Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

on wings of whims

"I took the harder path" says the sinner, bandit Good, Bad, and the Ugly
No so -- as you willingly put yourself in subordiantion to your desire and momentary passions, it is easier, as you make no decissions at all, but rather allow the "passions" drive you onward -- beast of burdon, ass really, to the selfish anger or id.

Later still, having no will, you wonder why your life is now hard, as you have enslaved yourself, incapable of freedom for you savor your delegation to the other -- the sinful path you choose.

Gosh -- preachy, huh?

Anyway, I was thinking that haven been given choices often, I can see where I took blame as I didn't allow my passions to overcome me, and found waste where I took no active role when following my passions. The path lies between -- unmotivated passionless person or passionate, reckless, irresponsible person -- well better to stay clear.

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