Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I'm done with Iexplorer

I now get little (seven) warnings about moving to safe sites. It makes my browsing impossible. I therefore now use Firefox, as has Monkeyjack, Cerpicio, and Ransackary.

1 comment:

MR said...

those warnings can be dialed down very...very easily, but if you want to be anti-establishment, then that's another story. I suggest you go whole-hog, though. Windows is also made by Microsoft, so you should switch to the highly praised communal-code Linux as soon as possible. People seem to forget that flavors of Unix have been around long before Microsoft, and yet no one could deliver an operating system simple enough for the average Joe, and market it well enough that programmers finally had a consistent platform to write for. Now there are commercials like "I'm a Mac, I don't get viruses." The part they leave out is "because I'm such a patheticly minute part of the market share that nobody bothers to write them."