Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Dogs with chocolate mustaches

Spilt milk bad, right? Nope! Dogs came running and tearing through the house, tipped the table, knocked over the milk and lapped it up as quickly as possible. It was chocolate milk, so their breaths smelled of chocolate. How odd!

1 comment:

MR said...

I don't know where you observed that, but any responsible dog owner would know that chocolate is toxic for dogs--that's right, poisonous. I could give you a million links, implying that it's common knowledge at this point, but instead, I'll just piok one of the multitudes:

if you google dogs and chocolate, you'll be rained on by pages that say "are you fuckin' nuts?!"

A good equivalent human headline for "dog with chocolate mustache" would be "man sports pinless grenade..."