Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Error in listing?

Nope. I am slowly phasing into my non-teaching life. My new name on flickr isn't really a typo or a had-to because others have my name, but rather an interesting distinction that I have. I'm not a junior, but am a second, my Grandfather (father's father) got the name first. His passing 6 months before I was born gave rise to my getting the name I have.

Mid-life change, not crisis ... for I see that I will forever be frustrated in teaching capacity -- limits, paperwork, poorer pay, stress, though summers are off -- during the school year you pay. I loved teaching, and will likely never be as fulfilled with anything else, I need to leave and save myself from the fury from within

Teaching to mediocrity, challenging the poorer student (for whatever reasons), annoying to the less-challenged students. Laning, as it was called, is the way, but more urbanites would ultimately be in the lower (or any euphemism here) group ... not necessarily because of their intelligence.

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