Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rebel with man flaws

some person yells, "I want gay rights ... and lefts, and ups and downs, and back and forths, and maybe side to sides, or something or other, but I want em!!"
What the argumenter fails to see is:
Were a company to voluntarily carry insurance (also dependant on insurance company) on a life partner it would:
1. appear to condone the acts, which may lead to problems that it could otherwise avoid
2. assume a higher liability (based on statistical data -- skewed) on sexually related diseases (SIDS), but as a corollary be more likely not to have children to cover
2.a. unless it covers itself (CYA order) by declining pre-life partner dependants -- as their lifestyle now is non-procreative by natural means
Assumptions are that there is a chain of people trying to get people on the gay band wagon -- come on in and join.  I understand that some aren't really making a choice to engaging in their love for same-sex persons (as people might argue this point -- name more than ten guys who wouldn't engross themselves in lesbian sex, or women who feel comfrotable around men who seek men, but are social with women).
I find disturbing is the jump on in crowd who tries it just to be "fashionable".  Either you are interested or not interested.  To quote a skit from Mad TV, "If you think you're gay, then you're gay!" (to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It)
Look -- civil unions are for non-traditional marriages, which works.  If you believe God condones your marriage and blesses it ... then great for you.  I don't make those decisions and wouldn't want that job.
I would have to say that humans are generally stupid, using little of what they are given in that laws are written for the stupid in mind.  There are stupid law sites with laws on the books, many are unenforced, but on the books.  In some states, it had to be written that humans and non-humans could not marry.  If you need that law, you need a law stating that what marriage is, while differing in many religions, what the nation accepts as a marriage.  This is important as some peoples and cultures recognize poligamists, whereas the US, by federal law, does not recognize mroe than one spouse.

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