

Dig ... pull, set ... it's days in the making. I was clearly outdone by Dave.

Crossing the Gulf without a paddle

In my experience, I have had a chance to review education, as typtified by a middle-sized city and the quarks and limitations set by law, regionally, locally, federally.

Ultimately, with some effort you can see the gulf (like that of Mexico) between continents. While it is shorter/smaller than either ocean, it is a long way. You seek to find a way to get from Florida to Buenos Aires, but you haven't a paddle. So this is typical education. There are meetings, ideas and wonderful ideas on crossing the gulf on floatila without a paddle, a modern enginless boat without a paddle; outsourcing the hand water stroking to another person (country or privatized company), but nothing has worked.

Realistically, all the theories still resolve nothing because of a lack of innovation and the funds to carry out real education for all. No, not just throwing money at it, but without funidng, it dies.

More analogies: You're in Florida and need to get to Buenos Aires. You can't walk on water. You are now without paddles. You could spend $20 on paddles, then rent/make a boat and cross the gulf in a course of a month, with aid brought to you by chance passersby. A cleverer way would be to load up everyone on a plane and take off across the gulf and land, but it's costly and carries only a few persons (tens-hundreds) at a time. You could bypass the gulf, go through Central then parts of South America to get there -- still time consuming. You could charter a cruise liner and haul many people there in a few days.

I think the plan to build a bridge -- "bridging the gulf" (of achievement) is an idea that could not work the way it is now.

1. Can everyone, does everyone need to go to Buenos Aires?
2. Hauling people there, having them changed little for their journey -- except for poorer and fatter, but none the richer seems a poor choice too
3. Forcing each person to row their way there seems too cruel, so ...

Option 4
Assist only as needed, like a marathon. The runners are running to a goal, for their own reasons, finishing where they can. Not every runner finishes, and ultimately only a few finish within the top, and there is someone who finishes faster, because of training, because of natural abilities. Others, who tried are none-the-worse for their efforts. Their names are unknown, but they have tried and accomplished something others can't, won't and don't. They have finished what they could, assisted as needed on their run, by drink tables, snack talbes, medical aids, but not one person picked up a racer and forced them to run further. They ran because they chose to run.

A cold hard fact is: if you don't run, you achieve nothing. It doesn't matter if you aren't the fastest, aren't the strongest, or have the greatest stamina or best timing with your stride. There are one-legged runners who perform, and perform better than two-legged runners. There are deaf runners, blind runners -- these don't stop them from trying. You lose if you don't try. No gain nothing, are spared "defeat" only in that you didn't run, now left to only wonder -- to watch it from the side. There is no glory, no free drinks, snacks, no crowds to cheer you, despite the fact that you're in last place -- cheered on to finish, just as the final winner.

To get education to each person, money is needed.
1. to assist, only when needed
2. to provide anything that the person could no otherwise obtain
3. support, so that when the person tires and cannot legitimately finish, then they aren't shamed into a closet
4. each person knows that not working, weakens the self
5. while the participant's goal may not be Buenos Aires, but simple the Keys, they are supported to get there too.
6. some obstacles (parents, peers, commmunity) would be extricated for better success for all

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Germanfest weather

or whether or not, looks grim this year with weather. It appears it is the high of the 8-year cycle of local rain. Around four years from now, 2010/11 we will have the driest summer. It is now, wet, wet, wet, monsoon season here, and I'd rather see that long-forgotten yellow ball in the sky known as the sun.

Germanfest will run with a canopy over the party, but still -- hot, humid air makes for bitter people, regardless the fun of the event.
My father was three quarters German, my Mum was around half German, making me mostly German, however born in America, fourth generation born American.